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Guest J*ingus

I however was making fun of you, Agressor. I mean, a Michael Cole sig pic? BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Now Jingus, there is nothing wrong with Michael Cole, or his work.

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Guest J*ingus
Now Jingus, there is nothing wrong with Michael Cole, or his work.

::spits microwaved Krystals all over his keyboard::

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Is anyone else getting those annoying error messages?

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Aw, AICC, what's the matter?

Im bored because there is nothing to do, im lonley because yeah (self explanatory) and sad because of some stupid song I was listening to....even tho I like it!

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Guest J*ingus

Well, at least you're among friends.


::Jingus goes to hug AICC, quickly checks her age in her profile first, recoils in horror at the revelation that she ain't legal, settles for a COMPLETELY PLATONIC handshake instead.::

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Guest Flyboy
::Jingus goes to hug AICC, quickly checks her age in her profile first, recoils in horror at the revelation that she ain't legal, settles for a COMPLETELY PLATONIC handshake instead.::




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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Well, at least you're among friends.


::Jingus goes to hug AICC, quickly checks her age in her profile first, recoils in horror at the revelation that she ain't legal, settles for a COMPLETELY PLATONIC handshake instead.::


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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

*Goes onto listen to Ratt "Out of the Cellar" album on her record player*

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Guest Flyboy
Well, at least you're among friends.

You are too!


*hugs Jingus, but then kicks him for not being on AIM* :angry:

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Guest LooseCannon
*Goes onto listen to Ratt "Out of the Cellar" album on her record player*

People listen to Ratt?

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
*Goes onto listen to Ratt "Out of the Cellar" album on her record player*

People listen to Ratt?

I do!!! I am a huge 80's metal fan!

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Who are Ratt?

You are how old? Well whatevr lol....um they are an 80's hair band famous song is "Round and Round"

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
I'm only one year younger than you. :P

Ok that explains it....you and I were being born while these bands were becoming big lol.....I was lucky enough to be raised on this stuff....

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

In my opinion, the only good 80's bands were Metallica and Guns N Roses. Nothing else seems to of aged well.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
i think Dokken was the worst, best hair metal... scorpions

Im gonna have to disagree with ya about Dokken....I like Dokken a lot and Scorpions a lot too......I dont know who I would say the worst hair band was...

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Guest Flyboy
In my opinion, the only good 80's bands were Metallica and Guns N Roses. Nothing else seems to of aged well.

Oh boy... here we go.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
In my opinion, the only good 80's bands were Metallica and Guns N Roses. Nothing else seems to of aged well.

Yeah, Metallica and G N R are really good!

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Guest LooseCannon

That's almost like asking what's the worst way to get kicked in the nuts.

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Guest Shaved Bear

did someone say Metallica vs. GnR....hmmm too bad this is all an opinion question, and smart people like Metallica *cheap heat*

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