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Everything posted by Corkscrew_Senton

  1. Corkscrew_Senton

    A serious question about TNA

    At putting together a 5-7 minute TV match he isn't very good at that....and it's his finisher that riles people up. I hate it because it is just really really contrived looking. When your opponent legit has to back flip as you just kinda hold on for your finisher to work........ If you ever see "smarks" going insane on Williams it's his finisher, tons of people legit hate it. Oh yeah, I understand the beef with the Destroyer. I'd like it more if it was used as a special finish for big matches, and if he had a secondary finishing move. But to call him the worst wrestler in the world? He wasn't even worst in his stable.
  2. Corkscrew_Senton

    A serious question about TNA

    I wish Petey would get more of a fair shake. I enjoy him as a worker, and he's the perfect example of why the X-Division needs to just be about good wrestling and not angles or gimmicks. Kinda off-topic, has anyone ever been on the boards at Death Valley Driver? My god those people are idiots. There are posters there, and not a small number, who consider Petey the worst wrestler in ALL OF WRESTLING. I'm not exaggerating this, either.
  3. Corkscrew_Senton

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Because Khali's been booked to have never been taken off his feet.
  4. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO 2/8 Impact Thread

    Why do i tune into Impact each week? Its the only show where i can see Christian, Angle, Joe, Sting, Shelley, Sabin, Rhino, Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Daniels etc on TV.
  5. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO 02/05/07 Raw Thread

    He gave his notice.......he's going to continue to get jobbed unless they agree to a new contract, standard practice. Maybe I remember it incorrectly, but when his contract was nearly up in late 2003 I could have sworn he was given a decent IC title run as an incentive to re-sign, rather than just being jobbed until he did.
  6. Corkscrew_Senton

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I would assume it's still Shane with Khali, and Lashley gets the spot of slamming Khali to get him over as a powerhouse. Actually makes a lot more sense than putting Hogan over him. There's a possibility of a lasting effect using Lashley in the angle, whereas Hogan you get a one night pop.
  7. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Jushin Liger was extremly offended by that........if anyone knows the story they can elaborate further but I know he was heavily pissed. NJPW refuses to acknowledge the title change. Basically Liger was led to believe his tour of WCW would be like in '95 when he was used to put on great matches and showcase the skills of himself and his opponent. He was completely wasted by Russo on that tour, a problem compounded when you consider he was half-a-world away from home competing. Also, title changes in Japan are always done by a matter of who's the better wrestler. So he and NJPW brass were not happy when their respected title was changed in 3 minutes with a tequila bottle shot.
  8. Corkscrew_Senton

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I never cared for him. He's terrible on the mic and he botches a lot of spots. He's also an awkward size -- too big to be a flyer, but too small to be a power guy.
  9. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I love the part where Russo says he's not a bigot or racist. If you're white and you don't like lucha/puro, that doesn't by any means make you a bigot. What does make you a bigot however is having Juvi win the IWGP Jr. title by hitting Liger with a tequila bottle, or putting all the luchadores into a "Pinata on a Pole" match. I just hope he doesn't have Nagata and Tanahashi in a fucking "anime on a pole ladder match" or one of them using chopsticks as a weapon or something.
  10. Corkscrew_Senton

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    raza, I get what you're saying, but I don't like JR putting over someone's football background, either. I mean, it's important to mention past accomplishments when they're meaningful, but playing football at Bumfuck Tech like Bradshaw or being champion of a shit indy like XPW isn't noteworthy in major wrestling promotions. Kloss did a good job selling Kaos when he talked about him as a talented Latino from a new generation, I would have left it at that. Something that bugs me about Kloss is while he's enthuisiastic, which is good, he's Don West levels of over-excited. Plus, he doesn't seem to know the name of any moves. An enziguri is A KICK TO THE HEAD~! and a superkick is A KICK TO THE HEAD~! Maybe the commentary's dumbed down for MTV, I don't know. Anyway, as much as Kloss bugs, he's lightyears ahead of his color commentator. Man, that guy is just awful. Send him to a deserted island with Vince Russo ASAP.
  11. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Good. God. I can't STAND Vince Russo! Tanahashi is awesome, he'd get over for the same reasons guys like Daniels, Styles and Joe are over in TNA -- because he's a great wrestler. Fuckin' eh this guy is awful. I mean, how can you find a job booking when you're THIS STUPID?!
  12. Corkscrew_Senton

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    Kris Kloss' mentioning of XPW like it was ever relevant reminds me of Troy McClure. HI! I'm actor Troy McClure. You might remember me from such films as "Gladys the Groovy Mule" and "Calling All Quakers"! You might remember KAOS as THE LONGEST REIGNING XPW TELEVISION CHAMP OF ALL TIME!!!!
  13. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO 2/8 Impact Thread

    I think TNA may be wary of pushing Senshi, since he's burned bridges with just about everyone he's ever worked for...TNA included.
  14. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO 02/05/07 Raw Thread

    Yeah, but Airplane is old enough and has enough of a following to not fall into Vince's M.O. I'm more surprised that Super Crazy hasn't been given a YO QUIERO TACO BELL gimmick.
  15. Corkscrew_Senton

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    Isn't Two-a-Days reruns, though? Not that I'm cheering against WSX, I think it's a decent enough show, much better than ECW or Raw -- but that seems like some sorry apologizing. Two-a-Days, runs on the same format as WSX. It's the second season of Two-a-Days right now. Gotcha, I meant I thought it was still re-runs of Season One. EDIT: Good strategy by MTV by the way. I would imagine Two-a-Days appeals to high school aged kids into sports, so using that as a lead-in to wrestling makes a lot of sense.
  16. Corkscrew_Senton

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    Isn't Two-a-Days reruns, though? Not that I'm cheering against WSX, I think it's a decent enough show, much better than ECW or Raw -- but that seems like some sorry apologizing.
  17. Corkscrew_Senton

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Ha! That's awesome considering it's pretty well documented McMahon has been hands-off with SmackDown and generally doesn't know wtf is going on with that show....the only good one of the three WWE programs.
  18. Corkscrew_Senton

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    The televised program is too short, has too many goofy camera angles and feels like a fit of epilepsy. The webcast however is a damn fine wrestling show.
  19. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Maybe with "competition" in the muscle department, Steiner will have to step up his game. THE RETURN OF THE FRANKENSTEINER! ...OK, maybe not. Probably the only one that could take the move in the company nowadays without being injured is Abyss. I would rather see the return of the Steiner Screwdriver so Kurt Angle can say "BROKEN FREAKING NECK!" every week. And I rather see the heel stable be Christian, Jericho, AJ, Daniels as religious freaks so Fallen Angel can bring back the collar, Fozzy can sing the gospel, AJ can fly from the heavens preaching the word of Christian, and Christian is the cult leader come on his name is CHRISTIAN! And throw in Sinister Minister and Abyss as the muscle. BOOK THIS!
  20. Corkscrew_Senton

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The manager is in the doghouse, so job out the worker. Makes sense
  21. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Absolutely love it.
  22. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO 02/05/07 Raw Thread

    Submissions aren't exactly used much anymore as finishers with the exception of Cena, Punk, Benoit, and Masters. Some use submissions as set ups but it's generally those four with routine submission finishers. Right, because no one is booked to look really strong anymore, and no one wants to look weak by tapping out, even once. Please excuse the double-post, just wanted to tack on to this that the average idiot WWE fan has made submission finishers something of taboo, because now anytime a guy loses via submission, the idiots chant YOU TAPPED OUT!
  23. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO 02/05/07 Raw Thread

    Submissions aren't exactly used much anymore as finishers with the exception of Cena, Punk, Benoit, and Masters. Some use submissions as set ups but it's generally those four with routine submission finishers. Which totally blows. I remember WCW in like '97, you had Benoit (crossface); Malenko (cloverleaf); Flair and Jarrett (figure four); Piper (sleeper hold); Sting (scorpion deathlock); Meng (death grip); Jericho (liontamer); Konnan (tequila sunrise)...and those are just the guys I remember off the top of my head. I'd like to see more submission finishers, and not Cena's lame "hug opponent's head gently and scream" finisher.
  24. Corkscrew_Senton

    Puroresu comments

    Anyone heard or read about Riki Chosu's New Japan off-shoot "LOCKUP"? They ran a card in Kouraken over the weekend that looks pretty awesome, including a cage deathmatch between Mammoth Sasaki and Togi Makabe. I like this NJPW concept of running the two offshoot promotions with LOCKUP focusing strictly on wrestling, and WrestleLand being a sports entertainment promotion. Now I just need to find a place to get DVDs.
  25. Corkscrew_Senton

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That was my point. For the character he's being booked as, Khali is fine. I don't look at him and think "get this guy off my screen!" He does fill a role, and thus far he has done so well. But to draw the comparison to Kobashi was what I took umbrage with.