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The Truthiness

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Everything posted by The Truthiness

  1. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    The TNA title is not that prestigious, man. Jay Lethal holding the title, is just as legit as Christian, Joe, Abyss, Rhyno, AJ Styles, Killings, and Jarrett holding it.
  2. The Truthiness

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    Who has HBK/Taker both wrestled that HBK has had better matches with? I know people are going to say Ric Flairs and Trips, I guess that's cool. I also believe Sid and Nash matches were better with Shawn, than with Taker. But as far as Angle, Bret, Foley, Austin, Orton, Edge, and Khali. Taker has had better matches with all of them, opposed to HBK.
  3. The Truthiness

    Impact (4/17/2008)

    If Jim knows AJ/Tomko's whole "Super Eric isn't a legal wrestler" complaint is bullshit. Why doesn't he just tell AJ/Tomko to fuck themselves? Isn't this the same guy, who wouldn't over turn a decision for Angle, when it was perfectly clear Angle defeated Christian in the cage match?
  4. The Truthiness

    Impact (4/17/2008)

    This whole tag title situation thing is stupid.
  5. The Truthiness

    Impact (4/17/2008)

    Steiner is hilarious.
  6. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    Not to mention he's the most over face on the show, not named Joe or a nostalgia act like Sting. He has the talent, has beaten Angle cleanly, beat The Dudley's (by himself), and makes every retarded direction they put him in work and get over. He has somehow took a character that was meant as a rib on a legend, and has made it the most original character on the show, he isn't just one of the guys who is over in the Impact Zone” (because we all know everybody is over in the impact zone, it's a free fucking show. Why wouldnt they cheer everything?), however Lethal is over outside of that setting. People all over legitimately enjoy the character; furthermore he is also a pretty good performer which always helps, he's not like Shark boy and Super Eric where as he can only get over in unbearable comedy storylines.
  7. The Truthiness

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for 4/24

    I'm surprised, you people are surprised , at how surprisingly dumb TNA can be
  8. The Truthiness

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    Well...Joe is finally the top dog in the company...what would you like to see his title reign look like? I would like too see it be decent, but I think it's already on the verge of being botched. What opponents would you like to see challenge for it...and how would you book it to end? In a perfect world a guy like Lethal, Roode, or Storm would end Joe's title reign. What were Joe's best matches in TNA so far(as an Xdivision performer and then as a heavyweight)? His match with AJ Styles and Chistopher Daniels at Unbreakable How did you feel about Joe's run in the X division? It was a very good run and should've spinned off to a decnt title reign 2 years ago. Does it bother you that he never lost to any of the X division guys when he clearly had a rub to give to someone on the way out of the division? No, he was a monster the way he dominated and then left the division was booked well. It would appear that Angle vs. Joe is something that TNA is going to keep circling back to every so often so in the end they'll have ended up feuding for years...do you like the idea of two guys who are lifelong enemies or should they just keep them apart since it's already been done? Seeing as Joe/Angle haven't set the world on fire the last 4 times they've went against each other,I'm not excited too see them fighting for years to come.
  9. The Truthiness

    More Info on Joey Styles' Re-Assignment

    "Jamaican me Crazy,Kofi" was such a awesome line, that I can forgive all his mistakes. It was his 1st night, and he did really well.
  10. The Truthiness

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    Taker easily. The body slam/flying elbow drop/SCM combo is pretty stupid.
  11. The Truthiness

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for Thursday

    The tag title situation is stupid. Why didn't Eric take off the mask? Why didn't Kaz rip the mask off of Eric? All this is really doing, is providing Kaz with a legit explanation to beat the shit out of Eric and turn heel. Who wouldn't beat the shit out of a partner for just giving up the tag titles, 1 hour after winning them for such a stupid reason? To be honest though this is Kaz’s own fault, he created Super Eric indirectly, and it caused him his 1st title in the company. Although if it wasn’t for Super Eric, Kaz wouldn’t have never gotten the tag title shot anyway, they could make it work if they tied had enough. But I doubt they would do anything that makes sense, because they are being booked by morons.
  12. The Truthiness

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for Thursday

    So Pete is fresher and will give the belt more worth than Lethal? Lethal just rescued the X division, by beating the Dudley's and Divine by himself. He's one of the most over characters on the show, and is the only character they haven't entirely fucked up yet. Petey is a scrub, who's getting pushed as being one of Steiner’s 'freak'. Why didn't they just pull the trigger on the damn Dutt/Lethal/Val storyline already? They've been building to it for almost 6 months everybody can see Dutts heel turn approaching, however they won't pull the trigger on it. I wouldn't mind Petey pulling an Edge with the suitcase, if it would've happened after at least one Lethal/Dutt match, or hell they could've just as easily used Dutt to help Petey swerve Lethal. If Lethal is getting Stale, it’s because the nimrods booking the show always has him in about 3 fucking storylines at one time.
  13. The Truthiness

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for Thursday

    Further proof that this company is run by morons.
  14. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/15/2008)

    That wasn't a bad debut for Mike.
  15. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/15/2008)

    Did Adamle just call Miz and Morrison, MNM?
  16. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/15/2008)

    Jamaican Me crazy Kofi-Mike Adamle Uno, dos, ADIOS!-Mike Adamle Gold.
  17. The Truthiness

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/15/2008)

    For all his faults and obvious notes of decline, Ross is still much better then Styles in calling a big match. King, when he isn't playing to his gimmick can still show signs of the great commentator he was Styles has never been comfortable in WWE and that was the biggest concern when he came in. It's not to say he is worse then Cole because he isn't. Adamle has obviously done commentary before but not live wrestling commentary. If Styles asked to be moved out, they would have placed Grisham for the moment, putting Adamle in suggests they were looking to see what he could do. Styles would be more beneficial to the company by doing studio stuff for 24/7 and DVD releases. We should have this moved to a separate thread since this discussion isn't pertinent to the intended thread topic. Styles would've been just fine on RAW if not for Coach. Styles and King made a great two-man team on RAW. To say Cole hasn't improved since 1999 is wrong. He's much better than he was back then. He needs someone to play off of though. Cole and Tazz were a great team, and when JBL wasn't blabbing about THE LIGHTS ON BRIGHT they did just fine together. Cole and Coach are terrible. Thank you Barron, I have been saying that for the longest. Cole is far from bad, especially when you take in consideration Mike Tenay has a job.
  18. The Truthiness

    What is the best match in TNA history?

    Yeah, a little. But he's still pretty damn good.
  19. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/14/2008)

    Regal and Orton weren't even trying to have the match Angle/Joe had last night, and still pulled it off better.
  20. The Truthiness

    WWE Raw (4/14/2008)

    Look like I'm going to get my Lance Cade push.
  21. The Truthiness

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I can't wait for the build to Steiner/Joe, mainly for the Steiner promos.
  22. The Truthiness

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    There was a few, it also was a "we want wrestling" chant. The match itself was ok, I guess. Like some one said earlier the build to it was great, and the right guy went over
  23. The Truthiness

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I bet Meltzer creamed himself for the MMA section.
  24. The Truthiness

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I think some people are overreacting since Joe won. I liked the match and all, but it wasn't even the best match of the night, much less the best this year, or in the last 5 years. Exactly.
  25. The Truthiness

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    Lets not go overboard now.