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Everything posted by AlexPuma

  1. AlexPuma


    The IGN review for the Wii version of Mortal Kombat Armageddon is up: http://wii.ign.com/articles/792/792147p1.html Apparently the Wii controlls *shockers* actually work decent for a fighting game. At least, a fighting game named Mortal Kombat. As a fairly big MK fan, it's a big pick-up for me, the added Khameleon is a bonus too (Chameleon, though, could die and I wouldn't care). Shame it sounds like they didn't fix anything else that was wrong with the game.
  2. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    At least the Saturn wasn't half-bad. Horribly marketed, yes. Rushed out of the gate too soon? Definitely. But it was actually a decent system with some great games. I miss the good SEGA. The 32x shouldn't even have made it past the drawing board.
  3. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I refuse to comment on that one guy, so everything I say about the 32x is from personal experience only. I've played Chaotix and Kloribi (a hummingbird shooter) on it. Kloribi had great graphics on that system, very Ecco-esque in graphics, music, and gameply. And anybody who says the 3d Sonics are the worst games clearly never played Knuckles Chaotix (or Sonic Labyrinth, but that's is a different subject all together). The game had potential, and I love it for having my favorite Sonic character making his debut in it, Espio the Chameleon. However, the level design was sloppy as hell and the game mechanics were buggy at best.
  4. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    My friend actually has a 32x... but is missing the power source. He's an unhappy camper.
  5. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I thought your previous post was you admitting the pic was fake. Maybe my reading comprehension is poor, but you said it was a fake ad.
  6. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I knew that pic had to be faked. From somebody who created a few fakes a while back, I could tell by looking at the text. The "Coming Soon" and website text looked like they weren't interacting with the building correctly.
  7. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That type of marketing only works when it is well known enough what it is supposed to represent. A bunch of passerbys will see it wondering what IV is, possibly Godfather IV or something equally stupid. They won't even notice the R* logo on it. Same thing with the Halo 3 ads I see everwhere. I look and I think it could be an ad for Predator 3 or something. The more I look at the pic, the more I think the pic is fake. In other news, I preordered Scarface for the Wii on a horrible impulse. Did I make a bad mistake?
  8. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Too tell the truth, I'll give the pass on Bridget. Just because Guilty Gear is famous for its "wacky" character design, and Bridget happens to be one of the wackier and most famous character from the series, in both a good and bad way (and there is plenty of bad ways, trust me >_<) I won't give a pass on Marcus Pheonix or whatever Mr. Generic's name is. He just looks too much like every horrible plotless action game put together in one single entity. Same goes for the character design in Crackdown and Halo. They all may be fun games in their own right, but put some creativity in the characters at least! For some reason, I'm not suprised that nobody tried to defend Vaan. I think he is universally known as a horrible character. Also: Here is the reason I can't play Donkey Kong Country 3. Horrible.
  9. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Mortal Kombat did go very ninja-heavy back in the days of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. No one can deny that. Other than that, their character design was decent to mehish, with a few bright stars here and there. I wouldn't say Mortal Kombat has the worst art or character design for any game. Here is some bad character designs: Man, this chick is hot! So is she! OMG! Hey! Batista decided to start cosplaying as Master Chief.
  10. AlexPuma


    smashbros.com is now up and ready to browse. Nothing too new to add, except look at the list of composers. Here's a few that raises a few eyebrows: Let the wild speculation begin!
  11. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Mana vs. Sonic vs. Mortal Kombat Which one of my favorite series is going to self-destruct the fastest?
  12. AlexPuma


    Great selection. Nothing I'd buy though. DKC2 is great, but my friend still has the game and I've played it to death already, though. I do love the music in it though. *goes to listen to his DKC2 soundtrack* Streets of Rage 2. Infinitely better than the watered-down SNES Final Fight. But I'd probably not going to get it since sidescrolling beat-em-ups are only fun in multiplayer, and I don't get a chance to play games with my friends too often on the Wii. Blazing Lazers? I'd have to know more of it before I comment on it. Just judging by the name, it sounds like a run'n'gun game in the vein of Contra or Gunstar Heroes. EDIT: Okay. I looked up the game. Apparently it is an overhead space shooter. Another rumor is that Paper Mario (N64) will be available next month. For me its a must buy. I've only played that game once. I did buy Dragon's Curse and Beyond Oasis, though. Dragon's Curse, from the little bit I've played of it, has the potential to be great or not so great. Too soon to tell. I haven't even played Beyond Oasis yet. I'm waiting to beat Zelda first. Also, if you are even a casual fan of platformers in general, you must buy Bonk's Revenge when you get the chance. It is probably the one of the best platformers currently available on the VC. Only ones that are better are the usual (SMB, Sonic, and now DKC2).
  13. AlexPuma


    To add my own idle speculation: - Rumors have it that that Roy is the most likely to be cut from the Smash roster. Why? Because his game flopped. Pichu, Dr. Mario, and Young Link also likely to be chopped off the roster. - No clones = YAY! - No more than 50 characters? That sounds about right. - Super Smash Moves sounds like stacking finishers from Day of Reckoning. That sounds like it'd be great. - A bigger Adventure mode? I hope it's great. - Also, I hope they nix wavedashing and chainthrows, and make it so Fox's reflector move isn't the Godliest move in fighting game history. Thats all the game balancing I need.
  14. AlexPuma


    http://www.smashbros.com/ Uhoh, there looks like something is brewing here... EDIT: This is from a blog and posted on GameFAQs, so take it with a grain of salt. But I still find fun for speculation.
  15. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Question: Why would the Elite Beat Agents help out Sony? But it was good for a laugh. Great gif. Fun facts from VG Chartz (if you believe their numbers): The Nintendo DS has sold: 42.50 Million worldwide The Wii, X-Box 360, Playstation 3, and PSP combined has sold: 41.44 Million worldwide That's right, the DS is outselling every current gen system and handheld combined!
  16. AlexPuma

    Xbox 360

    no What? Out of an entire post that is totally disagreeable, you chose one word to disagree with? I looked up "irregardless". Sounds like you're playing grammar cop. Damn my Minnesotan accent, ja!
  17. AlexPuma

    Xbox 360

    OMG! MGS2'D! I would love if Master Chief and his generic GI Joe action figure design is replaced with an even more generic Japanese bishie with ANGST! Can't forget the ANGST! I can see a ritual bonfire burning of the game by pissed-off 360 users. Meanwhile, the series becomes a hit in Japan.
  18. AlexPuma

    Xbox 360

    Considering that the release date is four months away, I don't think Bungie has time to up the graphics and gameplay to fix all the faults. And by the way, when I was talking Halo 2.5, I was talking about the gameplay being exactly the same as well. The game will sell well irregardless, but I can see the franchise being hurt in the long run since the game is in contention for the biggest disappointment of 2007. EDIT: This could end up being the 360's version of Twilight Princess. Lots of hype for a game that is "more of the same".
  19. AlexPuma

    Xbox 360

    So, how is Halo 2.5, really? EDIT: I'm not hating on the franchise, it just looks like the most hyped game of 2007 is pretty disappointing from what I hear.
  20. AlexPuma

    RVD released early?

    I can't say I'm not disappointed. This is both good and bad news depending on your PoV. If he jumps to TNA, he could have enough star power to convince Spike to give them 2 hours. However, the upper card of TNA is already cluttered and a huge mess, including TOMKO of all people as title contenders. I'd rather have him take a year off or so and then look at his options again.
  21. AlexPuma

    Poll: How do you say "NES/SNES"?

    In the older days, I just said Regular Nintendo and Super Nintendo. Now I say NES and Super Nintendo to help differentiate the consoles more. I say "Ness" and "Sness" once in a great while just to act like a goofball.
  22. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The makeup accentuates her manjaw too much now. X-Play used to be good with the right mix of humor and information (there's old clips up on YouTube thankfully). Now, it seems like Adam and Morgan (especially the latter) have a kind of contempt for their audience and every "review" needs a stupid skit with it. Ever since they went to the new set early last year, the show's taken a severe nosedive in quality. Holy crap! That's like a whole new woman! She's actually smiling!
  23. AlexPuma

    Xbox 360

    Hmm... that combination sounds an awful like Body Harvest, one of my favorite games of all time.
  24. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    What is G4's current demographic anyway? They've long since completely alienated the TechTV demographic, the hardcore gamer demographic gave on them along time ago, and the Spike TV demographic doesn't take them seriously. The only people I know who even like the channel are the guys who watch it for the Anime and Red vs. Blue (horrible show, btw). I know at one point, they showed Kaiju Big Battel, but I don't know if they even do that anymore, due to their odd, MTV like scheduling.
  25. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yay! I'm not the only one who remembers Kate Botello!