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Everything posted by tominator89

  1. tominator89

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Vince took the screwjob and basically turned it into the Attitude era. Do you find that sickening? A man lost his job and was betrayed by a man he trusted, just to make a profit. It was scummy, yes. But it made money. WWE is ultimately a business, and it has a remote chance of making money, WWE will do it. And to a lot of fans, ie not Hardy fangirls/boys and the IWC, this is just a storyline like Jericho/Trish/Christian. I don't see how you can expect Vince McMahon, of all people, to be respectful of this situation. I don't find that sickening because a man lost his job to make 3 million or whatever in WCW. I don't expect the WWE to be respectful either; we all saw this coming pretty much from the beginning of the Gold Rush. Just to finally see it on the air was a bit personally disgusting; only because I was in a situation close to Hardy's. It's like seeing the girl that betrayed myself after 3 years with the man I thought was my friend. This won't make money; but yes I see why they did it. It's just sickening to me personally. It's pro wrestling, calm down.
  2. tominator89

    Political or "conscious" hip-hop

    I get the feeling that a lot of the current rappers are to hip hop what Winger was to metal.
  3. tominator89

    Marty Jennetty

    If I were him, I'd be concerned about gettting injured. That would be unfortunate after finally earning himself a contract.
  4. tominator89

    Marty Jennetty

    Fulfilling his indy dates
  5. tominator89

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    So, where do we go from here? All this work just to job Edge to Batista next week?
  6. tominator89

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    Perhaps they're preparing for Jericho not renewing his contract with this angle.
  7. tominator89

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    At least the server survived the return of the OAO Raw Thread. That's the biggest news from the night.
  8. tominator89

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    It's not like these real life couples were married for twenty years and had children. They'll get over it.
  9. tominator89

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    That kiss looked rehearsed.
  10. tominator89

    Most hard luck player on your favorite team

    Randall Cunningham. He should have at least MADE it to a SuperBowl.
  11. tominator89

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    They really need to play the clip from the Lita/Kane wedding when she says "I'll always love Matt Hardy"
  12. I'll never know the pressure the guy must be under to continue to be successful. I wish him well.
  13. tominator89

    Need a little help with my PC after changing

    There's a little trick that you can use if you modify hardware and it refuses to work...on the motherboard, take out the battery that looks like one used in a watch, wait a few seconds, then put it back it. I've found that this will actually solve a lot of problems when nothing else seems to work.
  14. tominator89

    Real World XVI, Austin

    I'm all for seeing Real World: Trailer Park instead of seeing these spoiled kids live in huge houses and do nothing but party everyday.
  15. tominator89

    So, I'm going to OVW on Friday...

    It's not shitty, it's fattening. Get it straight. English people have no right calling other food shitty. I live in Pennslyvania, which can't have food too much different than Ohio so I can call it shitty if I want.
  16. tominator89

    So, I'm going to OVW on Friday...

    Don't worry, the shitty American food will put weight on you in no time. Best of luck!
  17. tominator89

    Need a little help with my PC after changing

    Does the PC speaker beep? If so, the number of beeps are an indicator of what the problem is.
  18. tominator89

    The Canadian Destroyer

    Crash Holly used the Styles Clash occassionally, calling it the Crash Landing.
  19. tominator89

    What the fuck are these?

    Junk food that makes you fat.
  20. tominator89

    Rico retires

    Vince would be lucky if he could find more workers like Rico. He took every stupid angle they gave him and made the best of it.
  21. tominator89

    Players that lived up to the hype......

    Curt Schilling was brought in to beat the Yankees and did. I also love how he negotiated a clause in his contract giving himself a large bonus should the Sox win the World Series.
  22. tominator89

    Athlete you thought was gonna be great...

    Freddie Mitchell Ty Detmer
  23. tominator89

    Something mentioned on Raw about ECW ONS

    I still have a hard time acceping that Nova and Simon Dean are the same person.
  24. tominator89

    Evolution or regression

    I think the first pic looks like a young Kid Rock.
  25. tominator89

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Perhaps I should clarify some of my previous posts in this thread. I don't care for the Vince McMahon philosophy of "America: love it or leave it". There is such a thing as wanting to help better a situation instead of acting like a little kid and running home to pout. There are some really cool posters on this board and I'd really like to see this site prosper. So, when I criticize things it's because I'd like to see things improve.