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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. J.T.

    Can HHH have the title back please?

    I am almost postitive they are waiting to bring Harry in with TJ Wilson and Nattie as the Canadian Bulldogs.
  2. Go 2 Sleep is only good if there isn't a bunch of False Finishes early in the match that are sick. If so, it ends up looking weak and anti-climatic. The 720 Leg drop is way more unsafe than a DDT-stroyer mainly due to the fact that it would be nearly impossible to land that leg drop safely due the momentum of it. Most sane workers wont take a Harlem Hangover, so a 720 would be a no-no. At least with the DDT-Storyer, u know both guys in the move will be able to do the flip. Yah its hella risky, but u have more control
  3. J.T.

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    You don't/can't get Dan Patrick? I'll take him over Rome and day of the week.
  4. This thread alone makes me want to punch Marvin in the Eye socket. I like viva, screw what all of you think
  5. J.T.

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    And Gary Bettman hit the scene. His stupidity combined with Sterns greatness has killed Hockey
  6. J.T.

    Can HHH have the title back please?

    They need to get rid of this Brand Extention Crap, or at least two world titles. Both Main Event scenes are poor. A Cena/Batista Title Match with a really well build undercard of Orton/HBK, Edge/HHH, Taker/Booker and Finley/Benoit would be ideal.
  7. J.T.

    2006 in review...

    Wrestler of the year: Edge, narrowly defeating Finley. I enjoyed Edge vs lesser guys like Cena more than Finley vs lesser guys like Batista and Lashley more. Both were great tho. Tag-team/Stable of the year: Rated RKO Match of the year: I dont watch Smackdown cuz its Friday and I am usually at wrestling shows or out on Friday's, so, Ill have to say Edge/Foley WM Best heel: Edge Best face: CM Punk Most improved wrestler: John Cena Quote of the year: "ALL HAIL KING BOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA" Markout moment of the year: HBK vs Vince WM Funniest moment of the year: Something Maria did, Id imagine Worst moment of the year: Bobby Lashley: ECW Champion Worst wrestler of the year: Great Khali Best brand: RAW Worst brand: ECW Best PPV: WM Worst PPV: That recent ECW one Biggest disappointment: ECW
  8. J.T.


    - 3 Way, Tajiri-Crazy-Guido. Big Sal get knocked off teh apron to teh outside threw a table. Styles and Cyrus both groan Styles: That table didn't stand a chance. Cyrus: Nah, could have been an air craft carrier and it wouldn't have stood a chance! - Jr on HBK: You can love Shawn Micheals or hate him, its really irrelevant. Its a magnificant athlete -Heenan going apeshit once Falir one the Rumble is awesome
  9. J.T.

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Bret-Piper WM VIII does not get a lot of love, but it easily makes my top 10 for greatest WM Matches.
  10. J.T.

    Las Vegas

    I don't like Jordan at all, so its a wash for me when they come on. Jordanw as OK the very first time she was there, after that its been garbage. Woody is funny with Sam tho. BTW, why did that Mary realtionship with the owner just end randomly?
  11. J.T.

    Las Vegas

    Totally agree with Sarisvati/Mike. Id like Mary to befriend Danny and be what she always was, Danny best friend. It was her orginal use. Now she is useless. I REALLY need this show to get off Friday. 1st hour show NBC turfs needs to be replaced by this. I LOATHE it on Fridays.
  12. J.T.

    Las Vegas

    Nikki's charicter is in complete limbo. Mike misses Nessa, that had serious promise late in season 2. For that guy who just watched the episode with the chick blown off thr roof... it was thr worst episode in the worst season. You truly have some timing.
  13. J.T.

    Las Vegas

    I agree with the last two. The only other thing I would add is I find James Caan's charicter quite awesome. He is the make or break thing for me.
  14. J.T.

    Las Vegas

    Took me a few minutes to accept that it was him. His face has gotten so pudgy, he looks a bit like Tony Curtis. Did he get a cool death atleast? Technically, he's not dead... at least not by the end of the ep he wasn't... Can you tell me what happened? My tape ended right as Ed was in the desert with that leg bomb after the villain betrayed him. Danny found the casket, but there wasnt anythin in it, as the bad guys had Delinda. Danny hid tools in Eds car so he could free himslef of the bomb, which we needed a commecial break to see if he was alive. Ed was to meet the bad guys as long as they bring Delinda. The bad guys did this after all the airports were shut down on terroists alert, due to a call by Danny. It was teh ultimate compromise on both sides Two more bad guys greet Ed at the location that supoose to be 1-1 with Shooter, but Danny amushed the bad guys and left to get Delinda at a gaurded shack. They found the shack cuz Ed put a tracker on Shooter when he punched him earlier. Danny used sum dived and concour tatics and killed the bad guys and saved Delinda while Ed buried Shooter alive in the desert.
  15. I said she was a backyarder because thats how much training she has. Hell, a backyarder is better than her because they at least practice and want to be wrestlers. She wants to look good in a Bikini. She is equal to a backyarder becuase SHE IS NOT TRAINED. Thats what a backyarder is. She is far behind every womans wrestler on the roster and slightly better than any of the non trained wrestler. You want to call her the best of the shit? Fine. Don't call her passable, good or anything close to a worker. Its a slap in the face to all woman trained wrestlers.
  16. Hawk, your on some serious drugs dude. Untrained workers are BAD, I dont care how much she has improved. SHE IS A BACKYARDER. No one would ever claim that some backyarder is at the level or random WWE worker. Victoria is so far ahead of ANY of the un-trained diva's, its not even funny. Either quit thinking with the wrong head or step back and re-evaluate.
  17. No way, Smart will always beat Wacky. Cuz wacky gets old. Most underrated show is Sports Night. Sorkin at his peak, and that is saying something. Plus Sienfeld gets all its love for a reason, because it reached all types. Young or old, man or woman. You could all love Seinfeld for one reason or another.
  18. Deadwood is far to Demographically driven and viewer-personality driven to be the best. The Soprano's is better soely because it takes what is a niche viewership premise and makes it mass acceptable. I like Deadwood very much, but I am in their slim target demo. If I asked 5 random people, only 1 or 2 would agree with me becuase the odds are I would run into too many people who Deadwood isnt for. Far to niche viewership.
  19. J.T.

    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

    I liked the premise alot. I agree that the execution was a little over the top, but I really liked the interactions and the dialogue, so it didn't bother me as much as it would have.
  20. J.T.

    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

    You know what Aaron Sorkin should do? Forget Studio 60, and just change the show to Actors From The West Wing Being Placed Somewhere, in which the usual suspects are thrown into increasingly incongruous settings for their rapid and erudite dialogue, their impassioned yelling, and hamfisted liberalism. Like next week, they can manage a 7-Eleven, and Bradley Whitford can say something about how cherry Slurpees can make a difference in this world when an evil corporate type played by John Goodman threatens to downsize their underperforming location. You sound like a bad South Park episode. YouR making fun of the show because your un-entertaned by it. But many are, and thats why its a good show. Its on the air for a reason. If its not your cup of tea, cool. But don't try to be all funny and smash the premise or the style or whatever. There are plenty of shows I dont watch cuz it doesnt peak my interest. But I would look like a complete retard if I just went into those threads and made up asinine reasons why it sucked. You and that other dork need to just deal with the fact that the show is good despite you not liking it. DEAL
  21. J.T.

    Nov/10/2006 Smackdown Thread

    Wow Kennedy looked strong.
  22. J.T.

    Survivor Series Match

    Its unfortunate that they wont have 8 matches. Because there are two really good options they could go with 8 matches. At 7, all they have left is the World Title match, the Taker-Kenndy match and a token womans match. Yah the womans match could be 1-1 or a Elim Tag and Kennedy-Taker could end up being Elim too, but we are really limited. If they would do 8, they could do a Womans and Hevayweight Title Match with a Taker-Carlito-Vito-Balls-Crazy vs Kennedy-Benjerman-Regal-Holly-Masters AND a 10 Tag team war ala late 80's. Also, they could do the Heavyweight Title match and make Taker-Kennedy singles. Combine that with a Elim Womans match (Mickie-Torrie-Candice-Ashley-face Blonde on SD vs Lita-Melina-Victoria-Diva winner-Michelle) and a 3 way Brand match with Cryme Time-Carlito-Masters-Benjerman vs Holly-Sandman-Dreamer-Balls-Stryker vs London-Kendricks-Vito-Regal-Wang
  23. J.T.

    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

    Fuck Yeah~!
  24. J.T.

    Survivor Series Match

    I totally forgot about a womans match on my predcitions... they will probably do a Womans elim match before they do a Tag Elim. Maybe Taker-London-Kendricks-Carltio and Sandman/Dreamer vs Kennedy-ldol-Stevens-Benjerman-Holly