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My mission to 1000

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Guest Guy Stokes

Anyway, Guy has to meet a couple of ladies, if you know what am saying. Guy has enjoyed his time with you fellas. Guy ALWAYS loves to meet new guys like himself. Dont worry i'll be back in no time. In the meantime, just remember to live your life like Guy Stokes.


This is Guy saying goodbye and good luck, fellas.

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Guest Flyboy

Anyways, I'm working on my HeAT review early for SmarkTalk.com, but I'll still be here... right in the "Mission to 1000" thread!

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Guest Incandenza

Guy Stokes has invaded the WWE folder, so it's only a matter of time before his useless contributions--aka trolling--get him banned. I'm not saying if that it's right or wrong, I am merely stating what will likely happen.

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Guest Flyboy

You're probably right, Inc.


If my review of HeAT gets put up, I'll mark out so much and tear my quad. :)

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Guest MrRant

Well if you injure yourself I am an unforgiving boss so I will just release you.

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Guest Flyboy
Well if you injure yourself I am an unforgiving boss so I will just release you.





I'll just pose and spit water, then.

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Guest HBK16

OK I start school on Wednesday so I need to get to 1000 fast. So if you don't mind its time for some serious post whoring!

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Guest Flyboy

Go ahead.


I start school on the 19th (of this month)... and I'm very happy about it. :huh:

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Guest MrRant
Well if you injure yourself I am an unforgiving boss so I will just release you.





I'll just pose and spit water, then.

Spit all you want. Spit honey for all I care. :P

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Summer semester ended! Fall doesn't start until the 19th, or 18th. Somewhere around then.



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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

dang it. I already saw heat! (the matches anyway..no commentary or additional segments) Had I taped it, I could have had a review of the matches for someone on Monday!..

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Guest HBK16

Damn you school! It will be all better once wrestling season starts. That's when school gets fun!

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Guest Flyboy

MrRant: *thinks about a convo between him and his ex about honey and starts to drool*


Kingpk: I read your Confindetial review and it was damned good.


Marvin: If you tried to steal one guilty pleasure of mine I've had for awhile.... then.... ummm.. BAD MARVIN!

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Guest HBK16

I don't go to bed till like 3 am so I think if I keep posting I can get pretty good in the 900s

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Guest MrRant

Speaking of crap Kingpk.. when is the next boat load coming? And the site needs to be pimped more. Not enough posts on the forum.

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Guest Flyboy

Amateur wrestling?


Oh yes... that is the shit. I remember my first match this season... no one thought I would beat the guy. He was stronger, bigger.. but I was quicker. It was a damned good match, actually.. I sort of cheated, too.


I had him pinned, and he was slipping from me, so I grab the mat to hold him there. That's right... Adam CHEATS TO WIN~!


Damn ref. -_-


Oh well, I won by points, and did the RVD-thumbs to myself after the match. :)

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Guest bob_barron

I want to get to 3000 before I move to Canada.


Gotta get crackin- more U2 songs about HHH!

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Guest Kingpk
Speaking of crap Kingpk.. when is the next boat load coming? And the site needs to be pimped more. Not enough posts on the forum.

Oh, I'm finishing a HUGE pile this weekend, Wrestlemania X-7.


Hey everyone, wouldn't you like MrRant to do LIVE RAW and SD reviews, posted 30 minutes after the show ends with no details missing?

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Guest Flyboy
Speaking of crap Kingpk.. when is the next boat load coming?  And the site needs to be pimped more.  Not enough posts on the forum.

Oh, I'm finishing a HUGE pile this weekend, Wrestlemania X-7.


Hey everyone, wouldn't you like MrRant to do LIVE RAW and SD reviews, posted 30 minutes after the show ends with no details missing?

Yes! Yes!


Bring it, Rant!


Oh.. and Rant.. I still say take a "SmarkTalk" sign and try not to get it picked it up. :D

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Speaking of crap Kingpk.. when is the next boat load coming?  And the site needs to be pimped more.  Not enough posts on the forum.

Oh, I'm finishing a HUGE pile this weekend, Wrestlemania X-7.


Hey everyone, wouldn't you like MrRant to do LIVE RAW and SD reviews, posted 30 minutes after the show ends with no details missing?

Yes. +1

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Guest Flyboy
I can't think of anything to say. I may just give up before 2000.

C'mon, Inc!


You can do it!

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