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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I have never seen Oz. What channel is it on in the UK?

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Guest The Superstar

...and the softened edges issue is ALSO why you can see the truck in Jericho's pic and titantron in Angle's pic in my current sig.

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Guest PlatypusFool

Oz is on Ch 4 at 11:30ish on Tuesday nights. It takes a few episodes to really get into the millions of characters, but once you get the hang of it... best, program, ever.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

That's a pretty shitty time slot. Channel 4 suck ass. I will never forgive them for their horrible wrestling coverage.

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Guest PlatypusFool

I don't mind it too much, as someone who stays up until 3:00 AM most nights anyway...


... Hang on, its 2:57 AM right now in the UK, and if you live in the UK you're still awake, which means you are still likely to be awake when Oz is on... so you can still watch it ;)

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I'm just sleeping really weirdly right now, I'ts been really hard for me to sleep at normal times during the summer.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

This thread has gotten pretty empty all of a sudden.

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Guest Flyboy
Yey, I killed the thread again, just two pages from our goal!

Nah... we're going all out tonight!

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Guest Incandenza

I'm not leaving until we surpass WA!


::pulls up chair and sledgehammer::

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Guest The Superstar

Maybe my new Jericho banner will be ready on time for the celebration! :rolleyes:

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

We have to do it tonight. It would suck if I missed out on this.

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Guest PlatypusFool

I can't sleep right either, gonna be a problem when i finally manage to get a job.


And I shall join you in going all out tonight,we must overtake the WA thread.

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Guest Flyboy

Mattie is INTENSE~!, bah gawd!


I'm going to the mall to shop for school clothes, tomorrow.. whee.

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Guest Incandenza

Good thing I don't have a life, or else I would be out having fun and missing this.

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Guest PlatypusFool

I'm buying these damn sweet shoes tommorow... they are like black sneakers with flame's drawn up both sides... THEY RULE!

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Guest PlatypusFool

A life? Who wants one of those when you can sit on an MB talking shite?

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Guest Flyboy
Good thing I don't have a life, or else I would be out having fun and missing this.

I know, Inc... -_-


ANYHOW, that's cool Platypus... I got me some pretty swank Nikes for about 40 bucks when it was tax-free weekend here.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Respect The Taker thinks Shaved Bear is a god...but I get NO LOVE!

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Guest PlatypusFool

Completely random post:


A new Radiohead song, dubuted by the band several days ago, features the lyric, "dance you fucker, dance you fucker, dont you dare, dont you flare, dont you flan in the face".


Insane? Our survey says YES!

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