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Guest Incandenza
Tomorrow's my b-day. :D


Like anyone really actually cares. :(

I sure don't.


So anyway, this thread can get kinda lame at times. I think we need more Blurricane.

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Guest DJ Jeff
Are you doing anything special for it?

Nope, not at all.


21st b-day, and I have nothing planned. :(

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Guest Marshall
What is your obsession with gay wrestlers, seriously?

They are funny, witness:



I should quote myself more!

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Hello My fellow people....lmao J/k Hi everyone.....*listening to 12 Stones, off the cd Jeff gave me THANKS!!!*

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

You can have a smarksboard birthday! How about that?

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Guest DJ Jeff
Hello My fellow people....lmao J/k Hi everyone.....*listening to 12 Stones, off the cd Jeff gave me THANKS!!!*

I gave you a cd? :unsure:

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Guest DJ Jeff
You can have a smarksboard birthday! How about that?

Sure, that sounds great. B)

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Guest Incandenza

That's pretty sad to have no plans on your 21st birthday. I'm far from cool, and even I had a fucking blast when I turned 21 a couple of years ago.

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Guest DJ Jeff
That's pretty sad to have no plans on your 21st birthday. I'm far from cool, and even I had a fucking blast when I turned 21 a couple of years ago.

Yeah, it is. Then again, my life isn't all that exciting either. :(

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Guest Shaved Bear

inc is right, blurricane is the key to this thread, as well as Rando and MarvinisaLunatic

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Guest Kinetic

AICC: You should really go into the "More Attractive Poster" thread and let everyone know how gorgeous I am.

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Guest DJ Jeff
inc is right, blurricane is the key to this thread, as well as Rando and MarvinisaLunatic

Don't forget me also. B)

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor
inc is right, blurricane is the key to this thread, as well as Rando and MarvinisaLunatic

And myself.

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Guest Marshall

Fuck, Minority Report is a bad movie. I have never walked out of a movie, but I came so close

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

No one has noticed my Too Cool stuffed worm avatar, what a bummer. :(

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Guest Incandenza

I haven't said anything about your avatar, RA, because I'd rather not think about Too Cool at the moment.

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Guest Flyboy

You know, In...


"Matt D." could also be "Mattie".. a play on words if you will.


*gets off the stage*

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

It's always time to think about Too Cool! Or are you just so saddend by Scotty's neck injury.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
AICC: You should really go into the "More Attractive Poster" thread and let everyone know how gorgeous I am.

Uh um ok? You should tell them how hot I am....ok.....lmao

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Guest Incandenza
You know, In...


"Matt D." could also be "Mattie".. a play on words if you will.


*gets off the stage*

I would write a clever retort here, but I have no idea what you're driving at.

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Guest Flyboy
AICC:  You should really go into the "More Attractive Poster" thread and let everyone know how gorgeous I am.

Uh um ok? You should tell them how hot I am....ok.....lmao

You know how we feel about ya, Rach...



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Guest DJ Jeff

Have you ever felt guilty before? You know, like you could have done something in the past to make the present better. Yeah, that's basically how I've felt all day. :(

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Guest Shaved Bear

on the show 30 sec to fame

an 80-something man wearing nothing but yellow boxers (that i happen to own), telling viagra jokes wearing a cowboy hat

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Guest Flyboy
You know, In...


"Matt D." could also be "Mattie".. a play on words if you will.


*gets off the stage*

I would write a clever retort here, but I have no idea what you're driving at.

Neither did I. :unsure:

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