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Craig Th

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Everything posted by Craig Th

  1. Craig Th

    Big Bang Theory (CBS)

    I think this is a fantastic show. I usually hate shows with a laugh track, other than Seinfeld, but I think this show is awesome. Sometimes a regular ol' sitcom cracks me up.
  2. Craig Th

    The Office: Season 4

    God, this was an awesome episode. They should have more Kevin/Andy stuff going on. These hour long episodes are spoiling me.
  3. Craig Th

    new movie

    Ha, this guy picked the wrong forum for this. He is gone for spamming. EDIT: Ha, this guy has about 8 other names.
  4. Craig Th

    Madden NFL 08

    I hope it is just my copy.
  5. Craig Th

    Madden NFL 08

    Okay, someone please explain this to me. I am trying to sign a kicker. When I try to sign one, it always says it will result in me going over the salary cap. And this season, I have over $40 million available! (I had a lot of retirements) Why is this going on?
  6. Craig Th

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Damn, Beckett was nasty. I don't think Dice-K will be ANYWHERE as good though.
  7. Craig Th


    CRT's are GREAT HDTVs. I have one (so does Marv) and we both love ours. Mine only cost me $700, so I'm happy.
  8. Craig Th

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    Whoever J6P picks will win. Simple as that.
  9. Craig Th

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    BoSox over Angles Yankees over Indians Rockies over Phillies Cubs over Diamondbacks Yankees over BoSox Cubs over Rockies Yankees over Cubs I don't want them Yanks to win it all, but I can see it happening.
  10. Craig Th


    Well it looked like she was in a little bit of pain. But maybe she has a high pain tolerance? Or she is just a nut.
  11. Craig Th

    This Week In Baseball 9/24-10/1

    So no Volleyball tonight then?
  12. Craig Th

    SNL Review

    Rogen is hosting next week? I am so there.
  13. Craig Th

    Box Office Report 9/28-9/30

    Good job Rock. The movie actually looks kind of good.
  14. Craig Th

    The Office: Season 4

    Oh God, I fuckin loved this episode. When Michael hit Meredith I was laughing for a good solid 10 minutes. Just a great episode all around. And I'm LOVING the way Ryan looks. Fits him perfectly. Another solid season premiere.
  15. Craig Th

    My New Haircut

    Ha, fucking Italians.
  16. Craig Th

    The bionic woman

    Horrible show. I watched the first half of it and I just couldn't get into it. Which probably means it will be around for 4 years.
  17. Craig Th

    The Office: Season 4

    These 4 hour long episodes are going to spoil the crap out of me.
  18. Craig Th


    Wow, this game is SOO much different than TH. I find myself hitting X to ollie all the time. I need to re-learn how to ollie with the R-Stick.
  19. Craig Th

    What is your favourite web browser

    I used IE at work. No choice.
  20. Craig Th

    Madden NFL 08

    Annoying glitch. I'm in year 2011 and it doesn't let me sim a whole week. So I have to sim EACH GAME to advance to the next week. Very fucking annoying.
  21. Craig Th

    What is your favourite web browser

    I just use Firefox for StumbleUpon. But everything else I use Safari for. Firefox is too slow to load and I just don't like it.
  22. Craig Th

    Prison Break

    Pretty strong first episode. I thought season 2 was MUCH better than season 1 (which is ironic since there was no prison to break out of), but I have a feeling this season is going to be sick. And I found out this summer that this kid I went to high school with (he was two years older than me, but I knew him from playing soccer with him) designed/drew the tattoos on Michael. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2339432/
  23. Craig Th


    I like the new TH. It's different from the other ones and it seems like they are concentrating on nail the trick more than anything.
  24. Craig Th


    My ex LOVES this show and if I watch it, I'll think of her. I'll be staying away from this show forever.