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Craig Th

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Everything posted by Craig Th

  1. Craig Th


    Yeah, it is defiently a staged thing with the plane. It's going to turn out that the Others work for some huge corporation. They'll probably get some corporation to sponsor it or something. And I actually liked this episode, which says a lot because this is the first Sun/Jin one I liked.
  2. Craig Th

    Post a picture of your tattoo's

    Yeah, he does that on purpose. He is going to school to be a lawyer, so he will be able to cover everything up. This one guy I know has tattoos allll over his arms, neck etc. And he is going to become a Reverend.
  3. Craig Th


    I remember reading an article in Entertainment Weekly that said they weren't going to tell us who Sun's father was until the LAST episode ever. Just shows they are making it up as they go.
  4. Craig Th

    Incandenza's Movies - DVDs - Television Thread

    One thing I like about this folder, is that crap is never in here. Including this. Moved.
  5. Craig Th

    Harry Potter Movies

    Well he is in the movie, I remember seeing storyboards/sketches of him. And a review of a screening had him in it.
  6. Craig Th

    Harry Potter Movies

    Mugglenet and AintitCoolNews. And another trailer http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/harrypotte...thephoenix.html And Jesus, it looks sick.
  7. Craig Th

    DS Friend codes

    Some is reallllly lonely.
  8. Craig Th

    DS Friend codes

    You can't just do a search?
  9. Craig Th

    The Sopranos

    Well I think we saw the last of Junior. And what else is that Asian kid in? I know I've seen him somewhere.
  10. Craig Th

    This Week in Baseball 4/16 - 4/22

    The fuck? Never feel sorry for the Yankees. Great game though. I missed the 4 homeruns because I went to do something, hit pause, came back and started watching again. But I changed the channel by mistake, so it went away. I was pissed off once I heard about it.
  11. Craig Th


    Was it just me, or did that episode seem EXTRA short today? I still liked it and things are finally starting to pick-up.
  12. Craig Th


    4. The last episode is a two-parter, but it still counts as one.
  13. Craig Th

    Harry Potter Movies

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLud6yM47u8 There we go the trailer looks much better and it looks sick. Although, I am concerned that this movie will be MUCH different than the book. Ohhh well.
  14. Craig Th

    Harry Potter Movies

    New Potter trailer that doesn't have very good quality but it's better nothing. The offical one will come out tomorrow.
  15. Craig Th


    CSI: Miami in HD looks great. I wonder how that new "Earth" or whatever show on Discovery Channel looks. Havent bothered to check it out yet. Planet Earth is one of the best things I've ever seen on broadcast HD. It is going to look AMAZING on Blu-Ray and HD-DVD.
  16. Craig Th

    This Week in Baseball 4/16 - 4/22

    Fuckin Yankees. Great, now I get to hear it from my boss. He even called me after A-Rod hit that shot where CoCo almost died and I told him to fuck off. One thing I HATE about living in New York; all the crap I get for being a BoSox fan. Oh well, it's only April.
  17. Craig Th

    Buffy the Complete Box Set (Seasons 1-7)

    Yeah, the pilot was first show over 10 years ago.
  18. Craig Th


    Nothing is better than Discovery HD.
  19. Craig Th

    Buffy Comics

    I can't think of who what-so-ever.
  20. Craig Th

    Harry Potter Movies

    The last 20 minutes of OoTP will be in 3-D.
  21. Craig Th

    The Dark Knight

    This movie coming out 2008? Or 09?
  22. Craig Th


  23. Craig Th

    Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling

    1. Cena 2. Undertaker 3. HHH 4. HBK 5. Flair (if they gave him one more title run, it would be a huge draw) 6. Rey 7. Edge 8. RVD 9. Angle 10. Sting (this is iffy, but he was a big draw when he first went came to TNA)
  24. Craig Th


    ???? I haven't seen a re-run of andy richter in years. Actually........ I've never seen any. He does have a new show out tho. it's called andy barker P.I. ARCTU is on HDnet right now. You should read posts before making a new comment.
  25. Craig Th


    They are called re-runs.