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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. Those are 3 of my top 5, with Flair reforming the Horseman and Bret forming the Hart Foundation in April of 97
  2. Dont look me. Sure he is over, so what? Lots of people are over. His drawing ability does not match how many fueds he wins and many people he makes look liek dog shit. And he is not a good worker.
  3. Aside from everything being true robrabies said, he also is a "average at best" worker most of the time. He is unmotivated unless its a PPV match WITH an oppenent who can sell and bump well enough to make him look great. If not, fuck it. One time, in a 3 way vs Benoit and Angle, he was in a crossface and an ankle lock at the same time, for at leats 10 seconds. It was broken up some way, he gets up, SHAKES HIS FUCKING LEG, no sells the body parts and chokeslam someone. Fuck him, he is almost as bad for the business as HHH. No selling cunt.
  4. J.T.

    WWE Hall of Fame Tournament

    Bracket One (b. 1949-) Hulk Hogan (bye) Eddie Guerrero vs. Paul Orndorff Junkyard Dog vs. Tito Santana "Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sensational Sherri Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Jim Ross Mr. Perfect vs. Jesse Ventura Greg Valentine vs. Bob Orton Jr. Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. William "The Refrigerator" Perry Bracket Two (b. 1943-49) Andre the Giant (bye) The Iron Sheik vs. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Sgt. Slaughter vs. Tony Atlas Superstar Billy Graham vs. Jimmy Hart Harley Race vs. Johnny Valient Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Nikolai Volkoff Magnificent Muraco vs. Big John StuddDusty Rhodes vs. Johnny Rodz Bracket Three (b. 1934-42) Nick Bockwinkel (bye) Mr. Fuji vs. Blackjack Lanza Gorilla Monsoon vs. Jimmy Valient "Big Cat" Ernie Ladd vs. Blackjack Mulligan Pedro Morales vs. Sika Ivan Putski vs. Mean Gene Okerlund George "The Animal" Steele vs. Afa Pat Patterson vs. Pete Rose Bracket Four (b. 1911-33) Buddy Rogers (bye) Vince J. McMahon vs. Chief Jay Strongbow Bobo Brazil vs. Capt. Lou Albano Argentina Rocca vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna Classy Fred Blassie vs. Arnold Skaaland [b]The Sheik vs. The Grand Wizard Killer Kowalski [/b]vs. The Fabulous Moolah Verne Gagne vs. James Dudley
  5. J.T.

    Rebooking the Wrestlemanias

    WM IX also had the least amount of Main Event players/draws on its show. I think if you could change one thing, is prolonge the Flair/Perfect fued till WM, and have loser leaves then. Have Luger beat Savage in big fashion taking him out untill the ultimate Crush/Savage fued later in the year. Luger over Savage in a properly hyped match and Loser leaves Ric/Curt would have been 1000000 times better than a random Perfect/Luger match that happened.
  6. J.T.

    TSM TV Badass Tournament round 4

    (1) Jack Bauer - 24 (2) Simon Adebisi-Oz (10) Dr. Gregory House - House M.D. (1) Tony Sorpano-The Sopranos
  7. J.T.

    WrestleMania Tournament- Elite Eight

    Pontiac 1 Atlantic City 3 Toronto 2 New York City 6 Houston 6 Seattle 1 Chicago 2 Anaheim 5
  8. J.T.

    TSM TV Badass Tournament Round 3

    ROUND THREE ************ (1) Jack Bauer - 24 (2) T-Bag - Prison Break SOUTHERN DIVISION (4) B.A. Baracus - A-Team (2) Simon Adebisi-Oz EASTERN DIVISION (1) Angelus - Buffy/Angel (10) Dr. Gregory House - House M.D. WESTERN DIVISION (1) Tony Sorpano-The Sopranos (10) Macgyver - Macgyver
  9. Pontiac Region 12 2 Atlantic City Region 4 3 Toronto Region 13 2 New York City Region 1 6 Houston Region 4 6 Seattle Region 1 10 Chicago Region 1 6 Anaheim Region 5 2
  10. J.T.

    TSM Fantasy Baseball

    ATTENTION PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The AL only draft for Yahoo is in mere hours. We have a pathetic 5 teams, Join now! Even if you can't make the 7:30 eastern draft, pre rank and still have fun. It will be a grest league, lets get some more people!!!!!!!!!!
  11. J.T.

    Greatest WCW Matches of the 90's

    Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero, 10/26/97, Halloween Havoc, Mask vs. Title Juventud Guerrera vs. Blitzkrieg, 4/11/99, Spring Stampede Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs. Raven/Perry Saturn, 4/11/99, Spring Stampede Sting vs. Cactus Jack, 6/20/92, Beach Blast, Falls Count Anywhere Sting's Squadron vs. Dangerous Alliance, 5/17/92, WrestleWar, Wargames Horsemen vs. Sting/Pillman/Steiners, 2/24/91, WrestleWar, Wargames Dean Malenko vs. Rey Misterio Jr., 10/27/96, Halloween Havoc Sting vs. Vader, 7/12/92, Great American Bash Chris Benoit/Beef Wellington vs. Jushin Liger/Brian Pillman, 6/16/92, COC XIX Cactus Jack vs. Vader, 10/24/93, Halloween Havoc, Texas Death Match Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude, 6/20/92, Beach Blast, Iron Man Match Sting/Lex Luger vs. Steiner Brothers, 5/19/91, SuperBrawl Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Psicosis, 7/7/96, Bash at the Beach Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan, 6/16/96, Great American Bash, Falls Count Anywhere Sting vs. Vader, 12/28/92, Starrcade, King of Cable Final Cactus Jack/Maxx Payne vs. Nasty Boys, 4/17/94, Spring Stampede, Falls Count Anywhere
  12. J.T.

    TSM Fantasy Baseball

    I d be down
  13. J.T.

    Royal Rumble Anthology DVD Box Set

    Bobby Heenan did the greatest Color call to a match ever in the Royal Rumble 92 match *Out comes the Barbarian* Heenan: "They don't get any smaller, just bigger and tougher!" Monsoon: "Barbarian dosn't like Flair" Heenan: "Barbarian doesnt like anyone, when I managed him he barely liked me. Thats why he is called the Barbarian! He isnt a hair dresser on his day off!"
  14. Remember when people around here were saying they would be facing Edge and Orton at Mania That was funny
  15. J.T.

    WrestleMania Tournament Round 2

    Pontiac Region 1 12 6 2 Atlantic City Region 8 4 3 2 Toronto Region 8 13 14 2 New York City Region 1 4 6 7 Houston Region 8 4 6 7 Seattle Region 1 4 6 10 Chicago Region 1 4 6 2 Anaheim Region 8 5 6 7
  16. J.T.

    Royal Rumble Anthology DVD Box Set

    I was a wrestling fan way back when, and grew up with the late 80's early 90's stuff. I never liked Hogan, and I know why I dont likr him now. But, I never knew why me as a kid hated Hogan. I always assumed it was the USA thing, since I am Canadian. But I loved Macho and Jake, none were Canadian or nothing. Plus Macho and Snake were anything but clean cut babyfaces. After watching Royal Rumble 89 agian, I think I figured it out: A: Hogan was the biggest cry baby ever. He was elimianted as fair as possible. Not only does he pull Bossman out of the ring to beat him up, he then later eliminates him illegally from the outside! What the hell, why would kids cheer for a guy like that. What an asshole! B: Savage had every right to snap and turn on Hogan at SNME. Here, Savage called him on eliminating him and he had no comeback! If its two guys left, fine go at it. But he dumped his teammate out, when the smart move was to keep him as long as possible. And you help him earlier, so why turn on him now? Rewatching this stuff, I am glad I hate Hogan. He was sich a douchebag.
  17. J.T.

    WrestleMania Tournament

    Pontiac Region 12 13 11 10 Atlantic City Region 12 11 Toronto Region 16 12 13 14 New York City Region 13 Pure Garbage that Savage/Flair and HBK/Razor is in the same side of the same bracket. 1996-2006 Tournament Houston Region 16 13 14 15 Seattle Region 9 12 14 15 Chicago Region 9 10 Anaheim Region
  18. J.T.

    TSM Fantasy Baseball

    Lots of teams still open for the AL only league
  19. J.T.

    TSM TV Badass Tournament nominations thread

    Richie - The Soprano's
  20. J.T.

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Does anyone know who the lyrics in "Give it to me" by Timberland are directed too (mainly the versus by Justin and Timberland)
  21. J.T.

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Tourney

    Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, 10/5/97, Badd Blood, Hell in a Cell Easily. Austin is so overrated.
  22. J.T.

    TSM Fantasy Baseball

    AL Only on Yahoo 180935 tsm
  23. J.T.

    The WWE 2007 Hall Of Fame Thread

    Probably due to the fact that a lot of unworthy wrestlers are in it.
  24. J.T.

    The alledged Randy Savage ban from WWE.

    Randy is one of the few guys who actually drew money for Vince, so that and that alone should make him a WWE "Legend" and inducted into the HOF. And since his major beef has always been with Hogan, this would be teh perfect year for an induction.
  25. Man, I sound like an ass. But its true, because of HHH injury, the Wrestlemania build has been awesome. I think this true for two reason. A: WWE got out of their confort zone. They had this boring, paint-by-the-numbers idea for the WM Main Event, much like WM XXI and XXII for the WWE Championship. Since HHH got hurt, they felt they needed to overachieve to make up for the almighty HHH being hurt. Now they are being creative, instead or falling back on the name of HHH. B: HHH was the focus of Vince for RAW. It was him and Cena, no one else really mattered. Well, Cena is relavent and matters, HHH doesn't really. His charicter is lame and is not a draw. Bascally, he blows as a Main Eventer. In a perfect world, HHH would add to a Wrestlemania. But, if its no HHH or HHH for the title, give me no HHH. So, with this being the case, I am glad HHH is not at WM XXIII.