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Kahran Ramsus

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Everything posted by Kahran Ramsus

  1. Kahran Ramsus

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    I actually thought it seemed low.
  2. Kahran Ramsus

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    I haven't even seen him in almost a year. Yet he's getting paid more than the tag team champions combined.
  3. Kahran Ramsus

    TSM mock draft

    Yeah, we need everything.
  4. Kahran Ramsus

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    I'd be surprised if they didn't take Hawk at this point, and he should be available at #5.
  5. Kahran Ramsus

    TSM mock draft

    I'll take the Bucs. But if VX isn't going to show up, then Green Bay would be my first choice.
  6. Kahran Ramsus

    24: Season 5

  7. Kahran Ramsus

    Early Raw Preview

    Another contract signing?!? That makes about 20 in the past twelve months. Can't they give the angle a rest?
  8. Kahran Ramsus

    WON Notes - Dicks ribbed for pleasure...

    But I didn't mention Benoit at all as a defence, so mentioning him is irrelevant. I think it's very relevant. The only time the net doesn't lose their shit over this is when Chris Benoit happens to be involved. Maybe a coicidence, but I really dont think so. Benoit being involved is nothing new though. Kid Kash is the one who is surprising.
  9. Kahran Ramsus

    Culpepper: Trade me or void my contract

    Adam Schefter has said that the Raiders, Ravens, Jets & Saints are all out. That leaves Miami as the most likely destination.
  10. Kahran Ramsus

    World Baseball Classic

    At least this tournament means something, unlike the bloody Grapefruit league. Personally, I love the concept.
  11. Kahran Ramsus

    World Baseball Classic

    Just curious. If Canada beats USA, USA beats South Africa, Mexico beats Canada & South Africa, which two teams advance?
  12. Kahran Ramsus

    World Baseball Classic

    Walker is the hitting coach. He's not really in playing shape anymore. Canada is up 3-0 now.
  13. Kahran Ramsus

    World Baseball Classic

    I hope Vernon Wells doesn't play like that in the regular season.
  14. Kahran Ramsus

    World Baseball Classic

    Cuba is now up 6-4 in the bottom of the 9th, and Canada draws first blood against the United States.
  15. Kahran Ramsus

    78th Academy Awards

    I thought they did last year too with MDB over Aviator.
  16. Kahran Ramsus

    78th Academy Awards

  17. Kahran Ramsus

    78th Academy Awards

    Kong had to win Visual Effects.
  18. Kahran Ramsus

    78th Academy Awards

    I'm hoping Crash wins, which would be an upset, but at least it has a shot. I feel for the Munich fans out there.
  19. Kahran Ramsus

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    JBL is a much better wrestler than Randy Orton at this point.
  20. Kahran Ramsus

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    The problem is that people don't boo Triple H, because he has become bland and boring. If he's in against someone people like, they boo him. If he's in against anybody else, they cheer him. That's not a good heel. Why should he get booed for telling the truth and then dominating his opponents?
  21. Kahran Ramsus

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    What I remember about Batista/HHH post-Mania is Batista clobbering Trip in every match, and then HHH coming out the next night and claiming that Batista can't beat him and he deserves a rematch. I actually do think he did a good job of putting over Batista to a point, namely until the first rematch at Backlash, but then the feud dragged on and on long after we had a decisive victor.
  22. Kahran Ramsus

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Yep. The cap was supposed to go up, but now that the CBA hasn't been extended it is not, so it is wrecking havoc on some teams. The Washington Redskins in particular are going to be gutted over this. The teams that will benefit from this include Minnesota, Green Bay, San Francisco, Cleveland & Arizona. All of them are well under the cap in a free agent market where half the teams won't be able to bid at all due to the cap situation.
  23. Kahran Ramsus

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    And possibly from wrestling a boring, tedious style and cutting sleep-inducing promos where even he sounds like he's yawning. I didn't want to say that or be accused of being biased, but it probably is a factor.
  24. Kahran Ramsus

    Is baseball really a joke nationally?

    That's why I said at best. The three I was thinking of were hockey, football & curling, BTW. But you're right about golf, so move baseball down to at least #5. I'm not so sure about autoracing, but perhaps. I'd say soccer if the national team wasn't so lousy.