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Everything posted by packwingfn

  1. packwingfn

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    "Your not a cop" "You never were a cop" Good ending to a good episode
  2. packwingfn

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    Is this taking place in the ECW Arena? Joey Styles announcing would kick ass
  3. packwingfn

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Good I hope someday Vic and Corrine get back together.
  4. packwingfn

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I missed the whole convo between Dutch & Corrine at the end Can anyone brief me what happened?
  5. packwingfn


    I'm all for Jack turning against the goverment.
  6. packwingfn


    The "24" Theme playing in the background was good enough for Jack walking away, specially with the Sunglasses. Whoever makes the music is for 24 is damn good.
  7. packwingfn


    And as the season progressed, the more I liked Curtis, Edgar, Buchanan, and even Chloe. Keep Palmer, Novick and Jack. No more Tony & Michelle. (not that I dont like them, but their ending to their story was great, dont ruin it) And everything should be well.
  8. packwingfn


    It was a good ending to the character of "Jack Bauer" Let's just hope Kiefer comes back, he is such a good actor. I really liked the LAST convo between Jack & Palmer, Very touching from all the shit they've been through since 1-4 The series could end right now and I would be happy with that ending.
  9. packwingfn

    We Got WWE 24/7

    i'm loving it so far. and i've just watched the raws and nitros. haven't even touched the goodies so far.
  10. packwingfn

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Trying to watch them in order I guess. I found a torrent, gonna take 86 hours, guess its all of them in one torrent, rather just find 1 in its own torrent because I dont have too much space on my hard drive. I rather watch it first before i buy it in case I hate it. and figures I bought APM (owned the rest) this week at 14.99 and its on sale for 9.48, eh oh well.
  11. packwingfn

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Anyone know any torrents available of the Clone Wars cartoon series for download? I would defnitely like to watch them
  12. packwingfn

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    thanks for letting us know, i would totally would looked foward to it then be disappointed.
  13. packwingfn

    We Got WWE 24/7

    i FINALLY have wwe 24/7! bout damn time, I think I'm gonna order it tonight and watch a few things as I'm exhausted and some few old school matches and stories should keep me enterained. So its only $6 a month? mmmm
  14. packwingfn


    And there was NO mention of the chinese tonight.
  15. packwingfn


    The camera shot of Jack's hand trying to touch Audrey was very good directing. Jack loses another woman he loves. And I have a feeling this next episode is just gonna be the calm before the storm.
  16. packwingfn


  17. packwingfn


    HOLY SHIT!!!!
  18. packwingfn


    Jack's reaction to Chloe saying "If you need anyone to talk too, I'm here" was gold.
  19. packwingfn


    It wasn't really the drama of Paul dying but HOW he died! and Audry's reaction to it, and Jack trying to save his life after he know he screwed up. Then Curtis telling him to stop. I dont normally get that emotional
  20. packwingfn


    Took me awhile to recover from that ending. Yes Yes I suck. World War III? Very good twist.
  21. packwingfn


    oh my god that was the most emotional scene of 24 in a long time. i defnitely cried.
  22. packwingfn


    I don't think Pauls gonna make it
  23. packwingfn

    We Got WWE 24/7

    I still don't have WWE 24/7 I'm from Rhode Island and have COX. And yes im still mad
  24. packwingfn


    I dunno if hes behind it or not but its good to have the white house more involved compared to the beginning of the season when we barely saw keeler. And I'm not an IT person yet, Taking it up in college though.
  25. packwingfn


    I think thats gonna be my answer to every question I get asked now "I work with computers" Thanks Chloe