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Guest DJ Jeff
No, it freezes on me :(

Will you be on MSN tonight? :(


Try AIM. I'm on there also. B)

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Buff and Judy Bagwell, WCW tag team champions.


That should be enough to dislike Buff Bagwell.

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Guest LooseCannon
I may be crazy, but I actually quite enjoyed the Booker/Buff match from Raw.

You're crazy.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
No, it freezes on me :(

Will you be on MSN tonight? :(


Try AIM. I'm on there also. B)

I hope so, I will when I get back.......ill BRB people.

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Guest LexLugerRules
I may be crazy, but I actually quite enjoyed the Booker/Buff match from Raw.


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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

What was so bad about it? It was a fun little match.

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Guest Incandenza

Here's a basic recap of the infamous Buff Bagwell/Booker T match from Raw in July of last year:


Pose, chinlock, pose, pose, chinlock, stall, pose, Austin & Angle run in.

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Guest LooseCannon

Fun little match?


You almost made me shit my pants with laughter with that one.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Maybe I just remember it fondly because Buff getting beat down by Angle and Austin after he thought they were helping him was so funny.

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Guest LooseCannon

That was one of those moments that wwe still hasn't quite recovered from.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

So you blame the Invasion faliure on that one match? It was hardly the worst match ever or anything.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Speaking of worst matches, what do you think the worst one this year has been? I think Taker/Austin from Backlash. It was just brutal, it went 25 minutes, and Flair's boots were just so awfull, I swear they made the match worse!

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics
I don't even remember the Bagwell vs. Booker T match. :(

That shouldn't be a sad face after that sentance!

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Guest Incandenza

The thing about that particular Raw is that it was one of the most entertaining editions of the show in the 2½ years I've been watching it. Not because of the wrestling, but the Austin/Angle/Vince segments were so hilarious. I still remember vividly McMahon trying to make time with Torrie Wilson in the shower stall, but with Austin peering over the door, yelling "Vince! Vince! Whatta ya doin' in the shower?"

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics
Speaking of worst matches, what do you think the worst one this year has been? I think Taker/Austin from Backlash. It was just brutal, it went 25 minutes, and Flair's boots were just so awfull, I swear they made the match worse!

Hall/Bradshaw at the same ppv was even worse, although mercifully it was shorter.

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Guest DJ Jeff
That shouldn't be a sad face after that sentance!

I'll rephrase it....


I don't even remember the Bagwell vs. Booker T match. :D

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Those Austin/Angle/Vince segements were gold.

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Guest DJ Jeff

The best Austin/Angle/Vince McMahon segment was the one where Austin gave Angle that little cowboy hat. :lol:

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor
Speaking of worst matches, what do you think the worst one this year has been? I think Taker/Austin from Backlash. It was just brutal, it went 25 minutes, and Flair's boots were just so awfull, I swear they made the match worse!

Hall/Bradshaw at the same ppv was even worse, although mercifully it was shorter.

At least the Hall/Bradshaw match had Scott Hall in it, and was short. The Austin/Taker match had nothing, and it seemed to go on for an hour.

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Guest LooseCannon
So you blame the Invasion faliure on that one match? It was hardly the worst match ever or anything.

No not the whole invasion. It was just one of those moments, like when they botched the HHH-Angle-Steph love triangle at Summerslam, where my enjoyment of wrestling decreased noticeably for a long period to come.

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Guest DJ Jeff

If we're talking "Worst Match of the Year", that would have to be Austin vs. the Big Show & Flair. The Big Show and Flair should have won, to give the nWo a much needed push at the time.

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Guest LooseCannon

Worst match of the year is so hard to pick. But be ready for HBK-HHH. That'll prolly take the honors.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

That was quite a good match, and the nWo would never of been over, they were doomed when Show and X-Pac joined.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics
Speaking of worst matches, what do you think the worst one this year has been? I think Taker/Austin from Backlash. It was just brutal, it went 25 minutes, and Flair's boots were just so awfull, I swear they made the match worse!

Hall/Bradshaw at the same ppv was even worse, although mercifully it was shorter.

At least the Hall/Bradshaw match had Scott Hall in it, and was short. The Austin/Taker match had nothing, and it seemed to go on for an hour.

That ppv also had HHH v HHulkH. Damn, that was one shitty sequence of matches, only the undercard saved it (slightly).

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

It all sucked apart from that Edge/Angle match.

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Guest Incandenza

While it is foolish to blame the downfall of an entire angle on one single match, Bagwell/Booker did play a part. Before the guys could even enter the ring, a good deal of the crowd had turned on them. They should've busted their asses to win them back, but the match--75% of which was controlled by Bagwell--was nothing but chinlockery and posing.

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Guest DJ Jeff
That was quite a good match, and the nWo would never of been over, they were doomed when Show and X-Pac joined.

That's true also. However, I've always thought had the nWo had a better storyline, they would still be around. Once Nash announced that he was the leader, the rest of the nWo just basically relied on him to do everything. Therefore, once Nash was injured, so was the nWo. I would have made HBK the leader, so the nWo could still be around. Alas, what happened is the nWo was put to rest. :(

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Didn't it have RVD/Guererro?

If it had that, Edge/Angle and possibly a Regal match, it wasn't a total waste, although I can't remember much about the ppv.

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