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Guest Shaved Bear

and now I am in the anti-Canadiens, but Storm and Benoit are still gods

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Guest Flyboy
and now I am in the anti-Canadiens, but Storm and Benoit are still gods

Of course, they are.

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Guest Flyboy
and lets not forget Jericho

And Bret Hart (although he is a crybaby) and Owen Hart.


Jericho isn't REALLY Canadian, though. :P

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Guest Incandenza

That Canadian thread--what little I've read of it--belongs in Current Events.

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Guest Flyboy
That Canadian thread--what little I've read of it--belongs in Current Events.


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Guest Shaved Bear

NO!!! I can't be involved in a current events thread!!! it's against my character

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Guest Incandenza
NO!!! I can't be involved in a current events thread!!! it's against my character

This is what happens when you take a stand. Accept the consequences, Bear.

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Guest Flyboy
NO!!! I can't be involved in a current events thread!!! it's against my character

This is what happens when you take a stand. Accept the consequences, Bear.

Be a man and take it like Nowinski. ;)

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Guest Incandenza

I have my political beliefs, but I'm not fond of discussing them for two reasons: 1) I'm lazy. Unless the subject is really close to me, I tire of talking about it quickly. 2) If I take a really strong stand on a subject, it's hard for me to keep my emotions in check. I'll likely descend into foul language and vulgar gestures. Hence why I stay out of Current Events.

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Guest Flyboy
well, the thread seems to have died...slowly eases away...

Nothing can have as much staying power as this thread. ^_^

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Guest Incandenza


In, how old are you? Just curious.

23. When I was in high school, I routinely kept up with current events and such, and routinely would be pissed off about whatever. I would get too worked up over some things, to the point where I stopped reading the paper because I couldn't handle the stress. I've gotten better in recent years, though.

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Guest Shaved Bear

man I need to hear something so bad, it makes all the troubles in the world seem insignificant

*pops in unforgiven 2*

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Guest Flyboy


In, how old are you?  Just curious.

23. When I was in high school, I routinely kept up with current events and such, and routinely would be pissed off about whatever. I would get too worked up over some things, to the point where I stopped reading the paper because I couldn't handle the stress. I've gotten better in recent years, though.

Teen my age (14+) usually don't know shit about current events, so I tend not to talk about them with them.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I've never heard it, but is Unforgiven 2 really that bad? The first one owned.

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