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The Truthiness

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Everything posted by The Truthiness

  1. The Truthiness

    OAO Against All Odds PPV Thread

    On one hand I got Sting being a asshole and exposing Abyss's secret and fighting hin in a prison match. On the other hand I have The Nasty Boys, Haku, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, B. Brian Blair, Brutus Beefcake, and some other goofs trash Hogans pool and dump Linda and Brook in a pool. *Turns to VH1* Knobbs is hilarious.
  2. The Truthiness

    OAO Against All Odds PPV Thread

    Christian is the best thing going in TNA, and his stable is the most interesting thing on the show.
  3. The Truthiness

    2006 MOTYC

    Well you have to wait until sunday to register at crazymax. I'm trying to get somebody working on the comp asap.
  4. The Truthiness

    2006 MOTYC

    Please help me out, thanks in advance
  5. The Truthiness

    2006 MOTYC

    I want a comp of all the motyc's of 2006, I'll pay.
  6. The Truthiness

    Top Chef...

    The real fucked up part is Mike threw Marcel under the bus, worse then Sam did. Mike was probably the only "friend" Marcel had on the whole show, I would expect Sam to swerve Marcel, but not Mike. I've also learned from this show how vague the term "line cook" can be, because on one hand you have Ilan who is labeled as a line cook, but he actually seems to have knowledge and skill that would suggest he actually does some chef work, and then you have Michael who is also a line cook, however he pretty much examplifies what you would find at applebees or Chilis, a guy who basically just turns and burns. Yeah I was once a line cook at Oliver Garden, and I know shit about cooking.
  7. The Truthiness

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    Yeah, I know it had to happen, but It still pissed me off.
  8. The Truthiness

    TV deaths that pissed you off or upset you

    Tony B from The Soprano's, it was neccesary, but it made Tony look soft. Plus Tony was the reason Tony B got locked up for 15 years, then Tony killed him because he didn't want war with Johnny Sack's crew.
  9. The Truthiness

    TV/Movie deaths that made you jump for joy

    Vito and Adriana on the Soprano's.
  10. The Truthiness

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Damn this turning out to be kind of good.
  11. The Truthiness

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Well here comes Sandman, to get killed.