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Posts posted by J.T.

  1. Krofatt, Williams and Scorpio as part of that list is laughable.


    You know how you know HBK is one of the best wrestlers ever? Because every wrestler says so. Guys like Scorpio get mad props from internet fans, but you will never here a wrestler says Scorpio was better than Shawn Michaels.


    Lists like these (much like that list on the DVD board about wrestlers better than Lance Storm) really show how little the fans care to take into when the decide who is better than whom. Sandman maybe better than Shawn?!? Get real.

  2. I think the marquee match is real simple and real easy to see. Trips v Taker. Everything else will be secondary, and all I can hope is that they make it NOT for the World Title, as that match does not need the World Title to make it special.


    The Streak vs The Game

    The Undertaker vs Triple H


    WWE Championship

    Edge © vs CM Punk (Royal Rumble Winner)


    World Heavyweight Championship

    Chris Jericho © vs John Cena


    Former Evolution Collide

    Randy Orton vs Batista


    Thats your big 4. MVP can win MitB (That includes Rey, Shelton, Bourne and Hardyz) Also do a Trainer vs Trainee match with Kendricks and HBK. Think of ways for Finley, Kane, JBL, Kennedy, Umaga and Show to fill out the card. Do a womans match

  3. Id make the deal if you think you need the offensive punch. Id keep Price over Ward, however. Fluery, Price and Garon is fine going into the stretch run. But you have to question, is the RW you drop and the LW you pick up (I imagine you will pick up a LW, thats what logic says) a big gap in talent? Cuz if there is not a LW thats close to the RW you drop, then say no to the deal.

  4. The Arizona Cardinals pickup, Cornerback from South Floriday, Mike Jenkins


    Jenkins, (6'0", 200, 4.49) has suited up for 38 games starting in 28 of them during his first three seasons (2004-'06) and recording 92 total tackles, two tackles for loss, three interceptions, and 29 passes defended. He is fast, athletic and big enough to emerge into a quality starter but his footwork and ability to defend the run need work. His off-the-field incident this off-season might be a red flag, but I think he is worth teh risk


  5. I love Brets book, one of the best reads ever. In the same notion, I constantly want to punch him the face the more and more I read.


    As a guy who is close friends with multiple wrestlers and being "in the biz" myself, Bret seems like the kind of guy who would have been great in the locker room to be around. But Holy Fuck, if you knew what he really thought of you...


    The locker room I am around does not have a lot of guys who talk down to the talent like Bret does and refuses to give respect and graditude to anyone close to their level. For all the good about Bret, I think so much worse of him now after this book.


    As a fan, tied with Foleys book as best ever. As someone invovled in professional wrestling, man o man...

  6. 1. Who will win the 2008 Royal Rumble? Taker

    2. Who will be the runner-up? Batista

    3. Who will be the iron-man? Finlay

    4. Who will have the shortest time? Santino

    5. Who will have the most eliminated opponents? Khali

    6. Who will draw #1 and #2: #1 Shelton #2 John Morrison

    7. Who will draw the most successful winning entry of #27? Mark Henry

    8. Who will draw the #30 spot? Kane

    9. What will be the eventual winning #? 24

    10. Will there be any surprise/unannounced entrants? (No point value), If yes, who will they be? Big Show, Ric Flair

    11. Will the endurance record of 62:12 set by Mysterio be broken? (No point value), If so, what will the new record be? 62:19

    12. The final six men eliminated will compete in the second chance Elimination Chamber next month, who will those people be? Batista, HHH, Flair, HBK, Kennedy, Umaga

    13. How many instances of interference by non-active competitors will we see? 1, Edge

    14. How many people will Hornswoggle eliminate? 5

    15. Will anyone bleed? (no point value), if so, who? HBK

  7. Yes, but here is one thing about HBK in 1995....I hated him with a passion. Oh and Bulldog was my favorite wrestler and I desperately wanted Bret to quickly end the Diesel shit before it started, and for Bulldog to win the Rumble and give me a great rematch at WM from the Wembley classic. But god knows the WWF had to have their little Kliq lover's quarrel at WM in one of the lowest drawing WMs ever. Ah well, at least I got Bret/Bulldog II in Dec. 1995. So yes, in terms of detesting the winner and also hating every aspect of the booking, 1995 wins in a walk.


    1988 isn't good of course but it was the first time for the match and needs to be taken with a grain of salt. And how on earth is anyone mentioning the 2007 Rumble on this list? That was a great Rumble.


    As far as the worst actual match at the Rumble....HHH vs. Steiner. Gotta be. UT/Yoko may have had some truly absurd booking, but the actual work in the match was decent. They weren't out there fucking up spots left and right.


    Easy there, marky. This is not asking what match you hated when you were a teenage fan. Take your Grade 10 hate for ole HBK OUT of the mix. Plus Bret/Bulldog would not have drawn at all since Bulldog was a midcarder then.


  8. Should Happen: Jeff Hardy wins title, Taker wins Rumble. EC has Jericho, Orton, JBL, HHH, HBK, Kennedy where HHH wins and Ric Flair beats Jeff Hardy for the title at NWO after a healthy Matt turns on his brother for not whatchin his back.


    Leads to WM: Flair vs HHH, carrer and title main. Taker-Edge, Jeff-Matt, JBL-Jericho gimmick blowoff. MITB HBK,Kennedy,MVP,Punk, Rey and Umaga. Orton-Batista in RAW vs SD. Finley-Hornswaggle vs Khali-Manager, Maria girls stuff.

  9. People think that putting Kurt Angle, the TNA World Champion in a feud against the WOMEN'S Champion is a good idea? Dear God, what happened to this forum? I can't imagine any scenario where I would be willing to pay money for a PPV with that main event.



    How about properly pushing the people who actually deserve a world title feud?


    Thats far to simplistic of a thought.


    Anyone watching TNA knows that Kong is booked in a way diffrent than any woman ever in Mainstream North America. If done correctly, TNA could finally take a stand and make a leap into "a threat" for Vince. If they fuck up, they could kill Kong myth forever. I think its orverall worth the risk, but Russo is so terrible that his odds of doing it right is not good.

  10. I don't count Playboy sales. It has nothing to do with wrestling, it's just selling magazines. You act like Vince McMahon gets all that money instead of Hugh Hefner. And, as Hawk pointed out, the fact that it was Torrie in the magazine had no effect on sales, as every WWE-themed issue has done great regardless of who the actual person in the photos was. Shit, even Chyna's issues made bank, so clearly when the headline says "WWE Diva Torrie Wilson", it's the first two words that sells the magazine, not the last two.


    The only reason why you don't count Playboy sells is because it goes against your whole argument.


    And yes, it does have to do with wrestling because she's in WWE and doing the magazine for, well, WWE.


    I didn't say Vince gets all the money anywhere in my post. He does get quite a bit of money, or else he wouldn't still do the Diva posing naked thing every year. Afterall, it generates interest for Wrestlemania since it's just glorified promotion for it....


    And I agree, it doesn't necessarily who is posing naked (although I'm willing to bet money that Torrie got more sales than Candace), but whoever is posing naked is generating money to WWE! The reason why Torrie is still employed is that she's hot, she's willing to get naked, and the fans like her. I don't care if you don't like the fact that that type of Diva is employed by WWE, but the fact is that it gets Vince money and that yes, Torrie has drawn money for WWE. Whether it's because she's Torrie Wilson, or simply just a hot WWE Diva willing to get naked, the fact is, she has generated money for Vince.

  11. Back on the original inspiration for this argument: Torrie Wilson. What's the point of having her on the roster? She's a hot chick. So what? Every show on television has a hot chick. If you want to watch hot chicks, every channel on the dial has something to compete with. So what does Torrie bring to the table other than being a hot chick? Absolutely nothing. She's not a good actress. She's not even a competent wrestler. Who watches a wrestling show just because they've got some chick whose job is to stand there and be hot? I argue that she has never drawn a single dime in her entire career. So why is she still here? It's especially maddening when you consider the untold dozens upon dozens of female wrestlers on the indies who are also hot chicks, and gee whiz, they can wrestle too! Even the idiots at TNA somehow figured out that one, and stocked an entire women's division full of capable workers who all have different looks. Meanwhile, the WWE has nothing but a whole shitload of Tough Enough and Divasearch chicks who can't act, all kinda look alike, and can barely stumble through a horrible match without breaking their fucking necks. What's the appeal?



    Are you serious?


    You think Torrie Wilson, who has been in Playboy twice, has never drawn dime? How about when WWE got all that money from her showing her goods to the world? Or all the Diva crap merch she's apart of?


    Come on. Think before you post. That's a pretty ridiculous statement to make. Money wise, Torrie has been good to WWE.

  12. Wrestler of the year: Randy Orton


    Worst wrestler of the year: Great Khali


    Most Improved Wrestler: Randy Orton


    Most Underachieving Wrestler: Shelton Benjerman


    Best Tag Team: Cade & Murdock


    Worst Tag Team: Highlanders


    Best Heel: Randy Orton


    Best Face: HBK


    Best Diva: Mickie James


    Worst Diva: Melina


    Match of the Year: HBK/Orton/Edge/Cena Backlash


    Worst Match of the Year: Punjabi Prison Match


    Quote of the Year: Santino many lines


    Best Comeback: HHH


    Mark out moment of the year: Flair beating Orton on RAW


    Funniest moment of the year: Dating Show


    Best brand: RAW


    Worst brand: ECW


    Best PPV: Rumble


    Worst PPV: Vengence


    Best Feud: Hardy-MVP


    Worst Feud: The Current big man fued on SD


    Worst Moment of the Year: Vince being blown up


  13. They just do a lot of chants that range from quite clever to really fucking irritating and stupid.


    Anyways, while not every ROH fan is the same, their target audience is the nerdiest of the already mostly nerdy wrestling fans. The Trekkies of Wrestling if you will.


    Bingo. ROH wants these dorks money, they cater to them. WWE is familys, mainstream. Sure they have fanatics, but ROH gets those losers who have no social life and just spend their free time in front of a computer screen.
