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Kahran Ramsus

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Everything posted by Kahran Ramsus

  1. Kahran Ramsus

    Your In-Game Champions

    My EWR WWF 88-89 scenario. WWF Champion: Bret Hart. Mr. Perfect defeated Randy Savage at Wrestlemania and held on to the belt for a year before dropping to Hart. WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs. Defeated the Brainbusters after a long feud to win the titles. Were feuding with The Rockers before Marty Jannetty suffered a serious injury, so I heel turned Roma to form Power & Glory and are now using them. WWF Intercontinental Champion: "Stunning" Steve Austin. Having the gift of foresight, I managed to snag Austin eary in his career. Just defeated Rick Rude for the belt, but they are still feuding. CURRENT MAIN EVENTERS: Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase & Roddy Piper
  2. Kahran Ramsus

    So when is RVD coming back?

    You also failed the mention that Cena/Taker was better, both at Vengeance 2003 and on Smackdown last year.
  3. Kahran Ramsus

    kkk Bowl III is back at TSM

    I want the Bucs if starvenger doesn't show up.
  4. Kahran Ramsus

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    World Championship Batista © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield A good first opponent for Batista, but the outcome isn't exactly in doubt. It is certainly more up in the air than before with the Hassan situation, but I still can't see Batista jobbing here. Match could be a good brawl or complete crap. Depends on how it is booked. PREDICTION: Batista WWE Tag Team Championship MNM © vs. Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich The Road Warriors DVD just came out recently, and booking would suggest they make the switch, but there is no way that MNM should be jobbing here and doing so would really dent their credibility. That hasn't stopped WWE before, but I will be optimistic for once. Match will be awful. PREDICTION: MNM U.S. Championship Orlando Jordan © vs. Chris Benoit Orlando may be the champion, but he's got no shot here. If given time it has a shot at being the MOTN, but on paper it is a mismatch. PREDICTION: Chris Benoit Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio. If Eddie wins, he will tell Rey's "secret". If he loses, he will never reveal it. This angle is tanking a feud that was once quite promising. This is wrestling so of course the secret is going to be revealed. Match should be good, but nothing we haven't seen before. PREDICTION: Eddy Guerrero Number One Contender Match The Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan Undertaker will and should win. Given the Hassan ban, he can't possibly win. On the bright side, I much prefer Taker/Batista at Summerslam to Hassan/Batista. PREDICTION: Undertaker Bra & Panties Match Special Referee: Candice Michelle Melina vs. Torrie Wilson Torrie is in the dog house so hopefully that means Melina wins with or without help from MNM. PREDICTION: Melina Booker T vs. Christian Coming off a number of fairly high profile jobs, Christian needs this win a lot more than Booker does, and with faces going over in most of the other important matches there is a good chance he gets it. Neither guy is a great worker, and I haven't enjoyed their previous matches. PREDICTION: Christian The Mexicools vs. The BWO This could go either way since there are wrestlers causing problems backstage on both sides, but ideally the Mexicools should win since they actually have potential and the BWO is just another nostalgia act. They have been protecting the Mexicools more than the BWO, so I think that's the way they will go. PREDICTION: Mexicools
  5. Kahran Ramsus

    So when is RVD coming back?

    Unless RVD's talent improves significantly, I can assure you I won't come around on this issue. In my 17+ years of watching wrestling, I can only think of one wrestler who completely turned things around this late into their career and that was JBL. The odds aren't in RVD's favour. He sucked in 1998 and he sucks now.
  6. Kahran Ramsus

    UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

    I honestly didn't find the whole thing offensive, but if UPN got into some trouble about it, this is pretty much all they can do. It is not like they have mucked around with booking before, so I won't complain about the network here. The big loser is Hassan who has essentially lost his job, and for a young man like him who doesn't have a career of earnings to fall back on, it could be a big deal. The fact that it wasn't his fault is the worst thing about this. They seem to be keeping Davairi, but I can't see how he escapes this. Like previously mentioned, neither guy will be able to escape this gimmick now that the issue has become this big. About draws, too many of you seem to be of the opinion that someone is either a draw or he's not, and that if a wrestler isn't at Austin's or Rock's level than he isn't a draw. But it varies more than that. Somewhat like Chris Benoit is a decent draw, even if he doesn't get near the numbers that Austin did. Ratings tend to go up when he is heavily involved in the show, and he certainly doesn't drive away the audience. Average draws basically have no effect on business one way or another, and poor draws hurt business. It works on a scale with guys like Hulk Hogan at the top who in his prime could make a card by simply being on it, and the company tankers like Justin Credible and Kevin Nash at the bottom.
  7. Kahran Ramsus

    So when is RVD coming back?

    I can't think of any either. And he's actually dragged down good wrestlers like Benoit, Angle & Austin and the result was a crap match. In his entire WWE career, the only guys he's had matches that I would consider good with are Jericho, Guerrero & Lance Storm. With all three, it was a case of RVD being carried (almost literally with Guerrero). Undertaker/RVD was okay, but after those four, he's got nothing. His ladder match with Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2001 was absolutely abysmal. He wasn't doing much better in 2001 than he was before he got injured, in many ways worse because he was tagging with Rey last year and they were able to have some decent tag matches. He was more over in 2001, but a hot crowd does not make a bad match good.
  8. Kahran Ramsus

    Sell me on Carlito

    It worked for X-Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and most of the NWO.
  9. Kahran Ramsus

    Sell me on Carlito

    But he hangs out with JBL who might be the most charismatic guy on the roster after Cena.
  10. Kahran Ramsus

    Sell me on Carlito

    I don't understand this great look that Carlito has. He looks really scrawny to me. Not everyone has to have the body of Batista, but it helps if it looks like you can be competitive. The Cruisers like Rey have a speed advantage so most of them don't bother me too much, but Carlito just looks like a normal guy or one of those noname jobbers you see on Velocity. Orlando Jordan has a much better look than Carlito and is better in the ring, but he doesn't get nearly the attention that Carlito gets.
  11. Kahran Ramsus

    Sell me on Carlito

    The demise of the male manager has killed him. I really think he could do very well in a Slick or Johnny Polo-type role, and I had no problem with him doing the Cabana every week on Smackdown and dicking around with Big Show. But since the move to RAW they made the exact same mistake that they made during his initial Smackdown run before the injury. They turned him into a wrestler, and he just doesn't have the talent for it. He's down there with Masters, Viscera & Snitsky as far as wrestling skills go, and at least they are somewhat menacing. I really can't see any upside with him over his former bodyguard other than a better gimmick, yet Morgan is the one that gets fired. This company baffles me at times. If he only did his interview segment, and wrestled in occasional matches where he would get squashed, he would be fine, but they aren't using him properly and he's got no main event potential at all. He just can't compete at that level.
  12. Kahran Ramsus

    Your In-Game Champions

    He wasn't, at least to my knowledge. What's more, HCTP uses the flabby Piper that hung around with Sean O'Haire in 2003. Yet, he's listed as a cruiser.
  13. Kahran Ramsus

    So when is RVD coming back?

    RVD's been embarrassed before in the ring, most notably against Benoit at Summerslam 2002 where Benoit did the best he could to lead Van Dam through an actual match and he couldn't take the hint, but it didn't hurt his heat and I don't expect this too either. RVD simply can't work a match. He has his trademark moves and that's it. Any of the top wrestlers in the company, Benoit, Guerrero, HBK, Angle, Benjamin, etc., can wrestle circles around RVD on an off day. It is laughable to compare RVD favourably to those guys. He's not even at the level of a Triple H, let alone a Shawn Michaels. It it wasn't for his devoted fanbase, Rob would have been gone a long time ago with his lack of effort, talent, and piss-poor attitude.
  14. Kahran Ramsus

    Your In-Game Champions

    HTCP. Most of these were just who the computer gives the titles too. World Title: HHH. The Rock had it forever but just lost it over the weekend in a CPU match. Intercontinental Title: HHH. He's had this for awhile. Tag Titles: HHH & Ric Flair. I'm wondering whether there are politics in this game. Hardcore Title: John Cena. Stuck in an endless feud with Kurt Angle. Women's Title: Trish Stratus. I'm not about to let her lose it either. WWE Champion: Chris Benoit. Dominating the roster, except for maybe Brock. US Champion: Ted Dibiase. Just won the belt from Austin. WWE Tag Titles: Nikolai Volkoff & Iron Shiek. WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Matt Hardy. He won it from Roddy Piper. Since when was Piper a CW?
  15. Kahran Ramsus

    Planned Summerslam Card

    WWE Title John Cena © vs Chris Jericho Jericho has even less chance here then he had at Vengeance. Match could be good or could be awful. Not interested in this at all. World Title Batista © vs Hassan On the bright side this is more up in the air than the WWE Title match and the feud would be better, but I still don't give Hassan much of a shot and the match will definitely be worse. Why couldn't they do Batista/Taker instead? HBK vs Hulk Hogan Amazingly, neither guy should be jobbing. Shawn should be being prepped for a World Title feud with Cena and Hogan shouldn't be coming back just to lose. Since Shawn probably will get that World Title feud stolen by HHH, I'll go with Hogan winning, although Shawn winning would be the lesser of two evils. Match will be about as good as Hogan/Angle, which is to say not good at all. Casket Match Undertaker vs Randy Orton Orton gets his job back. Could be one of the better matches on the card and certainly better than those already mentioned, depending on how much interference Orton needs. One star comes off for each guy who runs in (unless it is Bob Orton), so lets hope this isn't like Rumble 94. Edge and Snitsky vs Kane and Matt Hardy Now that Matt is back, they need to get them together in a singles match asap. Dump Kane & Snitsky and I have no problems with it. If they are here, then they've blown the feud. US Title Chris Benoit © vs JBL Easily the best match on the show and one of the few matches left in WWE that I am truly interested in. If not for Brock coming back, this should be for the World Title. IC Title Street Fight Carltio © vs Shelton Benjamin They are wasting the Street Fight gimmick on this, when they could be using it for Eddy/Rey? Nobody in this company knows when gimmicks should be used or not anymore. Benjamin is the best wrestler on RAW, but nobody can drag a good match out of Carlito who is up there with Masters as one of the least talented workers on the roster. Big Show vs Kurt Angle Seen it. Show kicked his ass. Match sucked. No desire to see it again. Angle was the hottest he's been since January 2003 coming out of Wrestlemania and they've completely pissed it away. The Final Match Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr. I'm assuming Eddy wins and reveals the secret at GAB and this is Rey's revenge. This is the match that should be a Street Fight, not the garbage with Carlito. This is the only other realistic shot for MOTN.
  16. Kahran Ramsus

    kkk Bowl III is back at TSM

    I'm interested if there is a free team. My first choice is obviously Green Bay, but since Vitamin X is probably going to come back I'll take whatever is free (hopefully not the Lions, Vikes or Bears).
  17. Kahran Ramsus

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Hard to say. He does hate ROTJ because he's said that, but I've never heard him talk poorly about the other two even if he does badmouth Lucas from time to time. Yet he acts pretty much the same way about Indiana Jones and we know he likes it, because he keeps pushing to get a fourth one made. Lets face it, Ford stinks in front of the camera when he isn't in character and it is tough to find out what he really thinks. He always speaks in this same monotone voice and you can't get any read on him.
  18. Kahran Ramsus

    Faces getting heavily booed

    Yes, it was. But still, they were kind of like the Hardy Boyz in that they were extremely popular among the female audience but significantly less so among the males. There were pretty popular but not anywhere close to as popular as the likes of Demolition, the Road Warriors, Steiner Brothers, etc.
  19. Kahran Ramsus

    War of the Worlds

    ID4 also wasn't supposed to be much more serious than Austin Powers. It was just a goofy feel-good action movie. WOTW was supposed to be a serious sci-fi flick.
  20. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Events That...

    It isn't that difficult. I avoided spoilers for three days back in April because a major snow storm caused me to miss Wrestlemania and I had to wait for the encore. This past year was the first time since 1999 that I actually got to see the Royal Rumble live, yet I never had problems with getting them spoiled in that timeframe. If AIM is causing problems, just don't go on AIM until after you've seen the show. I rarely get Smackdown spoilers (just for the draft picks and when I know I won't be able to see the show).
  21. Kahran Ramsus

    Games with too much movie!

    I miss the PC Adventure personally. Sam & Max, Willy Beamish, Space Quest, etc. On the plus side, it is a golden age for fans of sports games.
  22. Kahran Ramsus

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Its because this summer is a terrible one for big movies outside of Batman & Star Wars and both had some problems with their fanbase over their previous installments. Last year there was stuff like Spidey 2, Harry Potter 3, Shrek 3 and the Bourne Supremacy that were big hits. The slump will be over when Hollywood starts putting out more popular movies.
  23. Kahran Ramsus

    Biggest Non-Surprises

    Chris Jericho jobbing at Wrestlemania XVIII. Chris Jericho jobbing at Wrestlemania XIX. Chris Jericho jobbing at Wrestlemania XX. Chris Jericho jobbing at Wrestlemania XXI. I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
  24. Kahran Ramsus

    WWE News and Notes

    Shawn/Diesel is a special situation. It had been building for some time, and fans had been wanting to see a rematch since Wrestlemania XI over a year earlier. The feud was more personal than it was Diesel deserves a title shot. Plus, he had just lost to Taker, basically the most invincible wrestler on the roster since 1991. It also got the highest buyrate of Shawn's horrible championship run so it did something right. I can't say I'm surprised. If the feud occurs it practically guarantees that Batista will hold his belt longer than Cena. I will be quite pissed if we don't get a Cena/HBK feud though.
  25. Kahran Ramsus

    Faces getting heavily booed

    HBK was booed heavily at Wrestlemania XX and Backlash 2004. Demolition was cheered over Strike Force at Wrestlemania IV. Undertaker always got cheered during both his initial heel run in 1990-91 and his most recent in 2001-02. Chris Jericho was constantly booed during his initial face run in WCW, especially when up against a popular heel like Benoit or Guerrero. Randy Orton was booed at Royal Rumble this year against HHH.