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The Truthiness

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Everything posted by The Truthiness

  1. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    House and ECW is a nice way to lead in to The Shield.
  2. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Man, ECW is fantastic.
  3. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Jo Mo? Awesome.
  4. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Only in WWE, could I go from being a fan, to part of a universe.
  5. The Truthiness

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/superstartosuper...ves/s2scenabell Double post.
  6. The Truthiness

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    My bad, I thought I put the link to WWE.
  7. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Nobody in the office pays attention to ECW.
  8. The Truthiness

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    I know, Venk.
  9. The Truthiness

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    That was mean.
  10. The Truthiness

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    This makes me sad.
  11. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - October 13, 2008

    That show sucked.
  12. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - October 13, 2008

    Punk. is obviously Batista's choice right?
  13. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - October 13, 2008

    The show is sucking.
  14. Heenan was at his best in WCW calling the cruiserweight division, it seemed like he really enjoyed those matches.
  15. The Truthiness

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

  16. The Truthiness

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    As opposed to any of the other junkies who've gotten championship runs.... I'd like to think, in a way more happy world, Vince and Bret will come out together, hug, say it's all a work, Owen walks out, and while it's messed up they did it, I'd be happy Owen was still with us. Of course Eddie then appears on the Titan Tron and says, "Ha-ha, you fools, we're really all just in hell together." Most of these "junkies" aren't one bad urine away from being fired. Did you just make that up?
  17. The Truthiness

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    As opposed to any of the other junkies who've gotten championship runs.... Yes...
  18. The Truthiness

    Scott Hall arrested

    I feel like an idiot, because I don't get it. When you hear Owen and Twin Towers, you would expect some joke about falling to their respective deaths. The joke here is that they are referencing the Twins Towers tag team, who debuted alongside Owen in the WWF in 1988. Thanks, now I can laugh.
  19. The Truthiness

    Scott Hall arrested

    I feel like an idiot, because I don't get it.
  20. The Truthiness

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    People are seriously wondering why WWE won't put the title on a junkie, with 2 strikes?
  21. The Truthiness

    Bound for Glory Discussion

    That was funny.
  22. The Truthiness

    True Blood

    I love this fucking show.
  23. The Truthiness

    Bound for Glory Discussion

    Foley talking about the HIAC was hilarious.
  24. The Truthiness

    Bound for Glory Discussion

    Terrible dropkick.