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Everything posted by Corkscrew_Senton

  1. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Angle with both belts. Considering Angle's worked several matches with Nagata in the last year, could this be the segue into unifying the old IWGP belt Nagata holds with the one Angle just won?
  2. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Agreed. His work in Japan has been great from what I've seen, and I think his look has changed enough/he's been gone long enough he won't have that WWE stigma Tomko has.
  3. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Thanks jackass. Sorry for the egregious typo.
  4. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    HA! I actually dig it. As for the Ghandi thing, there have been countless rumors posted around here that either don't happen or are nothing like they're reported.
  5. Corkscrew_Senton

    NWA World Title Tournament

    You're not. That's precisely the reason. The split of the NWA titles from TNA is beneficial for both parties IMO.
  6. Corkscrew_Senton

    Tomko - TNA's Batista?

    I don't see how you can consider Sting a reject. He was never jobbed out anywhere and he turned down WWE, not the other way around. As for Steiner, I've been really impressed with him during both his TNA runs. He'll never be the worker he was in the early '90s for myriad reasons, but he's at least as good as he was during his WCW title run and worlds better than his WWE stint.
  7. Corkscrew_Senton

    Tomko - TNA's Batista?

    Honestly, I can see it. I have a lot of respect for Tomko and unlike a lot of people, I'm glad TNA brought him in. He's got a great attitude from all accounts, such as working in Japan to try to learn to be a monster big man. He needs some sort of character defining moment to get him past the "WWE castoff" stigma, though.
  8. Corkscrew_Senton

    NCAA Hoops Offseason Thread

    Enjoy the baggage that is Patterson's mama. I think she's 10 types of crazy. Same goes for Kevin Love's dad over at UCLA.
  9. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO Sacrifice PPV Thread

    It already happened in WCW, didn't it? They were in the same stable during WCW's last few months (tangent: WCW was great the last three months it was in existance -- shame it had already dug its own grave by then). But after Scotty joined the NWO they never tagged together again. The Steiners reunited just over ONE year after Scott went nWo. It took place at Slamboree 1999. Scott's back injury prevented them from doing any matches together. However, they DID tag up a couple of times when they reunited again during the last months of WCW. I remember them losing a tag match to DDP & someone else (I'm thinking The Cat or Dustin Rhodes) on Nitro. Hmm, interesting. I don't remember the '99 deal (I wasn't watching WCW much at that point. Despite what anyone says about Russo, this Nash-booked era was much, much worse). Not sure why I don't remember them tagging together in 2001, but good call Hitman.
  10. Corkscrew_Senton

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    What exactly did Matt Barnes get a technical for, anyway?
  11. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO Sacrifice PPV Thread

    It already happened in WCW, didn't it? They were in the same stable during WCW's last few months (tangent: WCW was great the last three months it was in existance -- shame it had already dug its own grave by then). But after Scotty joined the NWO they never tagged together again.
  12. Corkscrew_Senton

    Pics of the new TNA Titles

    Agreed RedJed. That World title really is a beautiful belt. I'd rank it at the top of my favorites along with the Smackdown title and the IWGP belt that Brock Lesnar stole
  13. Corkscrew_Senton

    Pics of the new TNA Titles

    Very nice all around. The view of the World is a little sketchy, but it kinda looks like the IWGP, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  14. Corkscrew_Senton

    Pictures I Like

    Here's a YouTube video with her featuring some more chokeslams. Chokeslams of Doom I love that there's a dude in the last clip wearing a fucking Bobby Hurley jersey.
  15. Corkscrew_Senton

    Pictures I Like

    Vince would find a way to have the gimmick involve pedophilia.
  16. Corkscrew_Senton

    OAO Sacrifice PPV Thread

    Same here. I would have loved for a Joe vs. Jarrett vs. Sting, with Joe just dominating both guys at Bound For Glory. That's really what I think they should've gone with.
  17. Corkscrew_Senton

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think the champion from TNA was supposed to tour and defend against regional workers. I know back in '03 AJ was defending the NWA Title against everyone and their brother, but since at least the Spike TV deal that hasn't happened.
  18. Corkscrew_Senton

    God I just hate everything right now

    Your name's Van Halen and you don't know a parody of the best Sammy Hagar-era VH song? For shame... His name's Vanhalen, not Vanhagar! This thread gets more awesome with every post
  19. Corkscrew_Senton

    God I just hate everything right now

    No worries. I rate this thread five stars!
  20. Corkscrew_Senton

    Impact Spoilers

    In kayfabe, Angle might not know there is going to be a KOTM next month. I'm not sure whether or not it has been mentioned so far this year. If the KOTM didn't happen, I'd be fine with it. That match is way too contrived and a cop-out for changing the belt. Anyway, I liked Impact this week. It wasn't as good as it had been last year at this time, but it's improving little-by-little. Still not nearly as good as Smackdown, but I greatly prefer it to Raw.
  21. Corkscrew_Senton

    God I just hate everything right now

    Your name's Van Halen and you don't know a parody of the best Sammy Hagar-era VH song? For shame...
  22. Corkscrew_Senton

    God I just hate everything right now

    Vanhalen...right now in the title? I'm reading this as RIGHT NOW! COME OOOOOON, HAAAAAATE EVEEEEERYYYYYYTHIIIIIIING! RIGHT NOW! It's a maaaaaagic moment, hate it right here and now.
  23. Corkscrew_Senton

    28 Weeks Later

    Well...that's one of the gayer things I've ever read on this forum.
  24. Corkscrew_Senton

    Smackdown Spoilers for 5/11

    Knowing Taker had an injured triceps gave me a different appreciation for that cage match. At times you could tell he was in agony, but he was really fighting through it, and did so enough to put on a good match. Someone already said it, but I think it bears repeating: Smackdown is 10x the show Raw could even think of being.
  25. Corkscrew_Senton

    Movies you like...

    Ray Allen's acting didn't kill it for you? I mean, it wasn't Penny Hardaway "If I leave will my mom lose her houseandjob?" Blue Chips bad, but it was pretty cringe worthy. I kinda liked the movie but mostly because of Denzel and his throat choppin "You can't talk now? Hmmm?" Ray was pretty wooden, but I actually thought that kinda added to his character of disillusioned and easily used high school kid.