The Truthiness
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Ok, I misunderstood you. Secondly, The ECW is a "World title", but it's not on a level of the big 2, so the winner of the Rumble will not pick to go for it. Unless by some miraculous turn of events they decide to make it a equal to the other 2 championships, that's not happening. The Ecw title will be used in a opener at mania, or in the middle of the show. The winner picking the ECW title would be a great idea and do wonders for the title, I just don't see the company going in that direction any time soon.
The Rumble has dropped below the Elimination Chamber in significance? I don't think so. The winner of the Rumble won't pick the ECW Champion to face at mania, it sounds good in theory, but it won't happen. Punk will either lose the title before mania, and participate in the MITB or he'll lose the ECW title at mania, or they'll use him as HBK's job boy (after he's lost the title of course). If Umaga ends up in a match with Punk for the ECW title at mania, it won't because Umaga won the rumble. Taker/Edge shouldn't need a Rumble match to go in to mania for the title, but lazy booking will probably be the reason they use it as away to escalate the feud. Taker will probably defend the title aginst BDV at Rumble if he wins it at Armaggedon or NYR. So Edge will be left in the Rumble, and they'll probably book him and Hunter last, with Edge going over because some kind of screw job.
You're right about the MITB, but I don't think they'll drop it. I think they're going to use it to continue Hardy's push. Punk, might be in a 4 way match or something, or they could have a one night tourney on ECW leading to Punk vs Benjamin for mania. Is R-V-D coming back? I'm sure they won't let a Rumble winner go after the ECW title, So either Edge or Hunter will win it. Hunter probably ends up getting screwed by Vince or something which will lead to the Elimination Chamber angle. Hunter then will probably end up going over Umaga one last time AND Hardy will do something crazy in it.
Yeah, I thought about that, Edge might win the rumble. Which leads to a EC Match of Hunter, HBK, Jericho, Umaga, Jeff Hardy, and Cade...I mean Kennedy. I think the ECW title might not be defended, they might throw Punk in the MITB.
This is a awsome idea. I'm guessing Taker or Hunter will win the Chamber, vice versa for the Rumble.
That's what Jingus' original argument was about, was why are people considered black, when they're a mix. The baby of the white mom and black father should be considered just as much White. Yes, I've seen it a hundred times. I've done it with my own child, and his mother has never questioned it, and she even does it when filling out things concering my son. She's 100% white, she doesn't make a deal out of it, I've never seen anybody make anything out of it. But I'm not going to keep going over this Twiztedmind, it's a really dumb argument, I appreciate you not coming off like a racist asshole like the guy who started all this.
All this basically is what I'm saying, which mean facial features mean nothing. I guess me and other light skinned guys who claim to be African American, should started checking "others" when asked what race we are on applications and other things, because some where along the line our ancestors dipped outside the race. Yeah, that makes plenty sense.
Yeah it's 3 different people with 3 different facial features, it's called humans. I never said anything about somebody "looking African".
And I'm the one being ignorant? Jingus man it's now clear you're a racist, So I guess that ends any conversation me you might've had about anything. I know you don't care, and that is cool too. I just thought you had bad taste in wrestling , which is fine that's subjective, but now I realise it's so much more.
Well explain too me what are Black facial features? I'm black, what kind of facial features should I have? Are you denying that people from different parts of the world have different features? (Facial and otherwise) No, I'm not. I'm asking you and Jingus what are Black facial features?
That's from the Rock, and proves he's at the very least 50% Black. But you've been arguing that the Rock is black. Not "half-black". Rocky Johnson. Notice how it doesn't specify exactly what Rocky "told him". You've been saying he's not even 50% black. Plus, I did say he's half Samoan and Half Black. So I consider him "black", I never said he wasn't mixed with anything else. I'm saying the guy was raised as a African American, just like Alicia Keys. I'm sure he was aware of his Samoan family, hell he's realted to half the Samoan wrestlers. It's pretty plain too see what Rocky was saying there.
Well explain too me what are Black facial features? I'm black, what kind of facial features should I have?
It seems like you're making shit up to call me a racist, brother. Still waiting on a logical response about exactly how someone with less than 50% black genetics is still considered "black". That's from the Rock, and proves he's at the very least 50% Black. Visit My Website Rocky Johnson.
Jericho is more of a threat to someone like HHH than Jeff Hardy ever will be. No he isn't..
Yeah, I'm through with this. I guess if The Rock was a rapper it wouldn't be such a big thing, but hey, to each their own.
So by your logic: Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Edward W. Brooke, Barack Obama, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Lenny Kravitz, shouldn't be consider black as well? Get the fuck out of here. If you've got more white ancestors than black ones, yeah, why the fuck should you be considered black? It seems to be like you don't like the fact that The Rock is black, brother.
Don't forget Bizzy Bone, Chris Brown, Trina, Rick Fox and the Theta TU guy from Stomp the Yard.
He's a Samoan/African American hybrid, So let's end the dumb argument and say The Rock is his own race, and has no ties to either.
1:I'm about the Rock's complexion, I'm big, I have curly hair, and I've never once been confused with being Samoan. I don't think Alicia Keys has ever been confused with being white either. I'm guessing you think because The Rock doesn't have a big nose and soup cooler lips, he can't black, right? 2; Maybe because most people know that Black women were raped alot during slavery, thus producing light skinned kids. The kids orgin starts from the black race So they're more black the anything. Because Bryan Gumble and Sinbad don't curse, and speak proper doesn't prove they're more white then black. Can you find me a baby from a white/Black couple that came out with pure white skin?
Rock's about as black as Sinbad. If you showed his picture to random people, asked "Is this guy black?", you'd get a bunch of No for answers. He's equal parts white and Samoan, iirc. Even if you did insist on naming him as "Vince's first black world champion", then I'd say it tends to prove my point at least a little considering that the first ever "black" champion had skin that was approximately as dark as mine after a day at the beach. Aside from that, what other black world champs have they had, ever? That's right, Booker T, and it took five years and a dumbass faux British accent for a 5-time former world champ to get a belt again. Also, Rock's like 6'5" and about 280 pounds in his wrestling days, how is that not being a big hoss? I've actually done this before, and it was to prove a friend of mine wrong. He really brought in to the Dumb "Rock is,'t REALLY black argument". So I did something similar to what you said, and "Rock, is Black" won by a landslide. Chris Rock addressed this perfectly in one of his stand ups, with the whole 2 guys in a car bit.
That my friends is pure comedy, AJ Styles is awsome.
And let me guess Chris Jericho is a "threat", right?
Sure he will, the same thing happened to Cena back when he was getting over as a heel in 2003, he was jobbing out to Brock and Taker. It didn't really stop him from getting over, and when he turned face it was basically a beginning of a new era. Still a very solid show, and his "Straight Edge Gimmick" is going to be pushed strong in the coming few months I believe. If he can stay awy from the Tony Atlas's and Arn Anderson's of the world he'll be ok. JBL making guys apologize to him isn't a bad thing to have on the resume either. I'm starting to think it's going to lead to a "respect match" of some kind. Where he gives Hunter a good 25 minute fight on ppv, that will end with Hunter barely winning, and giving Jeff a handshake/hug and putting him over huge the next night. Then he might win the MITB, and use it to get the better of a heel Champion of some sorts during the summer of 2008. Triple H from reports might just give him a huge rub, just to spite Jericho if what I've been reading is true. I honestly believe all 3 guys are going get ME pushes in the next 2-3 years. Punk and MVP are just in their 1st and 2nd years. J. Hardy just had to build up trust with Management for being such a fuck up in the past.l now that he has Hunter on his side, he might go further the a lot of people expect. Matt Hardy might also be in line for a nice push also when he returns. The thing with Matt is I don't think they're comfortable with his promo skills, he's not the "Highlight reel" type like his brother, and he didn't get over as easily as Punk. But he still looks to have a nice future ahead of him.
I think a lot of the reason Wayne verse wasn't as good as it could of been, is because it was his track and Jay liked it, So Wayne gave it too him. Jay decided to keep Wayne on the Track doing the hook and the bridge, So Wayne just went along with it instaed of pulling a eminem or Saigon. The track is straight it goes along with the story of the album perfectly. American Dreamin leads in to Hello Brooklyn, It's like Jay dreams of success in American Dreamin with his friends, and when they hit the turf the next day it's the beginning of their life in the game, So they're saying 'Hello" to Brooklyn. The whole album continues like this and is done brilliantly. This has become my 2nd favorite album by Jay off and on, because it's some days I think Blueprint is better. But it's damn sure in the top 3 of all his work, which speaks volumes.
That doesn't say much about Hogan's name value, now does it? I think Vince is subtely going in too another direction because of the steroid press he's getting. That's why people like Punk, MVP, and J.Hardy are getting groomed for huge pushes. That's probably why he put Punk on Death Grip, and why HHH is buddy'ing up with Jeff. MVP gave the wellness polkicy it's 1st bit of good press, and has made a heart procedure mandatory every 6 months or so. I know in the big scheme of things that doesnt mean much to "the real world. But I'm pretty sure Vince was grateful too have something good come out of his wellness program, and essentially MVP's "saved heart" could lead to a big push. So him being a very talented worker, over with the crowd, able to work a mic, and giving the WWE good press almost guarantee him a big push.