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Kahran Ramsus

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Everything posted by Kahran Ramsus

  1. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Week 17

    I thought Seattle was the top seed last year.
  2. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Week 17

    If you can't go out winning the Super Bowl, crushing Chicago is the next best thing.
  3. Kahran Ramsus

    James Bond DVD Boxsets

    I can understand him sticking around for Octopussy since EON wouldn't want to stick a new Bond up against Connery in Never Say Never Again, but that should have been it for him.
  4. Kahran Ramsus

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 17

    I'm tanking my season worse than the Atlanta Falcons.
  5. Kahran Ramsus

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    I actually don't mind Dixon as this is a more down-to-earth film, and Dixon is a real character who has his own reasons for going through with this fight. He isn't Drago, nor is he meant to be.
  6. Kahran Ramsus

    Why is Orlando Blooom

    Can't this be said in the POTC thread that is on this very page?
  7. Kahran Ramsus

    PPV title matches question

    There is also Roddy Piper. WWF Title against Hulk Hogan at the Wrestling Classic and WCW Title against Hulk Hogan at Halloween Havoc 97.
  8. Kahran Ramsus

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    1) Do you think he'll retire as the greatest SS/3B in history? No 2) Will he break Barroid's HR record? He has the potential, but I don't see him having the longevity to do it. 3) Will he be regarded as the greatest player in history? Not a chance. Even if an argument could be made for him, this whole Yankees fiasco will prevent him from being regarded as such. Besides, better than Ty Cobb & Babe Ruth? I can't see it. 4) Will he bat for 60+ HR's in a single season? No. He's pretty much hit his ceiling. 5) When will the Yankees mercifully let him go? The question isn't a matter of when the Yankees will let him go (they won't), but when he will choose to leave. And Brett Favre retires this off-season after winning Super Bowl MVP honours in a 55-10 drubbing of Buffalo.
  9. Kahran Ramsus


    I felt the same way. The first one was so good, that even though it was long, it didn't seem long. This one just dragged on and on. In the end I thought it suffered, ironically enough, from a lack of Geoffrey Rush. I liked Davy Jones, but yes, the loss of Rush hurt the film. Even the first one wasn't that good, it only seems that way because of Depp & Rush. Any scene without either of them was death. I'd honestly rate both films about the same. Shallow and flawed films, that provides good fun and a few entertaining performances. They are pure summer popcorn flick, but not nearly as good as say...the Spider-Man series. As far as boat movies go, Master & Commander was far surperior in almost every way to either Pirates film.
  10. Kahran Ramsus

    Who should win the Royal Rumble 07?

    Taker/Batista is definitely the match I'm most interested in seeing at Mania, so I would have to say Taker to win his first Rumble. Kennedy as the dark horse.
  11. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Week 16

    I'll agree with that. This isn't exactly the '85 Bears that is shutting down the Vikings. I never realized Minnesota's offense was that terrible. Don't they have two linemen in the Pro Bowl?
  12. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Week 16

    I think that's what he's saying. If that scenario happens, Seattle is in, Green Bay is out.
  13. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Week 16

    That's pretty likely. The hard part is Green Bay actually winning their own games.
  14. Kahran Ramsus

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    Deathly Hallows? Sounds like something to do with martyrdom.
  15. Kahran Ramsus

    Zelda vs. Final Fantasy

    I like the Battle System in FFX, but the game itself is 10 minutes of playing and an hour of cutscenes featuring the most annoying characters known to man (and Auron). It is Xenosaga with worse acting and an even crappier plot. They didn't even bother putting in a world map. It ends up being nowhere near as playable as the earlier efforts, or even VII & IX as far as the newer games go.
  16. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Week 16

    Just move the team to Toronto. They'd sell out there.
  17. Kahran Ramsus

    Survivor: Cook Island

    I initially thought Ozzy deserved it more, but after the show it came out that Yul basically bought off the jury by kicking out Jonathan and that was such a good move that I can't argue against him.
  18. Kahran Ramsus

    Zelda vs. Final Fantasy

    I really don't know what to vote for. I prefer the good Final Fantasy games (V, VI, Tactics) to Zelda, but the bad ones (VIII, X, X-2) don't come anywhere close to even the worst of the real Zelda games. Part of the problem is that the Final Fantasy games now generally aren't as good as the classics (I-VI) with more emphasis on story and lame heroes (Tidus, I'm looking at you) than on exploration and role-playing. I agree with most of the people here, they are two completely different genres and it is difficult to compare them because of it.
  19. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    The Holy Grail is without a doubt the Perfect Season from the 1972 Miami Dolphins. Everybody knows about that one and comparisons have been made to them every year since whenever some team starts off at 5-0.
  20. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    I still think I would place Dan Marino's 1984 Season ahead of him (5084 Yards, 48 TDs).
  21. Kahran Ramsus

    Armageddon 2006 Thread

    Probably, but I take it as order the Smackdown brand PPVs, skip the rest. It is no coincidence that the four best WWE PPVs this year are all Smackdown ones.
  22. Kahran Ramsus

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    The problem is that there is no pitching in this market, and I would much rather have Wells than overpaying for a mediocre player like Gil Meche. Wells was their best and most marketable player. They couldn't afford to lose him.
  23. Kahran Ramsus


    I'm fully confident that my equipment is safe too, but I might as well get the replacement straps anyways.
  24. Kahran Ramsus

    TSM Greatest Themes Thread

    We need to have 'All-American Boys' (Fabulous Rougeaus) on this.
  25. Kahran Ramsus

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    The Chargers certainly appear to be the best team, but I just can't pick a Marty team to go the Super Bowl. The guy's simply blown so many chances in the past and I've been burned too many times.