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Guest HBK16
Amateur wrestling?


Oh yes... that is the shit. I remember my first match this season... no one thought I would beat the guy. He was stronger, bigger.. but I was quicker. It was a damned good match, actually.. I sort of cheated, too.


I had him pinned, and he was slipping from me, so I grab the mat to hold him there. That's right... Adam CHEATS TO WIN~!


Damn ref. -_-


Oh well, I won by points, and did the RVD-thumbs to myself after the match. :)

HAHA. I am hoping I don't get injured this year like I did the past two. I had to quit half way both times. But I have great memories and losses.

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Guest J*ingus

Jingus doesn't know why Guy loves.... aw goddammit, now he's got me talking like him!

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Guest MrRant
I submitted SmarkTalk to Yahoo, BTW.


Worth a shot.

Yeah I did that too. But I would be careful about that because if Iam doing it too they may see it as spamming. I am currently working on promoting the site that way. Google, Yahoo, Excite etc. What we need is to develop a good amount of posters that post there regulary.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Can I post my Andy Kaufman supertape review when I get done with it? It has wrestling tie ins (Kaufman vs Lawler is the subject of Im From Hollywood, and My Breakfast with Blassie is about Andy having Breakfast with Fred Blassie)

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Guest Kingpk

Just tell everyone around you to visit the site when you are at RAW+SD. Word of mouth works well.

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Guest MrRant

Damn it... I need a running back for my fantasy team. James Stewart makes me cringe

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Guest Flyboy
Amateur wrestling?


Oh yes... that is the shit.  I remember my first match this season... no one thought I would beat the guy.  He was stronger, bigger.. but I was quicker.  It was a damned good match, actually.. I sort of cheated, too.


I had him pinned, and he was slipping from me, so I grab the mat to hold him there.  That's right... Adam CHEATS TO WIN~!  


Damn ref.  -_-


Oh well, I won by points, and did the RVD-thumbs to myself after the match.  :)

HAHA. I am hoping I don't get injured this year like I did the past two. I had to quit half way both times. But I have great memories and losses.

Same here.


This year (well, last year you could say)... sometimes I was on my game and sometimes I just said "Fuck it". I've had 2 matches that were really great and tough, and I have much respect for the guys that gave me those matches. One time I went to wrestle when me and my GF were pissed at each other (she's an ex, now) and the guy barely sort of grappled me and I fell like I was hit with Hogan's Fingerpoke of Doom~! I didn't care that day, but eh.


I was going to wrestle city (and probably win it), but my fatass was overweight in my division. :(

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Wait, what site? someone post a link. please. thank you. your welcome. there.

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Guest Flyboy
Just tell everyone around you to visit the site when you are at RAW+SD. Word of mouth works well.

I'm going to tell all the people I know about the site. :)

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Guest Flyboy
Wait, what site? someone post a link. please. thank you. your welcome. there.

Big... are you like high, tonight? :blink:


Anyhow, the place to be is SmarkTalk.

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Guest Flyboy
Anyone want to play pool over Yahoo?

I do! I do!


IM me on Yahoo at flyboy212eaw.


I feel like being killed tonight. <_<

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Big... are you like high, tonight? :blink:


Anyhow, the place to be is SmarkTalk.

High? no. Just getting all that polite shit out of the way.

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Guest Incandenza

I was watching more of Road Wild 99 earlier, and it was good to see Buff Bagwell again, because I had forgotten what a goddamn fucking retarded steamy pile of shit he was.

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Guest Will Scarlet

James Stewart? Ouch. That's terrible. I know if I played fantasy football I would hate to have a Lions player on my team, which is quite sad considering that I am a Lions fan. You never know, maybe he and the Lions will have a good year for once. Okay, so maybe not.

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Guest Incandenza
Speaking of which, Inc. was that the match you wanted?

Yes, it was. Thanks again.

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Guest LexLugerRules

I got kicked in the nuts when I was playing football in my Football League.

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