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Craig Th

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Everything posted by Craig Th

  1. Craig Th

    Post a picture of your tattoo's

    I don't have any tattoos and never will. But here are my friend Paddy's tats. He is a bit of an idiot when it comes to tattoos. He has a bunch more, but I don't feel like putting all of them up.
  2. Craig Th

    The Shield

    I never understood why Ronnie doesn't get more face time. Great episode and Chiklis better get a nod for an Emmy. I mean, he is much better than Kiefer on 24. Chiklis shows A LOT more emotion. Well, I think so atleast.
  3. Craig Th

    Buffy the Complete Box Set (Seasons 1-7)

    I just sold the Buffy series on Amazon for $152.00 after buying it for the $100.00. It was about a $30 profit because the Amazon Marketplace takes a certain %.
  4. Craig Th

    Buffy the Complete Box Set (Seasons 1-7)

    Oh no, more best season talk. 5 - Glory, the key, the death and Spike's big face turn. And that EVERY episode builds up to the finale is amazing and you never really see that anymore. There wasn't one stand-alone episode. Even "The Body" fit perfect with the season's storyline. 3 - Faith, the Mayor, and 7-3-0. Nuffy said. Plus it had my favorite episode ever, "The Wish" in it. 6 - I am a big fan of the season mostly because they tried something different and the show went a lot darker. It felt more like Angel than any other season. 2 - Too many stand-alone episodes for this to be higher though Angel's heel turn was awesome. Plus we were introduced to Spike. 7 - Started out VERY strong but had toooo many Slayers. That first episode with all the big bads circling Spike was awesome. 4 - I hate Riley and the whole initiative was fucking dumb. Plus the Big Bad was introduced WAYY to late into the season. I believe it was episode 14 and it didn't appear in every epsidoe after that. The Yoko Factor was a good episode though. 1 - Too short and too many "monster of the week" episodes. The Master was awesome though. I will probably watch the whole series again with either my niece or nephew. My niece is a big fan of fantasy stuff so I think she would really dig it. She's 15 so I'll wait until she is 17 or so because, well, if she was younger I would feel awkward with all the sex stuff. I guess that 10 year thing is too long.
  5. Craig Th

    Buffy the Complete Box Set (Seasons 1-7)

    That one disc is actually pretty good. It's about an hour or so and has a bunch of people from the show (of course no Sarah) talking about the series. Honestly, I can't watch this show anymore. I downloaded Becoming Pt 2 on iTunes and it just wasn't the same. Even though it was one of my favorite episodes, I've seen the show way too many times. Maybe I'll watch it again in 10 years or something.
  6. Craig Th


    Yeah, I am digging the show. But Minear doesn't have a very good track record and with a 3.2 rating on Sunday night, I don't see this doing very well. Unless it did great on Monday.
  7. Craig Th


    Why aren't we bringing up the more important thing here? Marv, what's the story with this girl????? Is this the one you have been chatting online?
  8. Craig Th


    I was thinking about the first episodes of each season and all of them are pretty weak. The pilot was kind of blah, "The Boys Are Back in Town" wasn't that strong and "AquaMom" was pretty boring. And this season's premiere wasn't all that hot either. But when the third episode comes, that is when things start picking up.
  9. Craig Th


    Was Will Sasso always that fat?
  10. Craig Th


    Well looks like I was wrong about Amanda not fucking Vince. Looks like it will happen next week. And I liked this episode, though the Vince/E storyline was a little boring at times. There are not rolling the ball enough though. The last three seasons (well 2 and part one) were all about Vince getting a movie. They seem to be focusing more on the characters right now and I hope once Ari is back, they can go back to the old way. Maybe it is too early and they are just rolling the ball verrry slow.
  11. Craig Th

    The Sopranos

    I always thought the law was a shrink can't go on stand and go against their client.
  12. Craig Th

    The Sopranos

    I smell a war. What was Phil talking about with Tony's cousin killing Billy?
  13. Craig Th


    GEORGE MICHAEL! And Rogen is a co-writer. Niceee.
  14. Craig Th

    Xbox 360

    Go away.
  15. Craig Th

    Xbox 360

    Yeah, we don't need two threads. Merged with 360 thread.
  16. Craig Th

    Box Office report 4/13-4/15

    It will do great on DVD.
  17. Craig Th


    Comcast probably has all HD DVRs just to make things easier. And it isn't her fault, the cable company gave it to her.
  18. Craig Th

    PlayStation 3

    Can I play it on my PS3? Or is this one of those PSP downloads?
  19. Craig Th

    PlayStation 3

    Yeah, but it all depends on the movies you like because the PQ is about equal on both. If you're a big fan of Universal and the Weinstien Company movies, then HD-DVD is what you want because they only support HD-DVD. Sony, Fox, Disney, and Lionsgate support Blu-Ray. Warner and Paramount support both. I went from HD-DVD to BR because of the movies. I wanted more movies on BR than on HD-DVD, so I dropped HD-DVD. HD-DVD does have better extras than BR at the moment because of problems with BD-Java, which is the software that allows PIP on BR players. BR does have better sound with Uncompressed PCM, but you need an HDMI receiver to get it. http://forums.dvdfile.com/showthread.php?t=59198 - A list of HD and BR movies.
  20. Craig Th

    No Sound issue I'm having with my Browsers

    Ahhh, yeah, that is it.
  21. Craig Th

    TSM TV Badass Tournament: The Finals

    Do I need to remind you what Jack did in Mexico? Not even hesitating to shoot your partner (and oh yeah...daughter's boyfriend) directly in the skull to not blow your cover is pretty badass. That is right, I forgot about that. And he did heroin to keep his cover. I forgot about that. I just don't like 24 anymore, so Mackie gets my vote.
  22. Craig Th

    TSM TV Badass Tournament: The Finals

    After what Vic did, going into Mexico by himself, he should win.
  23. Well NBC showed the first 6 episodes online. SOOO maybe people watched them all online and didn't bother to tune in on TV. Fuckin idiots. No more Buster
  24. Craig Th

    Box Office Report...

    1 1 Blades of Glory P/DW $23,000,000 -30.3% 3,410 +38 $6,744 $68,383,000 $61 2 2 2 Meet the Robinsons BV $17,004,000 -32.3% 3,435 +22 $4,950 $52,235,000 - 2 3 N Are We Done Yet? SonR $15,000,000 - 2,877 - $5,213 $19,063,000 - 1 4 N Grindhouse W/Dim. $11,591,000 - 2,624 - $4,417 $11,591,000 $53 1 5 N The Reaping WB $10,080,000 - 2,603 - $3,872 $12,010,000 - 1 6 3 300 WB $8,825,000 -22.8% 2,674 -330 $3,300 $193,880,000 $65 5 7 5 Wild Hogs BV $6,838,000 -21.1% 2,825 -375 $2,420 $145,453,000 - 6 8 6 Shooter Par. $5,800,000 -30.7% 2,353 -453 $2,464 $36,656,000 $61 3 9 4 TMNT WB $4,935,000 -46.5% 2,811 -309 $1,755 $46,722,000 $34 3 10 N Firehouse Dog Fox $4,000,000 - 2,860 - $1,398 $5,257,000 - 1 11 7 Premonition Sony $3,200,000 -38.6% 1,752 -722 $1,826 $44,600,000 $20 4 12 9 Reign Over Me Sony $2,500,000 -34.8% 1,747 +76 $1,431 $17,406,000 $20 3 And if you want more than the top 5 at BoxOfficeMojo, you need to be a premier member.