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Everything posted by StrapFinlay

  1. StrapFinlay

    Wrestlemania IX

    Slightly off-topic, but I would suggest Wembley would have been full no matter who was headlining SummerSlam '92.
  2. StrapFinlay

    Bring only one guy back to WWE

    Randy Savage, known as Randy "The Hymenator" Savage as a nod to what he probably didn't actually do to a certain person
  3. StrapFinlay

    The Old School questions thread

    I'm sure I heard Hogan got some ridiculous cut like 100 per cent of his own merchandise and 25 per cent of ALL WCW merchandise. Plus $250,000 per television appearance. And a guarantee of anywhere from $4m-$12m-a-year, depending on who you listen to. Either way, even if those figures are way off, I'd still say Hogan by a mile.
  4. StrapFinlay

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    While Austin and Rock will never be on the top plateau with Hogan, but that's the way the business goes
  5. StrapFinlay

    Let's Talk About....WrestleMania IV

    Am I imagining things or did Hogan slam Andre at the end of/after their match? I just seem to recall it when Hogan mentioned WMIII was a "one and only" thing (which, of course, it wasn't!).
  6. StrapFinlay

    The Old School questions thread

    Who actually drew money for Vince?
  7. StrapFinlay

    Let's Talk About...

    You're just mad because he killed The Undertaker and ended Tatanka's undefeated streak. It's sort of his fault that Crush turned heel too. Oh yeah, the onus is on xKamala to start this week's topic, so let's hear it. Wasn't it Ludvig Borga who ended the streak?
  8. StrapFinlay

    WWE Hall of Fame Candidates 2008

    IC Champ. Euro champ. Tag champ. King of the Ring. He has the titles. Major feuds with Bret, HHH, HBK, and Austin. He has the angles. By the standards of the Hall of Fame, he may well get in because the current members make the who thing a farce. But even in terms of what he did for the WWF, he shouldn't be up there. He only really reached the top of the card when there was a severe shortage of talent and the WWF were in dire straits. But in death he has been given a legacy that life would not have rewarded him with. Edit: And by the "titles" list, Billy Gunn may as well be included! At least he didn't carry about 30 pounds too much weight!
  9. StrapFinlay

    WWE Hall of Fame Candidates 2008

    Take away hit brother and his untimely death and then look at Owen Hart again. Hall of Fame? Never.
  10. StrapFinlay

    Matches that shouldn't have been on free tv

    No, I don't think it would. As I recall, Hogan and Flair walked around each other for a few minutes and that was about that. Painful. Hogan was booked terribly for his reign, and they wonder why it flopped so badly.
  11. StrapFinlay

    Terribly inaccurate wrestling predictions you made

    Well, these are varied and just in the order they come to be, not chronological. - Hogan would slam Yokozuna at KOTR '93 and retain the title - Hogan would somehow win the title at WMX8 (well, and every Wrestlemania since!) - Shawn Michaels would be the mystery entrant in the title tournament at Survivor Series '98, only for it to be Duane Gill - Bret Hart would not be able to make the step up to main event level - As above for Shawn Michaels - Undertaker would never return to the title picture after his initial success - The Montreal Screwjob would be revealed as a work 10 years after the event - Wrestling would collapse after Hogan left the F in 1992 - We would get to see an exploding barbed wire ring match in the F involving Foley and probably Funk I'll think of more...
  12. StrapFinlay

    RAW XV

    Gillberg was a more convincing main-eventer than Jericho...
  13. StrapFinlay

    Worst promos ever

  14. StrapFinlay

    OAO 2007 Survivor Series Thread

    As much as I appreciate the thread, what's the average age of the people posting in the chat? 12? Earlier there was an argument about whether Jericho was Edge's brother...
  15. StrapFinlay

    OAO 2007 Survivor Series Thread

  16. StrapFinlay

    Best Submission Hold

    I seem to remember that. And Roddy Piper held the microphone to Backland, who just screamed and that was taken as "I quit"
  17. StrapFinlay

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    Did you miss the taped conversation where Vince agrees to the run-in finish? Or where everyone involved in the originally intended finish were in the gorilla position waiting to run-in, and wondering what the hell was going on when the screwjob went down? It can be proved that the finish that went down wasn't the one agreed upon. But to be ultra fussy, what can actually be proven beyond reasonable doubt? Or even on the balance of probabilities? Yes, that section of the tape shows a finish being agreed. But who is to say more conversations were not held at a later point? Yes, the wrestlers were in the Gorilla position waiting for the run-in - but that only goes to show they were told that was going to be the finish. It doesn't prove that was the finish agreed by Bret and Vince.
  18. StrapFinlay

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    Perhaps it was the decision that was agreed upon
  19. StrapFinlay

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    But how far does "reasonable" creative control go?
  20. StrapFinlay

    Masters and DH Smith suspended

    Following in his father's footsteps. You'd think that after your dad died in his 40s from abusing steroids you might be a little apprehensive about abusing the stuff yourself. His dad was only 39, shockingly. No excuses for this and I'm appalled. Shouldn't be, given all that has gone on, but still am.
  21. StrapFinlay

    SmackDown Spoilers

    I like the idea of a Ireland vs UK feud. The images I have in my head of just how they would portray that feud make me shudder.
  22. StrapFinlay

    The Old School questions thread

    He got injured. I think he had a bad back before even becomign Waylon Mercy and it was only a matter of time. I seem to recall he was injured in a match with Kevin Nash.. Not sure about that. It's possible, but I'm pretty sure Spivey had some pre-existing injury when he came to WWF, and they were hoping he could just work through it. His character didn't really call for him to be a high impact type of worker. I've not seen the interview, but: "Why did he leave the WWE and exactly how did he get injured working with Kevin Nash?" From: http://www.rfvideo.com/browseproducts/Shoo...Dan-Spivey.HTML Think it was a power-bomb that aggravated a pre-existing back injury.
  23. StrapFinlay

    The Old School questions thread

    He got injured. I think he had a bad back before even becomign Waylon Mercy and it was only a matter of time. I seem to recall he was injured in a match with Kevin Nash..
  24. StrapFinlay

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

  25. StrapFinlay

    Approaching the 10th anniversary of the...

    Agreed. A lot of the current WWE fans probably don't even remember Bret Hart in the WWF, anyway. A lot of the current WWE fans probably don't even know who Bret Hart is.