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Posts posted by J.T.

  1. Getting back to the orginal point, wrestling hurts. Bumping hurts, strikes hurts, chair shots hurt, lots of shit hurts. But some things hurt no matter what and some thing can be altered. Plus, you cant make bumping not hurt, you can make a punch not. So, if your forearm is so stiff that if you miss you will fuck someone up, LIGHTEN UP. Thats all.


    A question, is it true that American Dragon got a concussion from his last Morishima match after the whole angle of taking off his eye patch and punhcing him repeatedly? Someone told me that.

  2. Tigeraid: If you are light, its OK to miss. If you are Morishima, its not. Thats the bottom line, your arguing an isolated point while ignoring the major issue its attached to. Of course all Bix list were miss and botches, no one purposly punches someone in the eye socket or whatever. But there is a reason Bret Hart hurt no one in his carrer. He was not perfect in accuracy, but it didnt matter. A miss was a flesh wound, a headache. It was not a rubtured orbitial bone.


    And if you cant get that, than this arguement is useless and you will never get it.

  3. I say...


    Block A

    Chris Hero over Joey Ryan

    Roderick Strong over Bosh

    Matt Sydal over Rave

    Bryan Danielson over Doug Williams


    Block B

    Claudio Castagnoli over Black

    PAC over Jack Evans

    CIMA over Human Tornado

    Shingo over Scott Lost


    Block C

    Nigel McGuinness over Rocky Romero

    Davey Richards over Kevin Steen

    Dragon Kid over Susumu Yokosuka

    El Generico over Super Dragon


    Strong over Hero

    AmDrag over Sydal


    Pac over Claudio

    CIMA over Shingo


    Davey over Nigel

    Generico over Dragon Kid


    AmDrag over Strong

    Pac over CIMA

    Davey over Generico


    Pac wins.

  4. I am heavily involved with NWA/ECCW up here in BC, so my EWR game is a mix of ROH guys and ECCW guys. And I made it the #1 brand as the third promotion that could. So I end Up with:


    Main Event

    Faces: CM Punk Jay Brisco, Mark Brisco

    Memphis, Scotty Mac Jody Fliech


    Upper Midcard

    Matt Classic, Kyle O'Rielly, El Generico,Phycosis,Trent Acid,Micheal Shane,Scoot Andrews, JerryLynn

    Taka, Air Paris, Sweet Daddy, Azeem the Dream, Sid Sylum, Aaron Idol, Asian Couger, Yang



    Julio Denerio Chris Hero, Billy Suede

    Jimmy Rave, Dr Wagner Jr, Frankie Kazirian


    Lower Midcard

    Matt Stryker, Brett Prime, Colt Cabana, Jay Lethal

    Simond Diamond, Abbadon, Vito, Cade Sydal


    Scotty Mac has been champ for a year, but will lose it too CM Punk when the fued ends. Tag Champs for the longest time where the Briscos untill they got too over for it, so they lost to Chill Town, Scotty Macs group (Azeem and Sid). TV champ is Matt Classic and Kyle and Idol just got send down to Upper Mid card, as they went down to 89 Over. But usually I have 8 guys at 90 or above overness.



  5. Our Kwik-E Mart here in Vancouver gets LOADED with asians (who live here) that treat it like a tourist attraction. Its retarded. You have to go after 9PM to keep your sanity.


    I think the movie will end up being as good as the Family Guy movie was. Any goos lines will be due to the languege/Content that they can use for the theater. Any PG good lines would have already been used by now throughout its 18 year run.

  6. Yah, it was a freakin miscarrige of justice Denzel didnt win for Hurricane.


    I love Denzel, but have only really liked 1 of his previous 4 or 5, so I am really pumped for this one.


    BTW, I think Denzel in Remember the Titans is great for a Disney flick.

  7. I liked the Aquaman stuff at teh beginning of Season Three. Then it trailed. The Vegas was a money episode, but a one off.


    However, Season 3 did provide the three greatest lines in the series history


    3. "Marlon Brando used to come over twice a week to stick it in her ass, and thats before it was fashionable"


    2. " I dont care if its a porn shoot where he is being gang raped by a gaggle of silverbacked apes."


    1. " I exploded on her face like a Jackson Pollick"

  8. HBK - Workrate guy for PPV's, always delievers when it matters. Plus he will be the locker room vet that helps with the bookings.


    Cena- My draw


    Edge- My heel


    CM Punk - My cult favorite


    Samoa Joe - My up and comer.



    Danielson, Kennedy, Benoit, Jericho and Finely are my next 5


    5 to stay away from: Taker, HHH, Angle, Goldberg and Austin. If your a "vet" you need to be full time and not suck and not be nut job. These guys dont fit.



    My promotion is for the future. Vets will be around, but wont be the focus.

  9. 1. Flair-Savage


    17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)




    8. Jake-Savage


    9. HBK-Taker




    13. Steamboat-Savage


    4. Bret-Michaels




    21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


    37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)




    27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


    11. HHH-Foley




    30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


    19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)




    7. Hogan-Savage


    23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)




    15. Piper-Hogan


    2. Bret-Owen

  10. Here is the Round of 32. Vote on what you think is the best fued done ever. Not most historic or your favorite, but best done.



    1. Flair-Savage


    32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


    16. Undertaker-Mankind


    17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)




    8. Jake-Savage


    25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


    9. HBK-Taker


    24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5)





    13. Steamboat-Savage


    20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


    4. Bret-Michaels


    29. Bulldogs-Hart Foundation (who beat DX/Corporation 6-5)




    12. Harts-Austin


    21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


    5. Hogan-Andre


    37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)





    6. Austin-Rock


    27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


    11. HHH-Foley


    43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)




    3. Austin-McMahon


    30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


    14. Orndroff-Hogan


    19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)




    7. Hogan-Savage


    26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


    10. HHH-Rock


    23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)




    15. Piper-Hogan


    47. Hogan-Rock (who beat Crush-Savage 6-5)


    2. Bret-Owen


    34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)
