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Everything posted by AlexPuma

  1. AlexPuma


    The Wii is way more powerful than people think. Sure the 360 is ages ahead of the Wii in raw power, but in time, the Wii will be showing some impressive games I'm certain. MP3 still looks a bit like the first two Metroid Primes but with less graphic restrictions, so I think games far more impressive than MP3 technically are in store for us.
  2. AlexPuma


    Another thing I disliked about the Halo franchise, at least with Halo 2: The multiplayer basically promotes camping. Its a race to get to the Sniper first and who does so usually wins the match. I pretty much dislike the FPS genre in general, but I have way more fun with pretty much any other multiplayer FPS than I do with the Halo franchise. I remember EGM having an article about how Halo 3 was going to have graphics that will make people say "Gears of What?". What happened there? I mean, other than Dan "Shoe" Hsu being the biggest Halo fanboy on the planet.
  3. AlexPuma

    The What If Topic...

    Aside from Vader, Brian Pillman, and to a stretch, "Wildman" Marc Mero, none of the WCW guys were the same characters that they were in WCW. Mankind was very different than Cactus Jack, and so was Stone Cold/The Ringmaster very different than Stunning Steve. It just wouldn't work, unless they got Sid involved and signed another big name.
  4. AlexPuma

    2007 PWI 500

    The only problems I have with this list: Khali deserve to be in the top 40 at least. Yeah he sucks, but this list is half-kayfabe anyway. This guy had a main event feud with John Cena and won the World Title. That alone should put him above Carlito and Shelton Benjamin. I can't imagine any universe that anybody would think that Domino is better than Deuce. Even blind marks know he sucks.
  5. AlexPuma


    No, I'd hate it more if it was Kawaii. I dislike the series because the single player gameplay is dull, the multiplayer is vastly overrated, and Halo 2 actually was a step backwards instead of forward.
  6. AlexPuma


    Halo 3. Nothing like the Halo franchise. How games so mediocre can gain so much hype.
  7. AlexPuma

    The What If Topic...

    Honestly, nothing would change but the story and promos leading up to Backlash. I think Rock vs. Triple H with Austin as the ref would still happen, and the DX Express will still be demolished. But overall, nothing would change but make WrestleMania 2000 actually look better in hindsight because the ending of the show really sucked. EDIT: The real question would be to ask: 1) What if Mick Foley won? 2) (the more interesting option) What if Big Show won?
  8. AlexPuma

    The What If Topic...

    What if Ludvig Borga ended up staying longer in the WWF than he did? Would he eventually become a credible main eventer? Would the much-rumored Lex Luger vs Ludvig Borga WrestleMania main event happen? Would he had enough heat to be a mainstay in the company for years to come? Would him being one of the top heels help or hurt the WWF in the long run? And about the Edge in WCW thing. I think he would have been a decent WCW midcarder that puts on good matches but never makes it up the card. During the invasion, he'd be squashed and forgotten like Mike Awesome or Kanyon. Then he'd go to TNA, get a decent uppercard run before losing to Jarrett and then probably retire or have an outstanding career in Japan.
  9. AlexPuma

    Nights: Journey of Dreams trailer released

    I hope the game is a roaring success. Then again, this is the current Sonic Team we're talking about. They'll screw it up, like they screwed up S&TSR.
  10. I liked Striker as well. Very underrated character. But Baraka is always my fave.
  11. AlexPuma

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Actually, Owen Hart has appeared in the Legends of Wrestling series of games. But those games really sucked (due to Acclaim making it) so it probably doesn't count. Speaking of which, the Legends of Wrestling license is one that has nearly unlimited potential that I wish a good developer would grab. Having EA pick up the license and then getting AKI to develop it would probably end up with the best wrestling game ever made in North America.
  12. AlexPuma

    The What If Topic...

    I have a really bad one: What would happen if Mabel ended up winning the WWF Championship at SummerSlam 95?
  13. AlexPuma


    This boycott stuff of TNA is a little overblown. I mean, for every problem I can see in TNA, I can name another problem in RoH and two more in WWE. Yes, the Russo/Mantel booking team and WCW locker room morale is horrible stuff. Pacman Jones is probably the worst thing to happen to the company. But it isn't worth boycotting the company over. Wait until the company does something worth boycotting over, like crucifying Tommy Dreamer or raping a mannequin or something. Yes, TNA needs a hard kick in the nuts, but boycotting the show, especially when you don't have a Nielsen box, is going to do nothing. And keep in mind, I haven't watched TNA i months... but I haven't been watching wrestling in general either. So the problem is with the industry now, not TNA.
  14. AlexPuma

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Who is the second 60 year old man? Is Terry Funk going to take on Vince McMahon? Funk vs Vince = RATINGS! EDIT: Read the post wrong. Didn't see Flair in there.
  15. AlexPuma

    Wii Numbers

    I have Metroid Prime 3.
  16. AlexPuma

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    JBL: Good night sweet prince... Every announcer has an annoying catch phrase, even the best ones.
  17. AlexPuma

    TNA get their letter

    ZING!!! Id say more on the lines of WWE Lite, Diet WWE, or WWE Zero Nah... with the way that TNA is being booked... I'd say that the WWE is like Coca Cola and TNA is Diet Pepsi MAX! It has more caffeine and ginseng in it! It must be better than the crap that the WWE puts out, even if it is diet!
  18. AlexPuma

    SummerSlam's UnderCard...

    No it wasn't, that match sucked really bad and did an awful job of getting Billy Gunn over. The match itself wasn't bad. The thing that killed it was the Mr. Ass gimmick that would never get over in any circumstance, plus that large woman brought it down a few notches. Plus, the Rock burying Mr Ass the next night didn't help matters either. But it was a perfectly acceptable wrestling match aside from the obvious dumbass Russo stipulations. If the match took place in a vacuum without the horrible storyline leading up to it, it wouldn't be looked so down upon. For a non-tag Billy Gunn match, it was as good as it was going to get.
  19. AlexPuma

    Rebook a SummerSlam

    SummerSlam '99: World Heavyweight Championship: Fatal Four Way: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H vs. Mankind vs. The Rock w/ Jesse Ventura as Guest Referee - Mankind will still win of course, but the match would have added mystique of The Rock to make the match have a bigger "big match" feel. Test vs. Shane McMahon - This match needs to stay untouched. Tag Team Championship: Kane & X-Pac vs. Undertaker & Big Show - The Unholy Alliance needs to win the titles to set up the Rock'n'Sock Connection feud down the line. This time, though, X-Pac would play face-in-peril instead of Kane. Hardcore Championship: Big Bossman vs. Al Snow vs. Road Dogg - The match featuring the three key players in the division at the time. Al Snow will still win and it will still end up in the bar. Intercontinental and European Championship: Double Jeopardy Match: D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry vs King Ass & Jeff Jarrett - My own "Russo-esque" creation. This would play like a Texas Tornado match, but with with Jarrett gunning for the European title and Mr Ass gunning for the IC title. D'Lo would pin Jarrett but then Henry would do his turn to cost him the IC belt to Billy Gunn. Lion's Den Submission Match Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman - Might as well give this match a reason to exist instead of having Jim Ross call the match while clearing having no clue to what the rules are. Four Way Tag Match Edge & Christian vs. The New Brood vs. Mideon & Viscera vs. Droz & Prince Albert - I'd give the win to Droz & Albert because I'm weird like that, but most of the match would be carried by E&C vs the Hardyz and with Mideon & Viscera's involvement minimal. Hardcore & Crash Holly vs. The Acolytes - Just a simple comedy match to cool down the crowd between big matches. Just have Crash think he can take on the Acolytes by himself and have Hardcore just get frustrated by Crash's incompetence. Chris Jericho vs. The Godfather - For no other reason than to get Jericho on the card and have him get a win over a popular and expendable face. I'd add a women's match but I'm afraid that no program would have enough heat to warrent a match on the card. Also, the show pretty much ended up the same with minor tweaks added and King Ass taken out of a high-level match. Its hard to change a show that worked as well as SS99 did.
  20. AlexPuma

    SummerSlam's UnderCard...

    SummerSlam '99: D'Lo Brown vs Jeff Jarrett was a great opener. Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman had a fun match despite the stupid Russo stipulations. Test vs. Shane McMahon was a miracle and is sadly still Test's best match in his career. The Rock vs. Mr. Ass was way better than it should have been.
  21. There's an old DX shirt that I have that I now refuse to wear in public... but I'd wear the shirt if it didn't have MR. ASS sitting there in the forefront and drawing attention to himself, and Triple H wearing the beret and looking really girly as well. Its sad when X-Pac is on the shirt and is the least embarrassing part of it.
  22. AlexPuma

    The Old School questions thread

    There's one thing I never understood because I wasn't watching WCW at the time. During the Benoit / Sid match where Benoit won the WCW Title before jumping ship, why was half the locker room watching? It really helped give the match a rare "Big Match" feel for WCW, but I don't really understand the context of the match or why half the roster would be more interested in it than any other WCW Title match.
  23. AlexPuma

    The What If Topic...

    I got a "What if" that would change the entire face of the industry: What if the neck injury that Steve Austin got from Owen Hart was so bad that he could never wrestle again? Who would have took Austin's place at WrestleMania XIV? Shamrock or Mankind? Would the Montreal Screwjob ever have happened if Steve Austin was no longer the megastar in the making? Would the WWF been in major trouble, or is the Rock charismatic enough to carry the WWF even if he was pushed into the main even scene earlier that he was? Would Triple H have been a face main eventer as the head of DX vs Vince McMahon's Corporation in 98? And most importantly, how would Owen Hart's push be affected by having no Austin to hold him down? Would he still have the career-ending botch to live down, like D'Lo still has?
  24. AlexPuma

    TNA get their letter

    Who on the roster would be in big trouble with the testing? I'm thinking (going off of TNAwrestling.com's roster list): ' "The Punisher" BG James Kevin Nash Kip James Kurt Angle Raven Scott Steiner Tomko Will all be in trouble of some sort. Not sure if Raven is clean now or not, but I hope he is. There are guys like Brother Devon or Rhino who might be on something, but that is just speculation from my end.
  25. AlexPuma

    Brian "Crush" Adams found dead

    That's because Stevie's current theme was used also KroniK's WWE theme, which was based off their WCW Static-X song.