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Craig Th

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Everything posted by Craig Th

  1. Craig Th

    EA Sports Locks Up NFL License... Again

    Just out of curiosity, name 10 things wrong with Madden that 2K does better.
  2. Craig Th

    The Oscars

    Yes, you are right. Because of Sept 11th. And fuck that, I loved Stewart.
  3. Craig Th

    EA Sports Locks Up NFL License... Again

    I must be the only one here who actually likes Madden. Though I HATE NBA Live and will only play Take Two NBA games.
  4. Craig Th


    Nah, Cable companies are too damn cheap anyway. Half of them are multicasting anyway, so the channels we get now are compressed as a motherfucker.
  5. Craig Th

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    Pretty smart idea. A good way to get them off the shelves. PC Richards, a small chain in this area, has Blu-Ray Players advertised on their website as: Sony Blu-Ray 1080p HD DVD Player or Sharp Blu-Ray 1080p HD DVD Player. Talk about a company not knowing their shit.
  6. Craig Th

    The Oscars

    Meh, I don't really know if NCFOM was really the Best Picture. That ending was just blah.
  7. Craig Th

    Box Office Report 2/22-2/24

    No flop.
  8. Craig Th

    The Oscars

    I actually was planing on seeing all the of the BP movies this year, but I started to watch Atonement and got bored right away.
  9. Craig Th

    The Oscars

    Well the Oscars are in in about 4 hours. My sister is there right now on the red carpet. Here is a picture of her at the Indy Spirit Awards Red Carpet after meeting John Waters. She's in the pink.
  10. Craig Th

    Box Office Report 2/22-2/24

    I know it's in two weeks, but how much will 10,000 BC make? I'm thinking 60 million. It's a summer movie in March and look what 300 did last year. Granted, 300 is probably a better movie, but still.
  11. Craig Th

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    Annie was giving BJs? Missed that one.
  12. Craig Th


    When Jake and Eric went to Rogue City to get meds for Mayor Dad, they met Ravenwood. Ravenwood tried to kill them. Eric then left his wallet in Rogue City (why he would carry his wallet when there is no laws is beyond me). RW picked up the wallet and went to Jericho. They tried to get into the town and take shit, but was stopped. The main RW guy said when this country gets back together, who will they hire to help? But RW.
  13. Craig Th


    Well Kate must be getting some money from someone with that house and the Mexican Nanny.
  14. Craig Th

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    Ha, where is the fuckin baby? How many more seasons? 1 or 2?
  15. Craig Th

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    LINDSAY BLUTH IS FUCKIN JULIA?? I can't believe I didn't realize who that was until today. I'm an idiot. That is all.
  16. Craig Th

    Mysterio to have surgery, out 4-6 months

    I meant when he started wrestling and he wrestled way before ECW. And Wiki said he was 14. I'm trying to find an old Rey pic to compare his size, but I can't find any.
  17. Craig Th

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Did anyone actually NOT know that Vader was Luke's father being seeing Empire? (And yes Ripper, Empire was the 2nd one) I was 13 or 14 when I saw it for the first time. And I think the first time I saw it was when they re-released it in the theaters in 97. But I knew he was his father because tons of people talked about it.
  18. Craig Th

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    The great thing with the PS3 is that you can watch AVIs and MP4s on it. It saves me a shit load of money instead of having to burn DVDs all the time. Sony should push that more. Then again, I am watching stuff I shouldn't have been downloading in the first place.
  19. Craig Th

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Good job watching it 4 - 6 first. One of my friends made his nephew watch it 1-6 and I yelled at him. And it was an Ewok, not a wookie. Chewy is a wookie.
  20. Craig Th


    It's the cheap mans coke. AKA it's awesome. Well it was. I haven't taken one in almost 2 years. I used to take it for work only, then it became a regular thing. But I'm not ADD, so it made me super hyper. My friend, who is RXed it for ADD, says it makes him calm as shit.
  21. Craig Th

    Mysterio to have surgery, out 4-6 months

    Did Rey start wrestling at 13?
  22. Craig Th

    Pitch Will Ferrell Movie Ideas

    That's good.
  23. Craig Th

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    It's official, HD-DVD is dead.
  24. Craig Th

    Ultimate TSM
