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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Rachel, you should smile more...

I know I should..

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Sorry to say, but I don't see that much of a resemblance.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Sorry to say, but I don't see that much of a resemblance.

I do....the lips, hair (not color), eye color and kind of eye shape....face shape in the middle.......she is just skinnier than I am...I have evil hips and a big BUTT. and boobs...*blah* lol

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Rachel, you should smile more...

I know I should..

Why don't you, then?

Dont feel like it.........

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

You should also leave the board and go out and have fun too. That way I will be the number one poster most days. :D (JK)

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
You should also leave the board and go out and have fun too. That way I will be the number one poster most days. :D (JK)

Me have fun? Like what lol there is nothing here in Minnesota to do....well where I live there is a mall, fast food...beachs and thats it lol.

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Guest Flyboy
Rachel, you should smile more...

I know I should..

Why don't you, then?

Dont feel like it.........


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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Sry Flyboy....Next time I set up the web cam or take pictures ill smile. And the other reason why I dont wanna have fun is cause Layne (my car....yes I named it Layne) LOL, he is running low on gas and I have not enough money....Ill also brb.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Hey Flyboy, did you notice that after I joined the Storm/RVD revoloution, the number of members increased rapidly? :)

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Guest Flyboy



... You named your car Layne... :blink:


That would be like naming my underwear Dawn or something... :P

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Guest Flyboy
Hey Flyboy, did you notice that after I joined the Storm/RVD revoloution, the number of members increased rapidly? :)

It was either you joining or the RVD/Storm banner...

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick


... You named your car Layne... :blink:


That would be like naming my underwear Dawn or something... :P

Im back......lmfao yes I am weird myself.....by naming my car Layne.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I also take credit for turning this thread into the most popular at this forum.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Im back......

You didn't even tell us you were gone. -_-

Yes I did.....

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

<<---- Listening to Janet Jackson on record player lol........(dont ask why, cause I dont know)

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I wouldn't think Janet Jackson would be your thing.

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Guest Flyboy
<<---- Listening to Janet Jackson on record player lol........(dont ask why, cause I dont know)

You're close to 700...


Janet Jackson... *drools*

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

600! I admire my acomplishment of 600 in about three days.

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