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Guest Flyboy

The Warrior's Thoughts On The 4th

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Guest Flyboy

Thanks for 411wrestling.com for posting this (it comes from Warrior's site):



I didn't read it because I figured it would be pure Warrior gibberish, but I may be wrong. You guys can read to judge for yourselves.


Hello warriors. Just wanted to post a short note letting you know that I am thinking a great 4th of July is in store for you. Take a few minutes and remember -- find out if you do not know -- what this anniversary truly means. It is very inspiring. Don’t be mislead into thinking that “American History” is boring and bland. It is not. Our lives have become so removed, in many serious ways, from understanding well enough the priceless principles of this country, we just have developed a tendency to take it all for granted. Our ancestors fought for the rights we enjoy today in times that were anything but convenient. In those days there was only what anyone living today would consider inconvenience. Just imagine for a moment living back then and still finding the courage and energy to fight for, and on, principle. Keep in mind: Freedom was and is never Free.


Not only was that period of our history priceless, it was prophetic. Most people do not know this very commanding fact: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson -- two individuals predominantly participating and influencing the design and enactment of both the Declaration and Constitution of this country -- both died on the exact day of the 50 year anniversary of the Declaration's signing. If that isn’t divine intervention in some way, nothing is.


America truly was designed by the Creator’s mind and eyes, yes?


If you are a parent, the second best thing you can do (being there as a parent being number one) is educate your children about the history of this country. Teach them young how to defend the American point of view, and not to be afraid to stand up for it. The country, in many places, is going to hell-in-a-handbasket because freedom is being used against us. Freedom of speech, and the protection of one’s right to do so extends itself, also, to the freedom to think and act stupidly aand ignorantly. That stupidity and ignorance runs very deep. All the way into the most remote classrooms of our educational institutions. I know, many of you are working, working hard and long to provide for your families, and your time is limited. But you have to make the time to make safe the world that your kids, your grandkids, and your great grandkids will be living in. You do this by using any extra time you have to understand what the heck is going on in the America around you, and what kinds of influences your kids are getting, in their education and their playtime. What America IS, is evil to many. Some of that many are your neighbors and closest associates. Hard to believe, yes. Sad, yes. But true. If you don’t understand at its roots what America is and why it became what it is, you won’t be able to detect its trouble-makers.



"Upon the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 a Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia asked Dr. Franklin, 'Well Doctor what have we got a republic or monarchy?' 'A republic,' replied the doctor, 'if you can keep it.'"



You are one of the owners of what America means. Like all else you take pride in owning, there is maintenance involved. It is up to you, as one of America’s citizens -- one of America’s owners -- to maintain America’s meaning.


For instance, the recent Tom Cruise statement: "I think the U.S. is terrifying and it saddens me," he told the British paper the Daily Express. "You only have to look at the state of affairs in America."


Is it ok with you that an internationally adored movie star, an AMERICAN who has exploited all America's rights, freedoms and liberties makes asinine, why-is-my-brain-not-working? statements like this? Reveals his ignorance and/or stupidity about the fundamentals of America like this? Oh, you are just indifferent to it, right? What does it matter? It matters tons. As an American you should immediately reject his person, personally and professionally.


He goes on to say: "I do worry about my children. As a parent you are always concerned," he told the paper. "I just want them to be in a place where they are going to be strong enough to make the right choices. Unfortunately, we're in a position where people are so irresponsible that human life holds such little value to them."


Where is it he raises his kids, to address his concerns, his worries? Where’s he raise them so that they will be strong enough to make the right choices? Hollyweird, that’s where. There's a safe place. Sure, we all know the hills out there are filled with strong people making all the right choices. I mean, if you are serious about your life, and the lives of your family, Mr. Cruise’s whole point of view wants to make you puke, doesn’t it? Let me reiterate, however, for you first time Warrior Web readers, I’m just a dumb, muscleheaded wrestler. But, hey, I’m still able to figure out the disconnect in Mr. Cruise’s inutile statements and the lack of courage in his convictions. What’s your excuse? There is an inevasible responsibility people with public celebrity have. And if the occupation of the mind isn't master over the output from the mouth, just please shut the hell up. If you are ever in my part of the country I'd be happy to stick a size 14 military boot in it or a handful of big ass breakfast burritos from an early morning eating joint I frequent.


It reminds of a time during the presidential election. It was one night of the Republican convention and MSNBC had Dwayne Johnson on a panel. (Mr. smell the sh#@...oh, you almost had me going you Warrior Web reader, you, you...another day...what, you think the warriorman's goin' leave the baddest warrior(p-l-e-a-s-e), scorpo king alone...you know better...don't you?) anyway, Chris Matthews, host of a politico show called "Hardball", asked Dwayne what he would do to get young people interested in politics. WWF was at the same time doing a get the vote out campaign with young people, something like that. It was an excellent, shut-off-the-kayfabe, mature opportunity to really interest and enlighten young people outside the ring. Dwayne says: "Invite the Rock." Cute, cool and clueless.


People, scratch that...Socialists/Marxists/Stalinists (all of them p/c titled Democrats here in the USA) like Alec Baldwin, Julia Roberts, Ted Danson, Barbara Streisand, Robert Redford, Halle Berry, etc and on and on and on...the whole mucky mindless mess of them...the power they have has only contributed to their mental illnesses. It is the irresponsible behavior of these people who are, as a consequence of their propositions, declaring human life is of no value at all and that America is some sort of toilet bowl. Save the little fishies, save the little bugs, hug the fearful, crying trees (What, you can't see the tears? Oh, you insensitive, despicable cretin...) and let the working man, the proud farmer, the realist, the advocate of human life, die. How dare he do what it takes to sustain his life!


Oh, man a book it would take.


By the way, did I tell you that I'm just a dumb, muscleheaded wrestler who is figuring it out? No? Well, I am.


What, their fame and financial position is supposed to make you question the worth of what you know is really true? Stand up, damnit! Stiffen up your backbone! Pound your chest, pump your fist, stir up some courage! Let the taste of your own blood and guts tickle the back of your throat! Christsakes, you are American! The United States of America is the greatest country in the Universe mankind knows. America's terrain is traveled by mankind's greatest human-potential aspirants. Be proud and speak it pridefully. Use your freedom of speech to backup America and backup what you are.


"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."


Ok, enough roughhousing.


Look, just do a small bit of thinking this all-important holiday amongst all the showing off of barbecuing skills, adult-beverage indulging, flames and fireworks, ok?


Start simple. Typically, when we want to add the doing of something to all we already have to do, we pile on too much extra to do, and that leads to frustration and incompletion altogether. At my suggestion of how important American History is are you going to go out and get all the American History books you can find, then review in totality American History? No, of course not. But do this. Before your July 4th cookout chowdown, have everyone state the Pledge of Allegiance. Later in the evening, have a contest to see who can be the first to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution. Add knowledge to that knowledge over time. Do quick internet searches (yes!, using the internet for something good) and find out interesting tidbits related to America and its history. At the dinner table pick one another's brain on things American. Enjoy enlightening the ones you love most. Buy William Bennett books. He and his staff have put together great books about America, its history, its culture, its purposes. They are concise and engaging.


Your potentials are unlimited in this country. Do not believe otherwise. Ever.


Your life has unlimited potential. Do not believe otherwise. Ever.


You are American. How positive. How cool.


Always Believe, Warrior

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Guest Sandman9000

He does make some good points, but the way that he drones on and on and on dilutes his enitre message.


Just because you know big and fancy words doesn't mean that you know how to use them.

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Guest Kid Kablam

This man lives in a fantasy world called Warrior Land. In Warrior Land, only two colors exist, which represent good or evil. America defends the world from all opressors, and Socialists, Commies, and other Subversives rot in Hell. Apple Pie doesn't clog the arteries, on the contrary, it provides some of the most essential nutrients Planet Warrior has to offer. The Sun shines for 14 hours everyday, and never does the temperature stray from 70 degrees. If you listen to your parents the world will turn out right, and if you criticize those that differ from your point of view, they are indeed wrong. Everybody pumps iron, and everyone benifits from their daily workout. Yes sir. It's a perfect place in Warrior Land. And it's so simple there, that even a musclehead wrestler can figure things out. Drugs are bad, and there's no reason to take drugs. Everything in Warriorland exists in bliss. And why not? Warrior Land resides in America, and America, at least in its ideal form, is perfect.


Here's a frickin history lesson for you Warrior, This country was saved by socialist reform during the great depression. Thomas Jefferson had slaves. Martin Luther King Junior fornicated, the Civil War was fought, not in an effort to free the slaves, but to preevent the Southern states from suceeding from the Union. You see The Union didn't want the Southern states to exist apart from the Union. And the Southenr States felt that this was a form of tyranny. Sounds a lot like what America did on this glorious day in 1776. You want to talk about history? Well hows this? The history of our land, is populated with flawed men who, despite their flaws, achieved great change. Sometimes, a man suceeded because of his flaws. Stop reading your history in a 1st grade text book, and start understanding political philosophies warrior.

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Guest LesnarLunatic

I never figured the Warrior as a right-wing conservative.


I felt he'd vote for the Natural Law party or something

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Guest dreamer420

how in the fuck does he think that he has this legion of warriors just waiting to read his website updates? i hope he realizes that more people are laughing at him than taking him seriously.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

He doesn't live in Warrior Land...we all know he lives in the One Warrior Nation..

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Guest Austin3164life
"Just wanted to post a short note..."



Just what I thought as well.......

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Guest BorneAgain

Warrior seems like some right-wing conservative who believes that anyone who doesn't agree with what the government does is a communist. oh and anyone who is even remotely concerned about the environment is a damn tree hugger. well thank god there are fine upstanding citizens like the warrior to help us realize how wrong we all are. fuck him

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Guest Shaved Bear
He doesn't live in Warrior Land...we all know he lives in the One Warrior Nation..

i thought he lived in queens

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Guest Smeghead
"Just wanted to post a short note..."



By Warrior standards, that was actually very short.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Now all we need is Hogan retiring and doing web-commentaries every six months. That's preferable to seeing him on TV.

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Guest Human Fly

Can you imagine when Warrior's kid grows up and borrows the car without asking. It will be a three hour lecture on the reprocussions of said actions.

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Guest Flyboy
I answer with this.



Well... I always did want Steph. Always thought she was hot.


But, now... since she'd let Warrior have some Billion Dollar Pussy, and Hunter's INTENSE~! penis has been inside her...


I'll pass. :rolleyes:

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Guest HartFan86

OK, I'm not reading Warrior's rant about America, but I'm assuming "Happy 4th of July and if anything bad happens to this great country, it's Vince, Hogan, and Titan's fault." is what he's trying to put over.


Assuming is bad...but we are assuming about a man who lives out in the middle of nowhere and thinks people still care about him. Sorry Warrior, we don't.

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Guest Some Guy
This man lives in a fantasy world called Warrior Land. In Warrior Land, only two colors exist, which represent good or evil. America defends the world from all opressors, and Socialists, Commies, and other Subversives rot in Hell. Apple Pie doesn't clog the arteries, on the contrary, it provides some of the most essential nutrients Planet Warrior has to offer. The Sun shines for 14 hours everyday, and never does the temperature stray from 70 degrees. If you listen to your parents the world will turn out right, and if you criticize those that differ from your point of view, they are indeed wrong. Everybody pumps iron, and everyone benifits from their daily workout. Yes sir. It's a perfect place in Warrior Land. And it's so simple there, that even a musclehead wrestler can figure things out. Drugs are bad, and there's no reason to take drugs. Everything in Warriorland exists in bliss. And why not? Warrior Land resides in America, and America, at least in its ideal form, is perfect.


Here's a frickin history lesson for you Warrior, This country was saved by socialist reform during the great depression. Thomas Jefferson had slaves. Martin Luther King Junior fornicated, the Civil War was fought, not in an effort to free the slaves, but to preevent the Southern states from suceeding from the Union. You see The Union didn't want the Southern states to exist apart from the Union. And the Southenr States felt that this was a form of tyranny. Sounds a lot like what America did on this glorious day in 1776. You want to talk about history? Well hows this? The history of our land, is populated with flawed men who, despite their flaws, achieved great change. Sometimes, a man suceeded because of his flaws. Stop reading your history in a 1st grade text book, and start understanding political philosophies warrior.

The country was not "saved" by Socialist policies, Socialist policies hastened the end of the depression and have been proven through history to kill an economic boom due to over taxation causing people to stop purchasing goods and to stop working all together.


Jefferson had slaves and he also fucked them so the story goes adn MLK was an adulterous I'l give you that gladly.


To say that the Civil War was not fought over slavery is blindly ignorant. The South succeeded in large part due to the Northern movemants to ban it. The South believed that the abolishment of slavery would destroy their highly agriculturallly based ecomony that was held together by slave labor. When Lincoln (a Republican abolishionist from the North) was elected the South succeeded, the War was fought, we won, the union was reunited, the slaevs were freed, not just "by mere fristion and abrasion" as Lincoln observed during the war but by Lincoln getting a Constitutional amendment passed in 1865. This cost him his life. So I'd say that Civil War was undeed fought mostly over slavery.

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