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Everything posted by migoli

  1. migoli

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Ugh as a Twins fan the rumor i just read makes me sad. Read that the Rays might be willing to move Bartlett and tried to get either Delmon Young or Mr. Let's get Denarded in here, Denard Span.
  2. migoli

    WWE Raw - December 1, 2008

    I would do terrible things to Melina in front of my mother.
  3. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    Makes me sad because this is a once a month thing for the Vikings.
  4. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    Porbably but as retarded as the Vikings offense is they do get insanely lucky at times and they do still have the best RB in football. And there you go!
  5. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    My fantasy week is saved!!!
  6. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    Porbably but as retarded as the Vikings offense is they do get insanely lucky at times and they do still have the best RB in football.
  7. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    Why did Buffalo let big Project Pat go anyway?
  8. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    When haven't they needed that to win? Once this year?
  9. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    Well there it is,Prince. Knew they couldn't help themselves.
  10. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    Wow I think even Sam Cassell would say that was horrible acting.
  11. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    He's dead!!
  12. migoli

    NFL Week 13

    He's not human
  13. migoli

    Help with RAR files

    Good stuff, thanks a ton man!
  14. migoli

    Help with RAR files

    So I find alot of videos that I get from piratebay are in RAR. Noticed alot of the HD videos I get are RAR at least. So my question is how do I play them? Can they be played in windows media player?
  15. migoli

    Help with RAR files

    Thanks, yeah i'm not a great computer mind so I just got WinRAR. So if I could bug you for one last thing, how do I do this now. I just got the last episode of Smackdown and its RAR, im just a little lost. So if you could give me some ideas that would be awesome,thanks.
  16. migoli

    Christian Cage / WWE

    I AM CHRIS BENOIT AND I'M REALLY MAD I AM CHRIS BENOIT AND I'M REALLY ANGRY I remember laughing so damn hard at that. Does anyone know where to find that video?
  17. migoli

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Proof you have to earn it! Edge and Cena both deserve their positions with the company. I hope you are kidding, they both deserve to come back after long break and be champions just cold out of no where, not earning title shots or anything? Did I just stumble into Kayfabe World? I'm just saying its stupid to me. Edge just thrown in mid match? What is that?! And for no reason at all Cena gets thrown the belt from a guy who just got it back himself. Doesnt make sense to me.
  18. migoli

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Proof you have to earn it! Edge and Cena both deserve their positions with the company. I hope you are kidding, they both deserve to come back after long break and be champions just cold out of no where, not earning title shots or anything?
  19. migoli

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Proof you have to earn it!
  20. migoli

    Role Models

    I don't see how any one who had seen anything Bobbi J had done or knew who Paul Rudd was could think this movie would be dumb. I was super pumped for this movie. Glad it lived up to it because I was kind of let down by Zach and Miri.
  21. migoli

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Are you serious? You didnt like the homemake over thing? I loved that that one, top 3 of the season for me. Dennis thinking hard for a second on what little Mexican girls love had me just dying.
  22. migoli

    Xbox 360

    So whats the point then of doing it then?