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Guest Incandenza

I don't know 'bout you guys, but I like Undertaker's current entrance music.

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Guest TheBlurricane

I like Taker's new music too.......Rollin' was getting really old

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Guest Incandenza

The deadness of this place sucks, because it's nearly 1:30 where I'm at, and I'm wide a-fucking-wake right now.

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Guest TheBlurricane

sorry I'm feeling kinda sick right now......I'm a little light headed and I think I have a cold......neither are horribly bad, but they are slowing me down a little

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Guest TheBlurricane

alright Thunder's done with Youth N Asia's banner that means mine is next cause Nikki said he would make mine next........whooo hooo baby

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Guest Incandenza

I put the following in a thread in General Wrestling yesterday afternoon. I don't think too many people saw it, but this shows I do not have what it takes to be a recapper. Enjoy...or not.


Incandenza rates the matches of Halloween Havoc '98! Hoo-ray!


WCW TV Title Match

Chris Jericho © d. Raven. Started off slow, but picked up in a hurry and got good: ***


#1 Contender Match for WCW Cruiserweight Title

Disco Inferno d. Juventud Guerrera. Surprisingly decent, considering the style clash potential of it. Disco held his own: **1/2


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Billy Kidman © d. Disco Inferno. Disco actually held his own again, but Kidman was looking rather green here, whiffing a dropkick and making no connection on the SSP. Still, it had its charm: **1/2


WCW Tag Title Match; If Rick Steiner's team wins, he gets 15 minutes alone with brother Scott

Rick Steiner & Buff Bagwell defeat Scott Steiner & The Giant to become the new tag champs, though Bagwell turned on and abandoned Steiner midway through the match. As far as I can tell, Bagwell is one-half of the tag champs, but the idiot announcers acted otherwise. What happened here? Anyway, here's the rating, which is as high as it is thanks to the shockingly insane crowd heat: *1/2


Grudge Match

Rick Steiner d. Scott Steiner. Bleh: *


Intervention Match

Scott Hall defeats Kevin Nash via count-out. That was sure nice of Big Sexy to do the job. Oh, wait...: DUD


WCW US Title Match

Bret Hart © d. Sting. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I don't know which is worse: an unmotivated Bret, or seeing the "unconscious" ref conviently scoot out of the fallen Sting's way: 1/2*


The Greatest Return Match to the Greatest Match in the History of Our Sport

Hollywood Hulk Hogan d. The Warrior. Awful, awful match, with the blown fireball spot being symbolic of this match as a whole. I do this very rarely, as I find DUD usually suffices for terrible matches, but I have no choice but to go negative stars on this one: -***1/2


WCW Heavyweight Title Match

Goldberg © d. Diamond Dallas Page. Psychology? In a Goldberg match? Yessiree. I must say I marked when DDP Diamond Cuttered his way out of the Jackhammer: ***


I've purposely left out the boring Hogan interview and the brutally bad segment where Bagwell assured Rick that YOU CAN TRUST ME, FRIEND, 'CUZ I GOT YOUR BACK. Also not mentioned is the Nitro Girls. What the hell were they doing on a PPV?


As for the show itself, unless you're dying to see Goldberg's best match ever--which isn't great or anything, but still--or quite possibly one of the worst matches ever in the form of Hogan/Warrior part deux (which you don't; believe me, you don't), skip this one.

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Guest TheBlurricane

DDP should have won that match and I don't mean that in a markish way. I mean he was the better wrestler and carried Goldberg's lame ass.

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Guest TheBlurricane

my brain is only half way working tonight so it's hard for me to come up with posts........so I'll just post whore

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Guest TheBlurricane

well it sure is quiet in here.......maybe I should POST WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest The Amazing Rando

i've been checking out some other threads....everybody is gone on my AIM pretty much

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Guest Incandenza

I've been checking out other threads, too. The Anti-Canadian thread in NHB is really, really stupid.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I've been playing pong.


This whole boards gone pathetic. I have no use for threads dedicated to "Will you accept Big Show in the ME" Of course we won't, we didnt the last couple of times he was, and the last time I checked, hes just as fat and crappy as he was back then.

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Guest Incandenza

What's really sad about the Anti-Canadian thread is they could've had a good discussion on American arrogance vs. foreign ungratefulness, but instead it's blind American patriotism and petty squabbling, with misinformation spread through out. It's like a playground argument with the New York Times as a dictionary.

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Guest TheBlurricane

wow Rach you're pretty.


you should smile more....I'm sure you have a nice smile

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Guest J*ingus

Rach, looking like that, you're still lonely?! Yikes...


Oh, and everyone go over to Current Events and check out my latest demolition job, it's in the "New World Order" thread and is on par with my work on Nostril King in my opinion.

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Guest Incandenza
Rach, looking like that, you're still lonely?! Yikes...

Didn't you see The Wedding Planner? Poor J Lo could never find a date, and look at her!

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Guest Kinetic

Incandenza: I've sent your Sonic Youth review to Goodhelmet and he's either going to tell you or me what's next.

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