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The Truthiness

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Everything posted by The Truthiness

  1. The Truthiness

    Raw vs Smackdown week 3

    If I had to choose between Punk and Jericho, I pick John Morrison Seriously though, both of them are dreadfully inconsistent and at times completely sloppy. Jericho has shitty punches, Punk has shitty kicks. Jericho has bad timing, Punk has bad timing. Jericho is ok on the mic, Punk isn’t allowed to talk. Both are over with the crowd enough to justify them being on my TV screen, and both at times can be tremendous in the ring, when paired with the right opponents. I liked them both more before they came to WWE, which is just as much their fault as it is the bookers. I see tons of potential in Punk, and I see a guy who never lived up to his potential in Jericho. I guess if I had to choose, I’d go with Punk, his straight edge character is good for the company, they seem to be giving him a big push, and they have built a whole new division and they’re making him the poster boy for it. On a personal note, I really don’t care for either, unless they’re in the ring with somebody who makes me care about them.
  2. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    This a company who’s World Campion, was walking around an arena for an hour in his underwear looking for his clothes. This is a company where the World Champion staged a vowel renewal ceromony for him and his wife, but his lackey accidentally married his wife, during a renewal ceromony. This is a company where a triple crown Champion, has been the lackey for a guy who was a midcarder in WWE, left that guy and became a lackey for a guy who was an upper midcarder in WWE. This is a company who refuses to push their 2 most over tag teams, because one team didn't want to blade and the other is Mexican. This is a company that dedicated 2 hours of a show, to creat a parody gimmick of Steve Austin. This is a company that took a guy who was on the verge of being their top face in Tomko, and had him turn on Christian and become a lackey for Angle. Tomko is now involved in a feud with 2 guys who were feuding with monsters 2 weeks ago. He (and the aforementioned Triple Crown winner) lost their tag titles to a super hero. The commissioner of the company stripped the Super Hero and his partner of the titles, because the super hero wouldn't unmask. The commissioner spent the whole show saying how stupid this whole situation was, but he stripped the super hero and his partner anyway because of outside interference, when in fact there was no outside inference, and even the commissioner spent 1 hour saying it wasn’t any outside inference. Lethal has beat Kurt Angle (the top guy in TNA) cleanly. Than went on to defeat and save the X Division from "The best Tag team of the decade” in 3D. He beat them, while being outweighed by 100 pounds by both guys, in an anything goes environment, and they had a third guy with them at that. That is enough credential to build on, if you want to make a guy seem like a legit threat to the TNA title. Lethal should be seen as a top player in TNA. It shouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for him to one day be the champ in the company, if it was booked with any common sense. This is TNA though; they screwed up a goldmine in Joe, Abyss, Booker and Sting. So why would I even think they'll give Lethal a shot? Oh, thats right, I don't think they'll give Lethal shot. Like I said from the beginning in a perfect world Lethal is one of 3 guys that I'd like see get pushed as legit title contenders. All 3 have tons of potential and could be huge stars, but the people who book them are imbeciles The company is run by idiots, anything they do remotely right, they make sure they fuck it up a week later
  3. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    CM Punk didn't lose any heat, so he doesn't have to get any back. Unless you count the crowd booing him in both the Hardy and Jericho match as "losing his heat". Punk beat 2 credible guys, and lost to Regal. Regal was basically fresh, and was very violent the whole night. He ran through a midget and a injured Finlay, and than he defeated a injured Punk in the finals. You said most of this yourself, so I don't see how you didn't get it.
  4. The Truthiness

    Nas fans...

    That's a awesome song, I've often wondered why nobody has ever used that as a hook before.
  5. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    That was a cool blind tag Edge pulled off.
  6. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    I'll be more shocked if Chavo gets the pin.
  7. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    Punk didn't need to win it, he's already the MITB, they didn't need to waste the KOTR on him. The gimmick fits Regal better anyway.
  8. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    King Regal should be great.
  9. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    That was funnier than it had any right to be.
  10. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    Bill as usual, steals the show.
  11. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    Yeah, Mcain sounded like a face manager from the 70's.
  12. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    Did he just say Mcainiacs?
  13. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    I really hope Regal wins.
  14. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    LOL, I was hoping Barack stole that line.
  15. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    I guess Trips is "taking back" the Pove Me Wrong catch phrase.
  16. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    Who the hell dresses Shawn?
  17. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    LMAO. That was awesome.
  18. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    They had to blow off the Sting/Jarrett feud at BFG 2006.
  19. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    My argument was "in a perfect world, Lethal, Roode, or Storm would dethrone Joe". I didn't think I had to say, they need to book it well. I thought people would just have common sense to know, that I meant if everything was done right those 3 guys would be the right guys to get a run with the belt. Hince me saying "in a perfect world, Lethal, Roode, or Storm would dethrone Joe". Angle was also a comedy character most of his reign, when they took his gimmick in a new direction and made him more serious for the Joe match, people brought it. You can easily move Lethal away from the comedy, it worked during the Lethal/MCMG vs 3D/Devine feud. Even in a perfect world it still doesn't work. Roode and Storm are midcarders (the latter of which needs to change) and Lethal is nothing more than an X division champion. At least for forseeable future. Now if they we're too build up said three wrestlers then you would have a point. But it's going to take time to build all of them up to be main event calibur, so them ending Joe's run isn't going to happen anytime soon. Even in a perfect world. And please do bear in mind that Lethal only got over when he got the Macho gimmick. So, He's still got over huge in the company, and he has done his job well in serious situations (which there is few of in TNA). It's not like he's a joke like Shark Boy and Super Eric ( you know, the guy who they just fucked up the tag title scene to get over) Lethal with the right booking would make a realistic champion in TNA. They were headed in a good direction with his character after he single handedly saved the X division. They had a whole ceremony for him and everything. He cut a good promo that the fans were in to, and he wasn't talking like Savage. You could still keep the Macho Man bit with his gimmick, while adding layers to it. All it takes is competent booking and Lethal could be a big player in TNA, same goes for Storm and Roode. The thing is TNA is operated by morons.
  20. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    My argument was "in a perfect world, Lethal, Roode, or Storm would dethrone Joe". I didn't think I had to say, they need to book it well. I thought people would just have common sense to know, that I meant if everything was done right those 3 guys would be the right guys to get a run with the belt. Hince me saying "in a perfect world, Lethal, Roode, or Storm would dethrone Joe". Angle was also a comedy character most of his reign, when they took his gimmick in a new direction and made him more serious for the Joe match, people brought it. You can easily move Lethal away from the comedy, it worked during the Lethal/MCMG vs 3D/Devine feud.
  21. The Truthiness

    WWE Smackdown (4/18/2008)

    I'm glad they've made the yakuza kick MVP's finisher, The Play maker was terrible.
  22. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    Well that's not true I don't consider Angle all that good and WWE put him in the main event. I don't consider Joe bad, but he's booked like a moron and a goof. The only reason I called him fat (other than him being fat) is because, that's what Steiner said about him while he stood there like a goof. Angle came in and zinged Scotty, called Joe a fluke, and again Joe stood there like a goof. JBL isn't a guy I think a company should be built around, but I do think he's a awesome heel, who should be kept at the upper midcarder and plugged in to title matches every now and then, and probably given a transitional run to help get a face over. If he went to TNA he would be the top guy there, I think you know that.
  23. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    The TNA title is not that prestigious, man. Jay Lethal holding the title, is just as legit as Christian, Joe, Abyss, Rhyno, AJ Styles, Killings, and Jarrett holding it. Wrong, Christian now looks like a main event player Joe has always been main event caliber Abyss, although a mostly naff gimmick, can fill the main event role well. Well, at least he used to be able to, when he had Mitchel as his mouth peice. Rhino is a main event player AJ Styles is someone who is a bit in between for me as he fits into most roles. But he's been on the top for so long he could be seen as a credible main eventer Jarrett would be the only one I agree with, he is nothing more than a midcarder who got the "friend push" in WCW and the "Daddy owns the company push" in TNA. But Lethal, wins over people like Team 3D and Angle aside, is not a person who you could take seriously in the main event scene. Yet. Christian is booked as main event player, but he isn't a main event player Joe title reign is 2 years too late, and he's already getting undermined from the jump. He's a fat guy that can't even get the respect of a midcarder Abyss should've been the top face in the company after the Coalition beat down, now he's a dumb guy who's to depressed to wrestle Rhino was booked as a drunk who got the shit beat out of him, by his best friend. That was being ridiculed for it by another drunk in James Storm. They constantly bring up that he fucked up his chance at WWE, which doesn't say much for TNA. Now they have 3D telling him that he's a dumb ass for trusting an guy who has betrayed every friend he's ever had (including him) in Christian, and they're right. They are also saying that he's a pussy compared to his tenure in ECW, which again doesn't say much for TNA, and definitely doesn't scream "main event". Jarrett might be a glorified midcarder, other than Sting and Nash. Who in TNA isn't a glorified micarder?
  24. The Truthiness

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    Foley also said before that match, that his best match was with Sting. I believe his matches with Vader were better than the Sting match. He then said his match with Orton took the place of his "Mind Games" match with Michaels. In my opinion his I quit match, and his street fight and HIAC match with Hunter was better than the Orton match from Backlash and the Mind games matches with Michaels. See that's the thing about opinions, everybody has one. In my opinion HBK 2 best matches was with Mick Foley at Mind Games and Taker at Bad Blood 2007. I believe Taker and Foley have both went on to have better matches with other people then those 2 particular matches with Michaels, I don't think Shawn has ever done anything that surpassed either one of those, but the Flair match from mania. I'd take Taker match with Austin at Summer slam 1998, over the KOTR and the mania 14 match between Austin and Michaels. Just because Shawn hasn't worked with Orton and Edge at mania, doesn't make it an "unfair" comparison. Shawn has worked with both more than Taker. If Shawn’s plan is “to steal the show” every time he’s out there, his performance should be judged as such. Just because it isn’t westlemania, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be good. Like I said, my 2 favorite Michaels matches, until he wrestled Flair, wasn’t even from wrestlemania.
  25. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    He beat Angle clean, one of the few people in TNA can make that claim, he beat The Dudley's/Devine by himself in a street fight. He also had a very good match with Jarrett before the Machismo gimmick. He's over huge, with the right booking he can be just as a legit of a champion as anybody. It's not hard to take anybody seriously when it comes to the TNA title.