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Everything posted by AlexPuma
Its no biggie, you just started to sound like a Microsoft viral marketer towards the end there.
In other news, I bought Comix Zone for the Genesis. The actual cartridge, not for the VC. Shame I no longer have a working Genesis
So Andrew, when does your check arrive for pimping the 360 especially when its uncalled for?
That is one point. And had anybody had a one vs one deathmatch on Halo? The recharging shield mechanics are so broken it is nearly unplayable with only two players. That is one of the many reasons that Goldeneye or Timesplitters 2 ends up being the FPS of choice when I'm at a friend's house.
The recharging shields added to the gameplay of Halo as much as gunplay added to the gameplay of Shadow the Hedgehog.
Hey. I don't always bitch about him. I just wish he'd cut his own promos again, instead of rehashing old Rock interviews. He can do his own style of promo. Stop trying to make him into the Rock, and let him be himself. He can cut good promos without this Rock-like persona. He did it on Smackdown...I don't understand why creative isn't letting him loose again. USA wants a Rock clone and that's where Cena comes in play. Only HHH gets the freedom to do/say what he wants. Perhaps WWE needs to hire The Smoke from WEW.
To be fair, I bought it used.
All you have to do is set it to control scheme 1.2. The Turok controls is close enough to dual analogue that it should count. I'd personally rather have Wii Remote + Nunchuk support myself.
This is what I currently have in my house. My PS1 and PS2 games now all belong to my brother when he moved out. Also, not pictured: Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Riders as a friend is borrowing them right now. I remember certain games for the N64 being horrible with memory card usage. Like Shadowman. I remember buying the game and realizing it took up a whole memory card by itself just for one save file. I returned the game the same day.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. It even had the control scheme down before Halo was even conceived. I hate to give Acclaim credit for anything, but they did it first. You're right. They are just as stale as the "shock horror" movies that plague the theaters today or the "big explosion" action movies in the mid-90s. Is Super Metroid the same genre as MegaMan or Contra?
I'm not in the industry, am I? Me listing ideas would be like starting a fantasy booking thread in General Wrestling. It would get nothing accomplished. Quoted for pure stupidity. Halo was not innovative in the least bit. It was "Marathon on a console". Personally, I think Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was more important than Halo when it came to "innovating" FPS on a console. Hell, even Turok 2 had weapons unique to the series like the Cerebral Bore and the Shredder, something Halo cannot active. Which is exactly my point. The FPS genre is getting very stagnant. But there were plenty of innovations before the "Halo era". The improvements Doom made over Wolfenstein. Duke Nukem 3D proved the genre didn't need to take itself seriously. Quake, while very generic today, was the first real successful pure 3D FPS. System Shock / BioShock and Deux Ex have unique takes on the genre. Turok proved the genre could work on consoles. Goldeneye was the first successful multiplayer on a console FPS. The Half-Life series is still considered by some to be the epitome of FPS gaming, but I've never played it so accurately judge. All these games did more individually than the entire Halo franchise ever did aside from sales. And the Metroid Prime series are not First Person Shooters, aside from Hunters. And that is why I usually never play the genre outside of TimeSplitters.
I don't get the hate for Big Show vs Akebono. I remember it being short, harmless, well-worked, and causing a big buzz in Japan. Other than seeing Big Show's ass, what was so bad about it?
Lance Storm had said that on F4W that if John Cena currently uses any performance enhancers, he'd be the biggest hypocrite on the planet because he always talked bad about them backstage and stuff like that. He is blessed with a naturally athletic body and the guy works out like a horse. John Cena is probably the best thing thing WWE has going for them right now. He's over, clean, and sells merchandise. Yes I still hate him, but without him, WWE is pretty much screwed.
"My body is all natural!" I'm fairly certain that Cena is one of the few natural bodies in WWE. Thanks for proving his point.
All this talk of "Innovation" makes me wonder if half the people here know what innovation is. Halo was just an average PC FPS game that was built ground up for the Xbox. BioShock was pretty much System Shock 3 in gameplay and was made specifically for the 360, even though there is a PC version too. And if you think that the only innovation that FPS can get is graphics, AI, and controls, I highly doubt you should be in the video game industry at all.
One thing: it doesn't. Super Mario World and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 are two of the greatest games of all time and they both are just direct sequels to SMB3 and Sonic 1 in gameplay. The main reason of why I'm complaining is that "professional" reviewers takes points off some games, like Metroid Prime 3, for lack of innovation and then turns around and claims that Halo 3 is great and stays "true to its roots" when nothing new or innovative is added. Or in the case of BioShock, the game does nothing new that wasn't in the first two System Shock games, but the gaming media still calls it one of the most innovative FPS games ever made. In other news, I made a topic saying pretty much the exact same as the above on GameFAQs and I got suspended for it.
That is very sad. No game is worth that. Especially Halo.
WWE's best show is on Thursday nights. *gets pelted with vegetables*
To be fair, I used a more recent review from GameSpot. If you want something from Jeff, I can pull more quotes that Jeff pulled out of his ass. So... Jeff rags on Twilight Princess for being "more of the same" (The same thing he praised Halo 3 for) and rags on Majora's Mask for being too different.
Its perfectly fine to use a Debit card to buy Wii Points. As long as it has a Visa or MasterCard logo on it.
GameSpot officially lost their last bit of credibility with their Halo 3 review: So, Metroid Prime 3 is "more of the same" and gets docked for it... and Halo 3 "stays true to its roots" and gets praised for it. I see double standards here.
Its simple. Metroid Prime 3 is on a DVD. Metroid Prime 1 & 2 were on those tiny 1.5 gig mini-discs. That is also why the GameCube was faster with barely no loading times in comparison to Xbox 1 games. Full-sized DVDs take longer to load data from.
I have the same thing happening all the time with my wireless internet at home. It does it with GameFAQs after about 15 - 45 minutes, and after two hours Google and Wikipedia stops loading. This is one of the few sites that constantly loads for me. Its fine when I use wireless internet at my school with the same laptop. And any computer directly connected to the Actiontec router (wired) works fine. Its just the wireless that is wonky.
Holiday in Cambodia by the Dead Kennedys? I'm totally there.