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Kahran Ramsus

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Everything posted by Kahran Ramsus

  1. Kahran Ramsus

    The Bubble Vince lives in

    Evil foreigners have been around in wrestling for 50 years. This is no different than Nikita Koloff.
  2. Kahran Ramsus

    HBK vs. Jeff Jarrett

    I'm not. The Jarrett match is better than any of those. The only one that comes close is Mind Games and it is hurt by its terrible non-ending. Yes.
  3. Kahran Ramsus

    HBK vs. Jeff Jarrett

    I actually liked the ending. This is Shawn's best ever non-gimmick singles match. Double J wasn't really focused in this match. He was more interested in the performance beforehand.
  4. Kahran Ramsus

    top 10 tag teams of all time

    No real order. The British Bulldogs The Hart Foundation The Steiner Brothers The Midnight Express (Lane & Eaton) The Rock N Roll Express The Brainbusters The Hollywood Blondes Edge & Christian The Road Warriors Badd Company
  5. Kahran Ramsus

    Games with too much movie!

    That's possible. Lately I've been playing a lot PC Strategy/Sim games like Sims 2, Pirates!, etc. Games that you can just goof around for a half hour or so if you got time. I don't have a lot of time to be spending 2 consecutive hours playing video games. That's one thing I like about X-Men Legends, the two player versus mode when you don't have time to play the story game.
  6. Kahran Ramsus

    Games with too much movie!

    Yes it is, because I feel the same way a lot of the time, but when I play a genuinely good RPG like KOTOR or Paper Mario: TTYD, I have as much fun as I used to. This whole generation of systems hasn't been very good to the genre. The only truly great RPG that I've played since the PS1 is Suikoden III and it is a bit of an acquired taste. SIV avoids the cutscenes that plague stuff like FFX so you might want to give it a shot, but I found it way too short and easy. That is the other big problem with current RPGs. They aren't as long and complicated as they used to be.
  7. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Events That...

    I was surprised by DDP too, but I was at my cottage at the time and I didn't have a computer up there yet. Bischoff was spoiled beforehand, but most people didn't believe it could be true. Cena being the first draftpick was a big surprise, but in retrospect the signs were there.
  8. Kahran Ramsus

    Games with too much movie!

    Not for the most part, and the story is much better. There is one bad part late in the game (not counting the ending which goes on for a long time), but other than that it is about the same as MSG1.
  9. Kahran Ramsus

    Games with too much movie!

    In Metal Gear you can skip over the cutscenes.
  10. Kahran Ramsus

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    I agree on the first point. Yes, Shawn was being a bitch about jobbing to Bret, but the ultimate decision lay with Vince. I also don't think Shawn would have that much of a problem with the DQ win, at least not enough to quit the company over as that was basically the only leverage Shawn had at the time. On the second, Chris Benoit has had more ****+ matches in his 5 years with the company than HBK has in 16. Benoit has had the WWE MOTY for the last four years as well (2001 - vs. Steve Austin, 2002 - w/ Angle vs. Rey & Edge, 2003 - vs. Kurt Angle, 2004 - vs. Shawn vs. HHH). He was hardly a slouch in 2000 too with three great matches against Jericho and another against the Rock. His HHH match at No Mercy wasn't at that high level, but was better than any HBK/HHH singles match. Benoit/Angle is also better than HBK/Angle. Benoit/Orton was much better than HBK/Orton. Benoit/Jericho was better than Shawn/Jericho. Benoit/Austin was better than Shawn/Austin. If you include Benoit's other work than it isn't even close between him and Shawn. At WM XIX, I would have accepted a tainted victory as long as it didn't involve 5 guys running in (a low blow or something like that would have been fine). Jericho was a heel after all. But he needed to have his hand raised at the end.
  11. Kahran Ramsus

    What do you really think about the 4th of July?

    I don't know why you don't celebrate your independence on May 22nd instead. Most people celebrate the end of a war, not the start of it. You weren't free until you finally drove the British out.
  12. Kahran Ramsus

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    Ok. There is no excuse not to do Cena/HBK for the WWE Title now.
  13. Kahran Ramsus

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    Finally they've done something right!
  14. Kahran Ramsus

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    He had some good work with JBL before too.
  15. Kahran Ramsus

    The Hardest Game You Ever Played

    Super Empire Strikes Back is easily the most difficult of the series. The final duel against Vader at the highest difficulty is extremely difficult. The only hard part in ROTJ was the last level where you have to escape from the Death Star in the Millenium Falcon. One screw up on higher levels and you'll be engulfed in flames. III & IV are no problem, especially III. Once you got Alucard it was a piece of cake and Dracula wasn't too difficult at all. Another one I had a lot of problems with was X-COM: UFO Defense. I got started with the series on the second game which was moderately difficult, but when I went back and played the first I never got anywhere. My team would get slaughtered practically right when they stepped out of the ship.
  16. Kahran Ramsus

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    Jericho/Cena = Good. WWE Title feud over music = Bad.
  17. Kahran Ramsus

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    I expected Chavo to get buried on RAW, but I didn't expect this. I can't wait to see what they do with Kenzo.
  18. Kahran Ramsus

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    He surrendered more titles than he jobbed. He ruined Vader's North American career. Instead this led to Sid being a two-time WWF Champion. He refused to job to Steve Austin in the main event of the most important show since the demise of the Golden Age and only eventually did it because Undertaker threatened him. Between September 1993 & November 1994 he was a full time wrestler for about 3 months, despite not being injured. He stuck his nose in the Wrestlemania XX main event, denying us of Benoit's single win over HHH and despite the fact that he said back in 1999 that Wrestlemania main events should only be one-on-one.
  19. Kahran Ramsus

    The Hardest Game You Ever Played

    Ghouls & Ghosts was just brutal. I never even came close to beating it. Some of the overhead shooting games (1942-type games) can be very difficult too. Nothing recent even touches the difficulty of stuff back in the 8-bit and early 16-bit days. Things started getting easier about halfway through the SNES's life.
  20. Kahran Ramsus

    The fate of Triple H...

    I'd rather see Cena/Shawn.
  21. Kahran Ramsus

    The fate of Triple H...

    It should be Angle given his issues with Flair last week, but it will probably be Cena. Realistically, Cena isn't a very good choice for the simple fact that HHH has been getting his ass kicked since January. He lost to Batista at Mania, he lost to Batista at Backlash, he lost to Benoit in the Gold Rush tournament, and he lost in his own match to Batista at Vengeance while getting his finisher no sold. Storyline-wise it isn't believable for HHH to keep getting title shots. At least JBL earns his by winning matches.
  22. Kahran Ramsus

    ECW One Night Stand

    Usually they do tend to rise (there are exceptions like WM X-8 which dropped from the estimate), but when I say in the same ballpark I mean that it won't be a noticeable change. It might go up to 300,000 or something like that, but it won't go up to say 500,000. It won't go up enough to change how the show was viewed financially. It is either a success now or will be a failure then.
  23. Kahran Ramsus

    ECW One Night Stand

    No. The dot on the chart that represents Bad Blood 2005 is One Night Stand. These are just the estimates so they are not the final numbers, but usually they end up being in the same ballpark.
  24. Kahran Ramsus

    Favorite Wrestlers

    Current Chris Benoit JBL Eddy Guerrero Batista Kurt Angle Shelton Benjamin All-Time Chris Benoit Curt Hennig Ted Dibiase Rick Rude Arn Anderson Randy Savage Ric Flair Dean Malenko Eddy Guerrero Tully Blanchard "Stunning" Steve Austin (I didn't care for babyface Stone Cold, but I liked the heel version in 96-97 and 2001, and his WCW stuff is classic.) Dynamite Kid Jake Roberts Ref: Mark Curtis Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel Announcer: Gorilla Monsoon Colour Commentator: Jesse Ventura Manager: Bobby Heenan
  25. Kahran Ramsus

    11 People Traded!!

    Since everybody but Regal will probably be fired soon, I will say Smackdown wins the deal. Chavo is a good CW, but he's completely useless on RAW. Tajiri is a more talented and charismatic wrestler than Chavo and look what he's up to without a CW division. The others are just trash for trash. Regal is the only one with any hope of actually doing something. A nice heel turn and a feud with somebody like Benoit or even Taker would certainly be interesting.