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Guest MarvinisaLunatic



I really don't bash HHH as much as I could and should..

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Guest Flyboy

I really try to hold back my HHHating, because it does make the board look like shit and takes it down notches with all of it going on, but damnit... sometimes I can't help it! :(

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Everyone should HHHate. It's weird when someone doesn't. It's like someone actually liking X-Pac.

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Guest MrRant

I like HHH. I just wish he would lose some of the weight. He is great as a heel who doesn't give a fuck.

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Guest Flyboy

I loved HHH in 2000... I was posing and spitting water with the guy.


But, then he came back... and he just... sucked. And, he beat Jericho... who was getting over as a heel, damnit!


And then he kills Jericho in a Hell In A Cell when he didn't need too!


Damn, HHH! DAMN HIM! >_<

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Guest MrRant

I enjoy the holding down he does just out of the sheer enjoyment I get of watching people like Anglesault sweat and cry.

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Guest Kinetic

I don't derive any pleasure from the constant wHHHining, personally. I flat-out refuse to go into the WWE portion of the board, simply because I know what I'm going to find there and would rather not have to deal with it.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
I enjoy the holding down he does just out of the sheer enjoyment I get of watching people like Anglesault sweat and cry.

As do I. I love the threads he starts whenever Angle sells a punch.

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Guest Flyboy
I enjoy the holding down he does just out of the sheer enjoyment I get of watching people like Anglesault sweat and cry.

As do I. I love the threads he starts whenever Angle sells a punch.



Oh shit! Funniest Anglesault joke EVER!



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Guest Flyboy

It's not that bad anymore, Kinetic.


It was way worse, but its simmered down some.

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Guest Kinetic

I'm not even going to bother any more. The best thing in that whole area is the "One and Only Raw Thread." It's hard to read all 40+ pages, but it amuses me to no end when eight people post something like "Obi Book Kenobi!" and that's it.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

He's the host of the show "Cheaters". A hidden camera/PI show about cheating lovers. It's awesome.

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Guest Kinetic

I was being serious, actually. I think it's really funny, for whatever reason. It's generally on the stuff that I like, so it's nice to see it highlighted repeatedly.


"Young man being chased by a chicken~!"

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Guest MrRant

I used to be able to watch Cheaters in Las Vegas but its not on here in Seattle. :(

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Guest Flyboy
"Young man being chased by a chicken~!"

That was a BLACK man who was getting chased by the chicken also.




I smell a lawsuit. :P

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Guest MrRant
"Young man being chased by a chicken~!"

That was a BLACK man who was getting chased by the chicken also.




I smell a lawsuit. :P

Naw... only if it was fried and had some collard greens trying to block his path. :P

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
I used to be able to watch Cheaters in Las Vegas but its not on here in Seattle. :(

man, I couldn't imagine the blatant lying, denial and some weird sexual situations.

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Guest Kinetic

It never occured to me that there might be racist undertones in the chicken commercial. This is what I felt like after I saw "Boomerang" and realized that the game pool is deeply, deeply racist.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Well all the stories seem to be in Texas so... move there I guess.

I'm GONNA be on this show. Whether staged or not, it's gonna happen. Me and Tommy are gonna share some beers.

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Guest Flyboy
"Young man being chased by a chicken~!"

That was a BLACK man who was getting chased by the chicken also.




I smell a lawsuit. :P

Naw... only if it was fried and had some collard greens trying to block his path. :P

:lol: :lol:


That cracked me up. Reminds me of Dave Chappelle all the way.


I'm black... and I love chicken. Damn my soul!



AND NO! Do not move to my crappy state! Stay in Cali!

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

OOh! The victim just absolutely tackled the his girlfriend's secret lover!


His girlfriend is alright too.

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