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Craig Th

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Everything posted by Craig Th

  1. Craig Th

    Who closed the TSM wiki thread.

    That's what the logs say. Though I dunno that calling you out here is such a grand idea. Oh whatever, it was a mistake. It's over. And this thread is closed.
  2. Craig Th

    "Thanks CBS for turning my son GAY"

    I guess this women has never heard of changing the channel. It's that simple. Just change the channel.
  3. Craig Th

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    #1 Incandenza vs. #12 chave #14 Black Lushus vs. #2 Agent of Oblivion TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: #8 bob_barron vs. #5 CWM #3 Czech vs. #15 Special K Sports Folder bracket: #1 alkeiper vs. #4 Ripper #3 Kingofthe909 vs. #7 Vitamin X The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: #9 DrVenkman vs. #12 AndrewTS - How the fuck is Andrew still in this? #3 CanadianChris vs. #2 gary floyd
  4. Craig Th

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    I like Maggie, but after seeing Sherry Baby I look at her completly different now.
  5. Craig Th

    Ron and Fez...

    Please don't listen then. They're a great show, but it's clearly not one that you will ever understand. Understand? What is there to understand? NOTHING, they suck. And I don't listen to them. Sometimes I try to see if they are talking about something I like, but they don't, so I turn them off.
  6. Craig Th

    TSM Tournament Pick 'Em

    I'm in. EDIT: WTF??? When I do a region and hit save & continue, it doesn't save and continue.
  7. Craig Th

    MLB 2K7

    You have to click on the left stick, L3, and your batter's eye comes up.
  8. Craig Th

    Box Office report 3/09-11

    Jesus, I guess all that advertising paid off. I saw a 300 trailer atleast 3 times a day. Anyone else see a lot too?
  9. Craig Th

    The Office, Season 3

    Any Office is better than no Office.
  10. Craig Th


    That's not bad. But the one I have is nice still and it's only $30. You have to get up, but whatever.
  11. Craig Th

    Ron and Fez...

    I just don't find them funny, at all. They do nothing for me. The Radio Chick is my favorite show especially Chuck.
  12. Craig Th

    MLB 2K7

    Jesus, you played a whole season already? I play atleast 2 games a day and I only play 7 innings. And I'm only 25 games in.
  13. Craig Th

    Ron and Fez...

    I also can't stand their voices. They don't have radio voices at all. Now Nick Di Paolo, he is fuckin awesome.
  14. Craig Th

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: #1 Incandenza vs. #9 Ravenbomb #12 Chave vs. #4 Banky #14 Black Lushus vs. #6 Kotz #10 kkktookmybabyaway vs. #2 AgentOfOblivion - Ohh, I like both of these guys. No vote. TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: #1 Slayer vs. #8 bob_barron #5 CWM vs. #4 Leena #3 Czech vs. #11 Smues #7 FrigidSoul vs. #15 Special K ... this year's Gonzaga Sports Folder bracket: #1 alkeiper vs. #8 CanadianGuitarist #12 The Max vs. #4 Ripper #3 Kingofthe909 vs. #11 TheManInBlak #7 Vitamin Xvs. #2 LordOfTheCurry The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: #16 Muggy Bogues vs. #9 DrVenkman #12 AndrewTS vs. #4 redbaron51 #3 CanadianChris vs. #6 Hawk52 #7 HuntersTornQuad vs. #2 gary floyd
  15. Has anyone noticed that Gamestop has Madden 08 displays up already? And they are taking pre-orders for it?
  16. Craig Th

    Ron and Fez...

    I just don't find them funny. At all.
  17. Craig Th


    Yeah, I got one of those switchers and it makes it so much easier. It only cost $30 and was the one metioned earlier in this thread.
  18. Craig Th

    Why did you erase our arcade scores

    Oh boy. You'll regret saying that one soon. I'm really bad at these arcade games, even though my dream is to one day break that Gold Miner record Well it's true, we are all geeks. And all the girls I know suck at video games. Well I knew one that was really good but that was a long time ago.
  19. Craig Th

    Why did you erase our arcade scores

    I always wondered on a board full of geeks, that a girl has the top score in most of the games.
  20. Craig Th

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: 1. Incandenza vs. 16. Youth N Asia 2. Tzar Lysergic (Agent of Oblivion) vs. 15. KOAB (King of All Blacks) 3. Edwin MacPhisto vs. 14. Black Lushus 4. dr. rosenpenis (Banky) vs. 13. EricMM 5. justsoyouknow vs. 12. k thx (chave) 6. Sex Machine Gun (Kotzenjunge) vs. 11. Carnival (fka Carnivalizcoming) - Jesus, I like both of these guys. It came down to a coin flip. Kotz was heads. And he lost 2 out of 3. 7. Sensei John Kreese vs. 10. kkktookmybabyaway 8. Captain of Outer Space vs. 9. Ravenbomb TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: 1. Slayer vs. 16. Matt Young 2. Mole vs. 15. Bobby Peru (Special K) 3. Banky Edwards/Oedipus Rex (Czech Republic) vs. 14. bigolsmitty 4. Queen Leelee (Princess Leena) vs. 13. snuffbox 5. CWMwasmurdered (CobainWasMurdered) vs. 12. NYU 6. MrRant vs. 11. Smues 7. FFMS (FrigidSoul/Failed Mascot) vs. 10. BX 8. bob_barron vs. 9. Superstar - For the Buffy/Angel days. Sports Folder bracket: 1. alkeiper vs. 16. alfdogg 2. Lord of the Curry vs. 15. NoCalMike 3. Kingofthe909 vs. 14. Mik 4. Ripper vs. 13. treble_charged 5. Cartman vs. 12. The Max 6. Porter vs. 11. The Man In Blak 7. Vitamin X vs. 10. Spaceman Spiff 8. CanadianGuitarist vs. 9. Marvinisalunatic The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: 1. admin (aka Mike the admin/adminbot) vs. 16. Muggy Bogues 2. gary floyd (fka lovecraft321 or something like that) vs. 15. razazteca 3. CanadianChris vs. 14. Imarkout4ElDandy 4. redbaron51 vs. 13. UseTheSledgeHammerUh 5. Scroby vs. 12. AndrewTS 6. Hawk52 vs. 11. Hawk 34 7. Hunter's Torn Quad vs. 10. Invader3k 8. Vampiro69 vs. 9. DrVenkman (fka Stephen Gray, the guy who used to write good articles on wrestling back in the day) I've never gotten out of the first round and it doesn't look like I will this time either. OHHH WELL, I'm over it.
  21. Craig Th

    WWE Goin' All O'er the World!!

    I actually like this idea and have a feeling the European territory is going to be great. They could just broadcast the international shows on WWE.com. The only time each all of the territories get together is at WM and SS.
  22. Craig Th

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I thought NBA Street Homecourt was coming out on PS3 today. All the websites said so, but it turns out it's coming out tomorrow.
  23. Craig Th

    MLB 2K7

    Did I say that? I enjoy it more playing with the BoSox and they were pretty stacked to begin with. So I just changed things around a bit.
  24. Craig Th

    MLB 2K7

    So you've never used a cheat code? And I'm not even cheating. I'm just trying to put together a good team by making trades. Hell, I don't have a good set up man now. And I'm sure the Phillies love having Clemens right now. Whatever, I'm having fun and that's all that matters. I guess when you play video games, your supposed to hate it.