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Guest Black Tiger

Which fed dies first?

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Guest Black Tiger

Which of the "Big 3" in Puroresu is going to close down first?


New Japan: IWGP Champion Nagata can't draw thanks to Inoki, haven't sold out a Dome in god knows how long, still doing the wrestler vs shooter shit that wrestling fans don't give a rat's ass about.


All Japan: Mutoh wants to turn AJ into Sports Entertainment. Dangerous K is hurt AGAIN! Kojima tried to book and it turned into a fucking fashion show.


NOAH: Misawa books like someone with an LSD Trip. He puts the GHC title on his coffee bitch Ogawa, sends one his few decent talents Omori to NWA-TNA, and has his top draw Kobashi in opening card matches.


Which will drop dead first? My money's on AJ, only because NOAH is working with NJ.

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Guest Vyce

I'm still relatively new to puro, so I'm not nearly jaded enough to say that I want any of them to fold. I'd rather they all stick around.


But Mutoh as president of AJ scares me deeply. I mean, c'mon. I know Baba is a Mutoh mark, but that doesn't mean she should just give him the reigns of the damn company. Give it to Fuchi, Kawada, Tenryu.....hell, I'd practically have Mike Barton running the show other than Mutoh.


And that's coming from a guy who's a Mutoh fan. Keiji's seemingly obsessed with trying to wrestle The Rock, and he wants to turn AJ into sports entertainment. Seems to me the company is in bad enough shape as is without him trying to change it into that bastard form of wrestling.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I dunno, I hate All Japan right now but hasn't the addition of Mutoh/Kojima/Ka Shin actually helped business? Not to mention the new financial backer they got, and the fact that Kojima's BAPE STAR show actually did good business. I dunno, I think it largely depends on who Motoko Baba picks to be the president, so it's hard to tell with AJPW.


My pick is NOAH. Misawa seems to have no problem booking shows that he knows won't draw shit, and that's just the wrong attitude to have right now. Half-assing it through a down-time in the wrestling business can't get you very far.

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Guest ultimo the great

i dont think any of them will die. all have enough money behind them to survive, its the smaller promotions you should worry about such as mpro, big japan, neo and osaka pro

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Guest nikowwf

Noah seems to be on the upturn, but they need to groom a new star - a new champion. Omori's not staying in NWA forever BTW....why not send him to the states and then show clips of him winning.


All Japan is definitely on an upturn, but they need to make new stars using Mutoh, etc. before these guys are too old to go at all.


New Japan has a problem as their booking is too tied to the work/shoot crap. However, they seem to be in best shape financially of the three as they have the biggest backers.


I don't think any of them are going anywhere. Right now I enjoy Noah more, with All Japan second and New Japan third.



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Guest nikowwf

Make that SHOW CLIPS OF OMORI COMPETETING as I doubt he is winning anything. :mellow:

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