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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. J.T.

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    HBK-Booker for WM sounds like garbage to me, I dont buy it. I agree with the original idea that Hawk had.
  2. I like a freshly turned Benoit instead of Booker.
  3. Edge should, in no way, be wasted on Cryme Tyme or the Hardyz. He is far above them.
  4. Jericho-Cena has been done. You seem to think that Jericho is up there with Hogan and Rock, when really he isn't even close. Nobody is gonna buy the pay per view to see Jericho vs Cena, especially since we know Jericho would win..and he hasn't been gone that long either. Jericho/Cena with Vince and Trump around it will sell enough. Its the third option, but an option none-the-less.
  5. Its face/face when face/face is already being done in your OTHER Main Event and you cutting off your hottest fued. Plus your two hottest heels are left in the cold. Its quite simple.
  6. I think Vince can get either Hogan, Rock or Jericho to face Cena at WM. It a way better route than vs Shawn or Edge or whoever. RKO and HBK have hot fued going now, no reason to cut it off before WM. Hell, a heel Benoit coming over to face Cena is better than breaking up the HBK/RKO thing. Its the best they have now, don't fuck it up. Umaga should win the IC title from Hardy and have his match with Flair b IC title. Forgot to mention that.
  7. Orton/Edge/HBK - WWE Title Dave/Taker - World Title Vince with A star (Returning Hogan, Rock, Jericho, anyone) vs Trump with Cena MnM vs Hardyz - Street Fight for the RAW Titles Lashley vs Monty Brown - ECW World Title Womans Match of sum sort Benoit vs Finley - US Title Benjerman/Kenny/Kennedy/Booka/RVD/Punk MitB Flair/Umaga 9 matches.
  8. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    I doubt they do a IC, US or SD Title match. I think The Hardyz or Cryme Time beat Edge and Orton on RAW in a couple of weeks and we get a 4 way RAW tag title match or something. I think a 4 way TLC with MNM, Hardyz, WGTT, Cryme Tyme could defiantly happen. They should have MitB at Summerslam this year.
  9. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    Cryme Tyme is not even in the rumble, man. You cant waste your two most over heels on that.
  10. J.T.

    Greatest Royal Rumble Matches

    You like 92 because Flair commanded the rumble. It was all about him, and thats a great point. But 95 was all about Bulldog/HBK and HBK COMMANDED that ring. He sold more than Flair, he was in trouble far more than Flair and never was not doing something. Flair never sold being tired, which is a small point. But Flair never put over anybody in that rumble other than comedy bumps and powders. HBK made you think they could eliminate him. If back then you hated the heel and loved the face, good for you and the WWF. But the Rumble wasnt the best nor the worst, and it had its strengths. One of its strengths is what you like about the 92 rumble, so you got to give it some props dude!
  11. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    The BEST thing to do is have HBK win the rumble and Edge beat Cena for the title on a RAW. Cena faces Orton, who costs him the belt. We get HBK/Edge, Cena/Orton, Taker/Dave. Umaga/Benoit for fun as well.
  12. Helms is now in, as the 29th guy according to wwe.com.
  13. According to wwe.com, only 29 are mentioned. Khali is in, and now so is Helms. Crazy and Eugene were are not in, says wwe.com.
  14. J.T.

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    WCW worldwide and Saturday Night was good, but your dreaming if you think the best match of the 90's in the WWF wouldnt make a top 10 WCW list from worldwide.
  15. J.T.

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    Me and my close friend are such big Hart marks, and we love the WM X encounter, but we can't even watch the SS rematch. Thats how much we hate it. Its the absolute worst example of a WWF Cage match. Its a fucking climbing contest all match, bores the shit out of us.
  16. J.T.

    NHL Thread: January

    So now that we are at the All Star break, lets talk trade. State your team, what your shopping and what you want in return. Vancouver Canucks Shopping: Sami Salo (for the right price) Jan Bulis and Marc Chionard (throw ins for contracts or generally for jack shit) Cory Schineder (Top goalie prospect from Boston College, only young assest I will deal) Want List: RW to play with Sedins or Keslar and Nazzy(Anson Carter would be nice if he is cheap) If trading Salo, a 4th d man in return, obviosuly not as good. He would be the second guy in the deal A backup our coach will actually trust (Altho Saburen played his ass off vs Buffalo)
  17. J.T.

    SpoilDown! Smacklers

    What happened to Josh Matthews? He was, back in 04-05, a real good up-and-comer in the play-by-play department. I enjoyed how he actually gave a shit about kayfabed pasts and stuff.
  18. J.T.

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    I was in the minority, but I never dug that dumpster match as much as most did.
  19. J.T.

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    Bret/Piper WM VIII Savage/Flair WM VIII Bret/Owen WM X HBK/Razor WM X HBK/Deisel v Razor/Kid Action Zone HBK/Jareet IYH II HBK/Razor SS 95 HBK/Deisel Good Friends.... HBK/Mankind Mind Games HBK/Taker HiaC
  20. Does anyone else find it real weird that Mercury is not in the rumble and the other three are when it comes to the MNM v. Hardy Match?
  21. I think they are hinting towards a Taker/Batista WM title/streak match. Thye havnt really hinted at him winning the rumble tho, and they could REALLY easily make that the non "rumble winning" title match. After Umaga, Cena now has no one to face. So you'd think it would be the rumble winner cuz its built in. Taker/Batista is already starting, wouldn't it be a waste of the rumble win to give it to Taker?
  22. J.T.

    NHL Thread: January

    Canucks score 12 and let in 2 vs all three Eastern Canadian teams in 6 days. Luongo owned all three of them. O yah, in the papers today, Bulis is whining about wanting a trade. Rumor is he was suppose to bw dealt two weeks ago and it fell threw. I wish it didn't.
  23. J.T.

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    Id love to join if someone drops
  24. The Rumble should be the 30 best guys. 10 ECW guys would blow. Plus, ECW has a one-hour show while SD and RAW have a 2 hour show. Twice as many minutes to showcase its stars, so it really should be 12,12 and 6. ECW dosn't have enough regulars on TV to have 10 credible guys over the 11th or 12th guy on RAW or SD. I say Khali, Boogeyman and Monty Brown are the final three announced.
  25. J.T.

    NHL Thread: January

    Try and get Theodore out of Colorado. He aint starting, and they wont want much. BTW, I can't believe Brent Sopel fooled so many people here in Vancouver. He is so useless, yet people around here loved him. O yah, Kings, Ill take Cammalleri for a Young D man (Krajcek) and Bulis or Chouinard