The Truthiness
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The Angle/Karen storyline is the biggest storyline in the company, and Kurt can't even wrestle right now. Joe is feuding with Booker T, Booker T is feuding with Christian/Rhyno, Christina/Rhyno is feuding with 3D/Book, 3D is feuding with LAX, and everybody is somehow linked back to the Kurt/Karen storyline featuring AJ/Tomko. So yeah I think it's safe to say, Angle is the top priority. Nash is treating Joe like a goof, and is now making Cornette look like a moron. Sting is planting seeds for a match with The Warrior. Chris Harris was in the KOTM last year, I believe. How did that work out for him? Probably the same way it's going to work out for Roode.
I never complained about the "Glass ceiling" to begin with, because in reality TNA doesn't have one, they have Angle at top and that's it. But to say Robert is in the main event of a ppv is just amusing. It's not like Roode is going up against Joe one on one, he's part of a multiman match that is built around 2 other men. He's not really maineventing shit, he's basically a prop. The KOTM match is about Joe and Booker T, Roode is there because they had nothing else for him.
I wish people wouls stop saying "They put Robert Roode in the main event" like he has a chance at winning the title. The match is about Booker and Joe, the other guys (except maybe Christian) are just filler.
This is just, dumb. I'm not one to complain about big matches on free TV and I don't think Tomko losing to AJ is a bad thing, but Tomko/Styles should've been a co main event on the next ppv or something.
Exactly, calm down with the quickly thrown insults. If the angle confounds my expectations and actually gets over, well, hooray for them I guess. But I doubt they can do anything to change my opinion that the whole shaving angle was just awful, period. It was a awful idea ( I mean it was a TNA original, so that is expected), but the The BP have made it work. Which is all I really watch TNA for in a nutshell. I like too see which characters can take these goofy angles, and make them work somehow. This is why I like Rhoode, Lethal, Storm, Styles, sometimes 3D, Steiner and now The BP. They all have taken shit, and made gold with some of the stupid shit TNA has done with them. I don't really expect booking to get any better, but you can tell who the good performers are because even with all the bullshit, they still find away to get over and not only in the Impact Zone.
We keep telling Truthiness that he's the only one who cares that much for Black Machismo... You got caught in a lie Jingus, don't try to use me as a scapegoat, because you were clearly wrong about The BP. I never once said Jay Lethal drew ratings, I said he's the 3rd most over face on the show, he puts on the best matches, and he does well when asked to play a "serious character". That is all I said, and I still standy by my statement of saying, he could be TNA Champion. You on the othe hand said, BP/Roxxi feud lost viewers, when the fact is they drew viewers. Which mean the head shaving angle worked.
They fucked it up a week later, sounds just about right. So I'm guessing Joe had a backstage segment where he's praising Booker T, while Booker T cotinues to call him and TNA bush league? Oh you haven't heard? TNA is is stacked at the top of the card, everybody is getting over and there is no way the booking team is as dumb as they have been for the last 3 years. I mean look at the top of the card you have Angle and um, the other guys.
Wait. What? That doesn't make sense at all. It was Tomko who lost them the tag belts, they were stripped of the championships after he got hurt in Japan. And he was still hurt during Deuces Wild, so AJ couldn't have picked him for partner. And didn't Tomko himself do the "I'm my own man" angle like just a few months ago? Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but didn't want to get accused of being "nagative" again. But I can see Tomko being pissed at AJ, he was the one that got pinned, and lost the tag titles, and than he goes and teams with the guy, who's responsible for him and Tonko losing the titles. I also think Kurt was justified in beating the shit out of AJ also, Aj has been scheming on the Kurt's wife for months now.
If I cared about Nielsen families, I would've missed out on the best show ever. I like the The little porn stars, but I digress, I don't take women wrestling seriously enough to argue about it.
I honestly think the The Beautiful People are good heels. I have no problem with Roxxi getting her head shaved, I've seen it reported that she didn't mind it, and it seem to help further 2 angles. The Beatutiful People becoming the Hollywood Blondes of the Knock Out division, amd Roxxi seeking revenge against them and it planted seeds for a Gail Kim heel turn, it all worked out fine to me.
This is just flat out wrong. Actually it's not. I don't know what you are defining as "personality" but your criteria seems to be a bit different than the norm. Just watch one of the AWA shows that come on ESPN Classic, them segments with him browbeating The Rockers is an example of personality. His whole Ninja gimmick was full of personality. Even his feud with Scott Hall and Louie Spicolli are examples of this. Can you show me an example of Joe having more personality than Zybysko? Also Bps21, dude if you don't want to have anything to do with me that is fine, because I feel the same way about you, but I don't dedicate every post to insult you. I mean if you don't care what I think, than why must you try to bait me? I don't like you and you don't like me, everybody gets that, you don't have to try to start shit in every thread I'm in. Everything on this board is about what people "Like and don't like", they are called opinions. The only fact in this thread is that ratings dropped while Joe was champion. Is it Joe's fault? I don't know, but I think it's more than fair to look in his direction, and think maybe; just maybe he had something to do with it. TNA's booking has been awful for a long time, but the ratings stayed the same, so obviously people was still watching the show, no matter how stupid the booking was. Jingus posted some numbers that even Eric Young gain viewers during his segments, it was reported that the Knock Outs have gained viewers, so we know it isn't their fault. I doubt it's Angle's fault, seeing as he walked around the Impact Zone looking for his clothes as the company's Champion, and they stayed at a 1.0-1.1, so it wasn't his fault. Lethal, Sharkboy, and Curry Man are too some the best part of the show, so I doubt they were the reason also. I think it's safe to say that AJ Styles, Tomko, Sting, Christian, Storm, 3d, LAX, Roode and Booker T have not done anything offensive enough (Well noting outside of the normal TNA stupidity, that we all come to know and love) to make the viewers change the channel in the last 6 months. The only glaring different thing TNA has done is the biggest "different thing" they've done in 3 years, and that is give Joe the title. Shockingly enough the ratings drop, hmm. It kind of makes you wonder, is it possible that people don't want to watch Joe as Champion? Well there is evidence to support that theory in this very thread. A few people (not just me) have given examples of them watching TNA with "casual fans", and they shitted on Joe. Did people wait for Joe to get the Championship, and than just stop watching after TNA that, because they knew the booking team would fuck up his championship reign from the jump? I can see people believing that, I don't buy it, but I can see it. The reason I don't buy it, is because TNA has fucked up every World Champion they have had, since BFG 2006. But guess what? People kept watching. Did Scott Steiner calling him a fat piece of shit and him doing nothing turn people off? There might be something to this one. Oddly enough though, I was the 1st one to say something about that segment, and I said that if booking was going to let that happen, it's a sign that they have no Faith in Joe. When I said that, you (Bps21) were all over my case then. Now here we are 1 month later, and everybody is saying the same thing, so I assume they agreed with me. But ultimately I don't think that is the reason people stopped watching, Steiner has buried everybody in TNA on the mic one time or the other, and people kept watching afterwards. Is Joe a boring character? This is what I believe, and like I said even the people who disagree with me a lot, have come to agree with me on this. Yeah they say it's booking fault, and I say that's all Joe's fault, but we all agree he is boring nonetheless. I believe they blame booking because TNA are morons, and it's easy to blame them when a character fails, I can understand that and to a degree I believe that. But TNA has done dumb booking with guys like Styles, Angle, LAX, 3D, Booker T, and Tomko. Yet they all remained over, and kept themselves over despite the booking, their characters still developed and didn't become stale. Joe has been the same character for close to 6 years, and nobody has seen any changes in his wrestling, he's added nothing to his character, and he still looks like he should be wrestling in a recreational center, but strangely enough, the company he use to wrestle for in that recreational center, has been 10 times better since he left and it wasn't like people stopped buying DVD'S or going to shows because Joe wasn't there. Which brings me full circle to where I started, Joe is a good character, and he could become better. But as it is now, he is too characterless and doesn't have a strong enough personality to assemble a company around. So it's not out of the realm of possibilities that people don't want to watch a company with him as Champion.
This is just flat out wrong.
They all had something Joe still doesn't have.A catchy nickname? And a personality.
I should have mine tommorow.
They all had something Joe still doesn't have.
Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08
The Truthiness replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in The WWE Folder
Nick is in a county Jail, he shouldn't have much to worry about. -
Exactly what I've been saying, than you got to take in consideration that Kurt also "taught him how to work". So you have a guy who trained himself to use a stiff and head dropping offense, than he was influenced by Angle's "Go, Go" mindset, on top of that he has a generic look, and a lack of personality. It's hard to take him seriously. It's not all his fault, the booking hasn't done him any favors, but you have to question, is it possible to book someone to have authentic charisma. I don't think so. Joe was at his best when he was beating the shit out of the X division roster, the reason that worked was because it was an expansion of what he was doing in ROH. TNA to its credit did a superb job in getting him over, because they didn't have to do much but let him go out there and destroy cruiserweights, and it didn't take him 30 minutes to do it like in ROH. Joe was one of the best reasons to watch TNA in those days, than October 2006 came around and Angle killed all the potential Joe had with a headbut. It's not to late for Joe, he's still young.
Why did Tomko turn on him?
Where can I see the AJ beatdown?
ts to the Huh? He wears his tights up to his nipples, which to me seems like he's trying to hide his gut. He tries to do too many things, instead of focusing on perfecting one thing, which could get him over huge. It's like he's doing all the moves, and all the silly puro trademarks to compensate for something, what he might be trying to compensate for is being overweight. It's like he is saying "Hey I'm fat but I can do a tope, a lot of Puro moves, and wrestle for 60 minutes". Or he might be compensating for his lack of charisma.
I have no problem with Joe being fat, it seems like Joe is ashamed of being fat himself.
William Regal Suspended for 60 Days
The Truthiness replied to PILLS! PILLS! PILLS!'s topic in The WWE Folder
Cena isn't on some kind of hormonal supplement? Cone on guys. This is professional wrestling. Where everyone from Funaki to The Sandman to Ric Flair to Tammy Sytch all used steroids. You cannot tell that someone's not on them just by looking at them or because "they're smaller than they used to be". (If Viscera or Spike Dudley were taking, how would you know?) It's not like when you get on the gas you just get a brown paper bag with a big bottle that has a skull & crossbones on it and labeled "STEROIDS", and as soon as you take it you balloon in size. It's way more complicated than that. Jose Canseco disagrees. -
I don't think it has anything to do with his appearance, it's because he is being booked poorly. Yokozuna, Adrian Adonis, Bam Bam Bigelow, etc. all proved weight didn't matter. Goldberg, Austin, etc. all proved ring gear doesn't either. Joe was over in ROH. Granted, that is a niche crowd, but he was over, despite being fat and wearing terrible ring gear. In TNA, he was over early when he wasn't talking much and was putting on consistantly good matches. Then, as his popularity grew, TNA decided to thrust him into storylines and whatnot, and that's when things went sour. People just lost interest because he's a complaining pussy instead of a no-nonsense ass-kicker. People can see a complaining pussy everyday at work. All had more personality than Joe.
It would be pretty hard, but I think they have enough stuff on Sting, that they could make a dvd not featuring Vader. It'd be tricky but it could be done.