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Craig Th

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Everything posted by Craig Th

  1. Craig Th

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    SHE SHIT HERSELF IN THE JACUZZI! So-so episode. But they need to get rid of Matt and Julia. Though I like this new chick. She's fuckin hot. What's her name? EDIT: Nevermind, it's Annalynne McCord.
  2. Craig Th

    World Map Game...

    You're such a liar.
  3. Craig Th

    Does Size Matter?

  4. Craig Th

    Your Collection in picture form

    I trade games in.
  5. I work at RadioShack and we just launched our gaming stuff about a month ago or so. A bunch of people are calling in to see if we have the Wii. We don't and when we do, we are only going to get one. Yes, one. But we still sell other shit for it. Anyway, this little kid comes in and asks if we sell Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii. We tell him no and that we just sell it for PS2 and 360. About 20 mins later, his Mom comes in with him. She asks, very rudely, "Why don't you sell GH for the Wii?" I say, "I don't know, why don't you call Texas and ask them?" (which is where our headquarters is) She just looks at me and walks out. Also today, this guy calls asking if we have a back cover for a PSP. I tell him no and to call GameStop or Game Crazy. He then asks if I could look up GC number for him. I told him, "Nooo, you can do that yourself. It's called the phone book. He hung up.
  6. Craig Th

    The Gimmick Poster Thread

    I don't think he was talking about the concert. Go fuck another 16 year old from MySpace. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
  7. Craig Th

    How do you stay awake?

    I NEED atleast 7 hours of sleep, sometimes more. If I don't, I'll become a zombie by mid day.
  8. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    How? Studios have shows ready to go that doesn't need writers. Yeah some networks are going to be better off than others, but the writers can't do anything but independent projects, and those don't generally get them THAT much money. They'll fold first before studios would. Yeah, but those shows don't bring in the same money that written shows do. And where did you read the Office fired people today?
  9. Craig Th

    Since Czech questioned Satellite Radio...

    I get over 40 HD channels for free with Cablevision.
  10. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    Ha, fixed.
  11. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    That would be the dumbest thing ever. It would kill all of their shows and fuck them in the long run.
  12. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    This might be a crazy idea, but what if the networks decided to air older shows that aren't on the air anymore? (Seindfeld, Friends, Cheers and Frasier) NBC could do a classic 'Must See TV' night on Thursday. Unless they can't do this because of syndication stuff.
  13. Craig Th

    PlayStation 3

    I believe any hub will work for it.
  14. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    The Shield is filming the season finale very soon. The only crappy thing about it is that Shawn Ryan (the creator) won't be there. Which sucks cause it's his baby and he won't be there for the last episode ever.
  15. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    I'd rather wait until they film all 16.
  16. Craig Th

    PlayStation 3

    I CAN'T seem to play MP4s anymore. Everytime I put an MP4 onto my flash drive, it says unsupported data. And I don't get why. I am doing EXACTLY what I did before and it isn't working. Anyone know why?
  17. Craig Th

    Southland Tales

    I read this movie got BOOED at one of the big festivals. The Rock/Gellar were so embarrassed they just ran away. Or something like that.
  18. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    Talks have been going on for a long time now. And that's why they do strikes; to get shit.
  19. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    How should they go about it?
  20. Craig Th

    30 Rock

    Doesn't mean the rest of the season doesn't suck.
  21. Craig Th

    The Writer's Strike

    Wow, that is interesting. I don't know how he isn't going to be there.
  22. Craig Th

    New Joss Whedon Show Starring Eliza Dusku

    I hope they make the 7 before they cancel it. Or a whole season, IE, Buffy Season 1.
  23. Craig Th

    30 Rock

    God, Earl needs to get out of prison and continue with his list. I'm getting sick of this season so far.
  24. Craig Th

    So can you still watch Chris Benoit matches?

    Yeah, I still watch his stuff. OJ still cracks me up in Naked Gun. Well, sort of.
  25. Craig Th

    MLB Off-season Thread

    If I knew I'd tell you. But you know all Al. And thanks Max.