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Guest Incandenza
i nearly died lifting weights yesterday, but whatever

I came damn close to breaking some ribs while lifting weights one time. Argh, damn these stupid Jeff Hardy arms of mine.

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Guest Incandenza
Hehe, I have muscles, but by no means large ones.

Then you're just like me and Jeff Hardy.

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Guest The Superstar

Cutthroat, if you're going to post whore you should try to be at least entertaining/creative.

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Guest Incandenza

I already have my second column for the site planned out in my head, but I just need to sit down and write it, which I will pobably do tomorrow. I have only received one (1) email to my site account in the two days my first column's been up, and that was from me, to see if it was working. I congratulated myself on a job well done.


Writer's block may play a part, but I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason why Kinetic rarely updates is that he receives little/nil in the way of feedback. Honestly, I'm not surprised over the lack of feedback--it's not like there's a lot of people who are into so-called "college rock" AND wrestling, but there's still little in the way of motivation, when, as far as you know, no one cares.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Let's bring this thread to life. So, does anyone have plans for tonight since it is Friday night and all? B)

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Guest DJ Jeff

I just finished playing some Smackdown:Just Bring It for the PS2 console. By the way, if you've created Mysterio, what finshers did you give him? Also, what entrance moves did you give him?

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Guest The Camel

Good God, mine is the first post in the last 40 minutes. You cannot leave this thread to die!

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Hi everyone, I am at my friends so I wont be on at all tonight. I hope you all have fun.....I'll talk to you all tommorow Laterz. Hi Rando *hugs* I will miss you.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Ummmmm....Let's all talk about our days.


Mine was shitty. :(


I've been pissed off all day. :angry:

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Guest DJ Jeff
Hi everyone, I am at my friends so I wont be on at all tonight. I hope you all have fun.....I'll talk to you all tommorow Laterz. Hi Rando *hugs* I will miss you.

Will you miss me? :(


Anyways, laterz. I'll miss you foshizzy. :(

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Guest J*ingus
Writer's block may play a part, but I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason why Kinetic rarely updates is that he receives little/nil in the way of feedback. Honestly, I'm not surprised over the lack of feedback--it's not like there's a lot of people who are into so-called "college rock" AND wrestling, but there's still little in the way of motivation, when, as far as you know, no one cares.

Yeah, sorry, I've just never been a huge music fan, much less an obscure music fan, or else I would've read it already.


But as for feedback, yeah, that sucks. I've written for powerwithchoice.com (formerly prowrestlingcolumns.com) for over a year, and lack of feedback has made me less than productive over the past few months.

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Guest Incandenza
Yeah, sorry, I've just never been a huge music fan, much less an obscure music fan, or else I would've read it already.


But as for feedback, yeah, that sucks. I've written for powerwithchoice.com (formerly prowrestlingcolumns.com) for over a year, and lack of feedback has made me less than productive over the past few months.

But you're familiar with Tom Waits, so you're aces in my book.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor
Wow...this thread is still on the same page it was on last night.

Yeah, maybe people have decided to go outside and stuff.

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Guest Incandenza
Wow...this thread is still on the same page it was on last night.

Yeah, maybe people have decided to go outside and stuff.

Losers. All of them.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

New page! Finally! And another cheap post. Yay!

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