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Guest The Amazing Rando

ehh....it would be hard because of how grainy they came out

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Guest The Amazing Rando

i want to use this pic...




...of Jeff Hardy for my next banner

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
awww...Rach...you don't like my Jeff Hardy pic?

it scares me lol

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I want to put it into my new banner...along with Sublime and Tom Servo



now that's a wierd threesome

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Guest TheBlurricane

where did you get tha pic? You know I'm slowly starting to like Jeff...I just wish he wouldn't paint himself up......he looks horrible.......maybe if it was cool face paint like Sting or the LOD, but now it looks like someone took a technicolor dump on him.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
I want to put it into my new banner...along with Sublime and Tom Servo



now that's a wierd threesome

sounds kool

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Guest The Amazing Rando

i got that pic from some wierd teenybopper Jeff Hardy fansite called http://www.hardyboyzyearbook.com or something similiar



EDIT: that URL is totally wrong...but I know it has something to do with the hardyz and a yearbook

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Jeff looks like he is gonna turn into the Ultimate Warrior in that picture



*Seizures, shakes ropes*

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Guest TheBlurricane

then he can start appearing in mirrors and talking about some weird mystic crap

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Guest The Amazing Rando

"Fate Remains Unfilled, Jeff Hardy"




--- like that?

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Guest The Amazing Rando



Night, all




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Guest J*ingus

This. Is. Jingus.


This. Is. NOT. An. Evil. 4th. Dimensional. Reptilian. Alien. Who. Killed. And. Ate. Him. And. Took. His. Place.


I. Will. Now. Observe. Your. Human. Uh. I. Mean. HUMOROUS. Communication.


Carry. On.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick


Night, all




ok night (I know that was late)

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
I'm going to bed too.....I have to work tomorrow


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Guest DJ Jeff
I am also off for tonight, bye.

Everyone is leaving me. :( I must be poison or something. :(


Anyways, night. B)

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Guest TheBlurricane

nWo poison at that.............. :lol: okay honestly this is my last post

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Guest DJ Jeff
nWo poison at that.............. :lol: okay honestly this is my last post

Foshizzy. B)


Night, dude. B)

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Guest Youth N Asia

Don't you hate when you're too tired to sit at the computer and think of anything clever to do...yet not tired enough to actually fall asleep

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Guest J*ingus

I haven't gone to bed yet...


















but I am now! :P G'night.




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