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The Truthiness

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Everything posted by The Truthiness

  1. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/17/2008)

    The Diva title is a good idea, it's not like they could've just put all the women on one show, so giving the SD women something to fight about makes sense.
  2. The Truthiness

    luke-o's look at...

    I would love to see Speed Muscle on TV every week, but I wouldn't trust TNA to book them with any kind of sense. They would be fed to 3D and feuding with Shark Boy/Curry Man in a span of weeks.
  3. The Truthiness

    The one (and only!) Raw thread for 16/6/2008

    RAW did a 3.3 last night...Cade is a hit.
  4. The Truthiness

    luke-o's look at...

    I wouldn't mind MCMG/Lax, but I think the Roode/Storm Vs. LAX feud has potential to be tremendous if done right. They've started it out perfectly, I'm interested in what direction they will go with it, I hope isn't just a feud for a throw away ppv.
  5. The Truthiness

    luke-o's look at...

    I don't think TNA has ever had a more over tag team than AMW.
  6. The Truthiness

    The one (and only!) Raw thread for 16/6/2008

    Great ending, missed the rest of the show. Looks like Cade is getting a big push, that's cool.
  7. The Truthiness

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    It might not be recognized. Credit: F4W online
  8. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Was that fucking neccesary? I just said, I don't want to get in a argument about Joe and wanted to talk about something we all agree was a positive which was the Roode/Storm vs LAX angle.
  9. The Truthiness

    What isn't stale in the WWE?

    Vickie Guerrero Trips vs. Cena Ted Dibiase Jr. Kingston vs. Benjamin. Miz/Morrison...The best tag team in the world and I've watched almost all of the other "best" from different companies, but none entertain me more than "The In Crowd". Batista/Jericho/Michaels feud IS the best angle in wrestling. It's kind of shocking that Batista might be in 2 straight feuds of the year. The Divas Championship. MVP finally getting a big storyline after dropping the title to Matt. Big Show going after the ECW title. Henry and Big Show storyline, Mark is awesome and I'm glad he's getting a push again...Thanks Hayes. I for some reason like the team of Punk/Kane, not sure why. The Finlay/Palumbo short feud. WWE is awesome, not good as last year, but still awesome.
  10. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    I really don't want to get in to a Joe argument this week, I've said what I've had to say about the guy, my mind isn't changing on him anytime soon and I'm tired of talking about the million things wrong with TNA. Can we talk about how awesome Roode and Storm were?
  11. The Truthiness

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    Really? Compared to any other indy belt in the country, sure. What other American, non-WWE/TNA belt is considered more presitigious? I think he's saying the ROH title is more prestigious than the WWE and WWE's World title, I don't agree with that. As far as TNA's championship... Who cares? I think he believes "The Big Two" don't treat their titles with enough prestige.
  12. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    He can still prove it in the ring and not get punked out by every challenger.
  13. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    See this is what I don't get, Booker comes out and calls Joe a "paper champion", "punk ass", and all this other shit. When Joe goes to say something, Booker tells him to shut up, and of course Joe shuts up. Booker goes on to punk him out and leaves, while Joe sits there and says nothing. Later, he goes in to Book's locker room (The one that smells like piss) offers him a title shot and shakes his hand. Book accepts, Tells Joe "He didn't think he'd have it in him to accept the challenge, he doesn't like him, but he does now respect him". Than he goes on to tell Joe, that in Houston he's going to be the favorite and the crowd is going to be behind him. Joe gives him the key to his private locker room and agrees that that the one he in does smell like piss. What the fuck? The rest of the show has been strong, I wished another ref or Cornette would've been the one to reverse the decision in the LAX vs. Roode/Storm match. The ref just taking Hector's word for it didn't make sense. But the post match shenanigans was good, as was the interview with Roode/Storm afterwards.
  14. The Truthiness

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

  15. The Truthiness

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    Not trying to buddy, it caught me off guard also. lol VIC VIPER
  16. The Truthiness

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    Gabe deleted the thread at the ROH boards.
  17. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilers for 6/5/08

    Credit: Observer
  18. The Truthiness

    WWE Smackdown (6/13/2008)

    I liked the Punk/MVP match but the show sucked for the most part, Foley putting himself over is getting old.
  19. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Note the difference. I bolded it for you, even. Jingus said it was "nonsensical" that a network airing programming where women are attacked, raped, beaten and murdered will not let a male interviewer half-assedly slap some goliath amazon twice his size who's clearly capable of killing him merely because said goliath is female. Truthiness then twisted it into some equally nonsensical crusade where he split his time equally between implying Jingus is a misogynist who beats women and implying that women are inferior to men and should never compete against them in anything. I never once implied Jingus beats women. I never once implied that women shouldn't compete against men in anything, I thought it was stupid that Michelle Wei couldn't compete against the men in Golf, and I also don't mind Danica Patrick racing men. Men competing with women is fine, men fighting women is bad. This isn't hard to understand. But "nice try" Oldskool.
  20. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Jingus somehow took the Roode/Storm vs LAX post match angle, and used as a stance against Spike TV's "No man on woman violence" policy. He thought the rule was "nonsensical", which would mean he doesn't think it makes sense to have a rule that a man SHOULDN'T hit a woman. He than went on to say Spike isn't letting the women be portrayed as "competitors and fighters", which is not true if anything Spike has been fans of the Knock Outs for a while and even wanted them to have their own show (iirc). So when that defense didn't work he started comparing wrestling to The Shield, CSI, Star Trek, And Bond movies and than he got lost. Jingus basically wants wrestling to be treated as a sport, but he also wants it to be treated like everything else on TV, which is cool. The thing is you don't have to have men beating on women, to have a wrestling show like that.
  21. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Man, it isn't that serious.
  22. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    1st off Swigg, I doubt you or Jingus could kick my ass. Secondly, all I'm was saying is men shouldn't be beating on women. What is the problem?
  23. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilers for 6/5/08

    lol. Nah man, I'm not a sexist just don't like women wrestling much. I've come to accept some of it, but I could take it or leave it.
  24. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Nothing you said has been fact, Jingus. .
  25. The Truthiness

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Man you wrote all that and your still wrong, Jingus. A man beating up a woman in a cop show, is in no way like a man beating up a woman in fake sport. the stunts aren't the same and the intent behind the beatings aren't the same. A cop show is set in real life situations, where a man beating a woman could indeed happen. In wrestling it should never come to that, seeing as men and woman have their own divisions and the whole fucking thing is supposed to be a sport. Like I said it's apples and oranges, a man killing a girl on The Shield, isn't anything like a steroid induced pyscho slamming a woman around just to prove, who's the better fake fighter. It is nothing at all alike and it is just silly to even make a comparison between them and you know it. Plus, you really don't have big enough resume to pull the "you never been in the ring" card. Not true I watch women college hoops, The WNBA, and I like watching the Williams play tennis. But no, I don't want to see women slicing themselves up with blades and getting beat up by men. Me not being a fan of women wrestling has nothing to do with me appreciating athletic women...Try again.