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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. wwe.com has now added Tommy Dreamer and Kevin Thorn to the Royal Rumble. There is now 27 entrants announced. 7 are ECW guys, 9 are from SD and 11 are from RAW.
  2. Khali and Boggeyman gotta be locks. Maybe Crime Time tries the whole night to steal a number to get in and cant. Id like to see Mercury and Haas get in purely cuz their partners are in.
  3. What guys do you want to see in the Rumble? Obviously, its Cena/Umaga, Kennedy/Batista and Test/Lashely/maybe RVD. I am assuming it will be RVD. Combine that with something DIVA like, I am adding London/Kendricks vs Regal an Taylor as an opener. I dount any of the four would make the rumble and makes it for a SWANK opener. Here is my 30. RAW: Carlito, Edge, Masters, Jeff Hardy, Nitro, JTG, Kenny, Orton, Flair, Shad, HBK and Khali SD: Boogeyman, Chavo, Benoit, Finely, Helms, Mercury, Kane, Booka, Matt Hardy, MVP, Taker and Miz ECW: Terkay, Sabu, Sandman, Thorn, Holly and Punk
  4. J.T.

    OAO Final Resolution 2007 Thread

    Who were the other two judges?
  5. With the Tag Title thing, maybe post-pone the Money in the Bank and do a 6 way double title tag Ladder match with MNM, Hardyz,Crime Time, WGTT, London Kendrick and Regal and Taylor. I say they should combine the titles and have em on show, but even if WWE doesnt want to, fine. Repeat WM XVI and do 2 falls, one for each title.
  6. J.T.

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    I know that the ESPN Insider blows in general. But I just found the awesomeness that is Bill Simmons, and pisses me off to no end that I cant read an article of his more than a couple of months old without being an Insider.
  7. J.T.

    HHH tore his quad tonight

    I will be happy to see a WrestleMania that does not have him involved in a major role. 1st time since WM 15. Were due from a guy who can't draw, I have had enough.
  8. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    No Main Event Babyface sells during their comeback in the WWE. However, Hogan is the only one would would no-sell actual moves. I dont care of Hogans is 8 feet tall, his is far worse.
  9. J.T.

    New Year's Revolution

    John Cena vs. Umaga (WWE title): Umaga wins, screwjob fo some sort, title stays with Cena. Leads to the blowoff at Rumble. DX vs. Rated RKO (Tag titles): This is not gimmicked, so I cant see it being the blow off. Since the titles are on the line, I say Heels retain. Then DX costs them teh belts to Crime Tyme in a couple of weeks. Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro (Steel Cage, IC title): End to the fued, I say Johney takes it. I think the Hardyz will reunite by Mania, so no more belt for Jeff. Mickie James vs. Victoria (Women's title): Victoria wins just to keep the fued going Ric Flair vs. Kenny Dykstra: Flair cant wrestle, Kenny gloats. Match never happens Carlito vs. Chris Masters: Carlito, I guess I imagine a Tag Match gets added just to fill the card. 3 way number 1 contenders match or something.
  10. J.T.

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Pats by 7 Eagles by 10 Cowboys by 3 Cheifs by 1
  11. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    Well, the "Skinning the cat" can lead into his headscissors over the top. He does that enough for it be mentioned. And I do consider the Bret chest bump a move. He does enough and is the best at it. Give him some cred.
  12. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    Thats all well and good, but his charicter isn't to have cookie cutter Main Event matches with everyone. It got so bad you could call moves 5 seconds before it happened becuase you had seen that same match before.
  13. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    Your just seeing HBK more now than you did Bret before tho. Shawn works the standard RAW formula to a tee, sure. But so does everyone. In money matches on PPV, HBK has just as much variety as he ever did, far more than Austin and Flair did.
  14. J.T.

    NHL Thread: January

    Fererro is wicked in the studio. He comes on our afternoon show every day and is the best part of the station. I do not live in Alberta, so I have no idea how good of an Color guy is he tho.
  15. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    The problem with Austin and Flair for "greatest ever" is that there are serious spans of there career that they were average-suck. Post Mid 97 to Mid 01, Austin's great matches were few and far between. Flair since 94 has the same problem. Plus, Austin's Punch-Kick-Brawl to the outside-Sig moves-Trade finisher’s formula is terrible predictable and very boring. Slick Ric's formula is also quite known, and quite played. Angle pathetic ignorance for working an ankle to go to his ankle lock and just a general lack of understanding to how wrestling psychology works makes him off my top 4. Its HBK, Benoit, Owen and Bret
  16. J.T.

    2007 Wrestling Dead Pool

    Chyna Jimmy Snuka Tammy Sytch Ted Arcidi Killer Kowalski Fred Ottman Too Cold Scorpio Kidman
  17. J.T.

    WON News + Notes, January 8th Issue

    I doubt very highly the HBK blast was on Bret. Angle and the James Gang are whats new and current, Bret hasnt stated anything publically (that I can recall) recently, so why would HBK say that now? Plus Dave is always trying to stir shit up with Bret and Shawn.
  18. J.T.

    Royal Rumble tourny games.....

    How bout the Hoss a rific Final 4 when Lesanr won it. That rumble was so weird. It was like the first half was all wicked workers and the second half was samoans and hosses.
  19. J.T.

    Royal Rumble tourny games.....

    Well, I had a 10 person party last year, so it was very much like yours (we had three numbers, not 5). What we did is draw numbers instead of Names, so it was more suspensful during the rumble. If you got 2, then you got entrant 2, 12 and 22. Made sense for 10 people. Also, we had two other pots, Iron Man (which usually is announced or made obvious) and fastest elim (also usually made easily known). If you dont like fastest elim, like myslef, you can name a target who wont win and will be eliminated by one person (like Coach) and person who elim's the target wins. We had 10 bucks a person. Winner gets 70, 20 to ironman, 10 to target/fastest elim.
  20. Taker winning the rumble would suck ass. He doesn't need the cred and is the simpliest guy to book a title shot for WM WITHOUT winning the rumble. Whoever WWE has in mind to face the RAW champ should win it if they are doing Taker/Batista. Any contender to Cena needs the win FAR MORE than Taker. I think a turning Batista vs Cena would be the best business move with Umaga facing Taker, but Taker winning is so easy and so dumb.
  21. They should give it too HBK just so we can see the heel turn by Cena on him. A Cena heel vs HBK face could be the best match they can have with the current crop. Only other good way is CM Punk.
  22. Way to may times? They had one PPV match. Maybe switch it up and make it Edge/HHH and HBK/Orton. But, can you think of one major non title fued that has ended at a Rumble? This is the biggest fued of the company, you cant have its blowoff on a show that has the rumble itslef AND two/three world title matches. Cant/Shouldnt be done.. They gave Taker Henry last year, so Booker is a fine choice. Plus, they gave him a frickin World title run, they better be able to build him as alegit contender to Taker.
  23. I like your thinking with Cena/Batista, but I cant see a probable way that HHH-HBK/Orton-Edge does NOT end at WM. There is still far too much for them to do. I see Booker beating Batista at Rumble, and him face Taker Crrarer vs Title. Cena vs Batista, Edge© vs HBK and Orton vs HHH. Finley vs Benoit, RVD vs Punk, MITB (Kennedy,Nitro,Test,Lashley,Carlito,Umaga) womans match and a a wicked unfication match with London Kendricks-WGTT
  24. I dont think ECW will get 10. 5 maybe, I think they will put 30 in there and not designate numbers to brand. So, they can put more on the RAW side.