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Guest DJ Jeff



Congratz on starting a whole new page. I'll do that one time. B)

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Thanks.... I feel better now.

ok good....what did you mean by saying holy shit? lol

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Guest HBK16
Thanks.... I feel better now.

ok good....what did you mean by saying holy shit? lol

I just thought you looked like a hottie in that pic.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Thanks.... I feel better now.

ok good....what did you mean by saying holy shit? lol

I just thought you looked like a hottie in that pic.

Thats what I thought you ment....thanks...

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Guest DJ Jeff

Since we should feed some action into this thread.....


What time is it where ya'll are?


It's 3:01 am in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. B)

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Since we should feed some action into this thread.....


What time is it where ya'll are?


It's 3:01 am in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. B)

4:03 am.....time for me to hit it....night everyone....see ya tommorw.

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Guest HBK16

Who else is out there? AICC just left. DJ Jeff is still here and so is EvenflowDDT. Any lurkers out there?

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Guest evenflowDDT

G'night Jeff!


Hey HBK16, you staying on, or...? I'm probably going to bed now, because I'm hella tired for some reason... oh yea, it's 2:30AM! :wacko:

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Guest evenflowDDT

Bummer dude, because I'm gonna have to go now, because even though I'm 18 and a LEGAL ADULT WHO CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS, DAMMIT!, my parents don't like it when I'm up this late, which makes sense because when I go to take out my contacts and brush my teeth I stumble in the darkness and knock things over and wake them up.


Anyway... sorry about you being left all alone because of that darn coffee, that's why I don't drink coffee! :)


Anyway, g'night dude.

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Guest HBK16
Bummer dude, because I'm gonna have to go now, because even though I'm 18 and a LEGAL ADULT WHO CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS, DAMMIT!, my parents don't like it when I'm up this late, which makes sense because when I go to take out my contacts and brush my teeth I stumble in the darkness and knock things over and wake them up.


Anyway... sorry about you being left all alone because of that darn coffee, that's why I don't drink coffee! :)


Anyway, g'night dude.

HAHA. Same here. Trip and fall on something or step on the dog or something. It's something different every night. Well it's 330am and I don't think I will find anybody so I guess I will just lurk around and wait. It's too late now but I am gonna say it anyways, later Evenflow!

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