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The Truthiness

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Everything posted by The Truthiness

  1. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    That interaction is begging for an awesome sneak attack spot by a heel.
  2. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    That was good.
  3. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Lance Cade got heat!
  4. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Miz is hilarious.
  5. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Bret and Shawn was a tag team?
  6. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    So no Marty Jannetty?
  7. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Now Batista only has 6 brain cells.
  8. The Truthiness

    Impact goes live for one night only on 10/23

    When was the last time Impact was live?
  9. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Well they are DX. Why wouldn't they wear the gear? Well, it might not mesh well with Shawn's character right now.
  10. I think Jingus said he had a few of the books.
  11. The Truthiness

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 9/25

    How is that an awesome character? You just explained it yourself, I mean she should've got booed, but it was something different and over the top, especially for the womens division. Mickie pulled it of so well, that the fans probably didn't give a fuck that she was a heel. If I was at the show, I would've booed her, because I know that's what she wanted, but I can see people cheering her also. Trish was a bit of a bitch anyway, but hey, I was just doing that because you said that's what your friends do to you. I will say this though, if a woman wants too see 2 dudes pound each other, more power to her. I like too see hot woman have sex with each other, which is also cool. It seems like you're saying, if I don't want too see 2 men kissing and having sex, then I'm homophobic. What kind of shit is that? This thread has taken a weird turn.
  12. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Big Sexy in the building?
  13. The Truthiness

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 9/25

    You need help, I mean that in the nicest way possible.
  14. The Truthiness

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 9/25

    If a man likes watching a woman kiss another woman, but doesn't want too see a man kiss another man, that isn't homophobic. Mickie getting cheered in my opinion, was just the fans liking her more and the character was awesome. Plus, Mickie was a new face and she didn't just come in trying to fuck Trish, she was an obssessed fan who snapped and became kind of slutty. Goldust was a guy, that most fans knew was Dustin Rhodes and he came in just trying to fuck Razor, so it was a little strange, but Dustin still got the heat he wanted. I don't think the 2 feuds were really that much a like. This. Nothing homophobic about that.
  15. The Truthiness

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 9/25

    Are you serious?
  16. The Truthiness

    SHoot interview mp3's

  17. The Truthiness

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    I really love that Hardy/Orton match from the Rumble this year. Very underrated.
  18. The Truthiness


    Eric can't win.
  19. True Blood was fucking awesome.
  20. So I'm watching Behind The Music with NKOTB and it has me thinking about Entourage. Is Johnny Drama loosely based on Donnie Walhberg, Like Vince and Mark Wahlberg? Edit I should've googled it, Johnny is based off Kevin Dillon and Mark's cousin.
  21. The Truthiness

    The Return of the Worked Shoot

    He wasn't, the guy was more over as a goof then he ever was as a bad ass, the only exception would be the time he feuded with Austin, during Austin's heel run. Which too me was the last time he was really good, yeah I know people loved him during the SD6 and and the Rumble match with Benoit, but the guy was at his best to me in 2000 and 2001. I also liked him in 2000 when he was feuding The Rock, and had the love triangle storyline with Steph and Trips.
  22. The Truthiness

    Armchair Bookers: What if Ricky Steamboat...

    The fact that Steamboat name would've been bigger then anybody in the company, probably would've made Paul look at the bigger picture. I doubt the Philly fans would've shitted on a guy like Steamboat. I don't think the Philly fans would have made a big fuss about seen one garbabge match a show, instead of 3. Steamboat could have taught the younger guys a few things about how to work, while Heyman concentrated on hiding their weakness, and teaching them how to cut promos. Gordon could've handled the business side. They could've brought a few journey men (like they did anyway) for dream matches or suprise challenges for Steamboat. The Dragon could've done a lot for ECW, so I think Paul would've been smart enough to keep the curse words and and "shoot" promos to a minium....Or Maybe not, Heyman isn't the smartest guy. He didn't have many and the few he had didn't stay long. What in the hell was "scientific" about Taz? Suplexes?
  23. The Truthiness

    Armchair Bookers: What if Ricky Steamboat...

    I think Heyman would've toned it down if he had somebody like Steamboat.
  24. The Truthiness

    Armchair Bookers: What if Ricky Steamboat...

    I'm sure Heyman would've put the title on Steamboat and had him above mid-card status.
  25. The Truthiness

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I hope the old Abyss does come out on PPV because this "I'm afraid to use weapons" pussy character is dragging on. They'll never capture the magic they should've had with Abyss after The Coalition beatdown.