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My mission to 1000

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Guest Incandenza

I didn't start getting pimples until I was 18. Were I not an agnostic, I'd say God was taunting me for my thinking I was so superior to all of my zit-faced peers in middle and high school. The pimple problem peaked at 19, and more or less disappeared for good about a year ago. I would get people who were surprised that I was as old as I was--like when I told them I was 20, the response would be "Oh, I could've sworn you were 16!" They try passing it off as a compliment, saying that I have a babyface, and I'll be glad for it when I am older, but fuck that. The only reason they thought I was so young was because of the acne. Now that I have clear skin, people assume I'm college age.

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Guest Flyboy

Ahhh... that's cool.


I want to be a psychologist when I get older...


So far away, though. :(

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Hi people,

Yes I know I have been gone for a few days lol....but it looks like as if no one has missed me around here so yeah. Well anyways I see this thread is finally pinned and it has beat WA. Which is good. Way to go people who did such good work on doing that, I am a lil busy here. So I just wanted to say hi and ill talk to everyone when I am done.

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Welcome back, Rach.


I know Rando's been lonely with ya. ;)

Thank ya, are you sure he's been lonley?

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Erm... I pretty sure. :unsure:


He's going to Florida on Friday, y'know... to Disney.

For how long? :(

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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick
Im out for the night.


I'll be back tomorrow..


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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick


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Guest Alice_In_Chains_Chick

Why must everyone always leave me alone? :( *sigh*....always lonley, alone, angry, unloved (not really)....bored.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Shhhhhhh....Some people are sleeping. :P B) ;) :D :) :ph34r:

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Guest evenflowDDT

OK, guys, I'm leaving now... I won't get any other goodbyes since I'm leaving at 6AM tomorrow, so... g'night and g'bye! See you all on Friday!


EDIT: 3300... I didn't even plan that... welp, later guys!

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