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Guest myburninghammer

powerslam, neckbreaker, rinse, repeat

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Guest myburninghammer

I'm a little light on backstage machinations, so can someone tell me who it is that orders up the EXACT SAME MATCH WITH THE EXACT SAME MOVES, and if the wrestlers are then told (by the agents?) to "do the four moves you learned in Louisville"? Are the wrestlers only allowed to do the same five offensive moves that HHH knows? Watching that Cena match with Angle last week, it amazed that the only way he got over was because Angle's defense was so superior to his crummy, 'WWE' approved offense that he looked like a million bucks by default. I keep wondering what will happen when he has to face inferior wrestlers, but then Randy Orton is proof enough.


So, in other words: Am I, like, the only one who is bored to tears with, like, the actual matches, like?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I would blame this one on Vince.


Not just because he doesn't want to pay injured people but because he doesn't think other styles get over.


The only two people who use a drastically different style are Tajiri and RVD...because they both got over before Vince could tell them it wouldn't work.


Even then...RVD at least has been slowly falling into the WWE style.


Tajiri doesn't get long enough matches for me to know what hes doing anymore.

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Guest EricMM

and yet did not Tajiri and RVD get hella over on their moves alone? ALONE!?





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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Tajiri may have had help from skits with comissioner Regal...but for the most part yes.


In fact...the whole WWE style idea is so stupid...it can only be Vince.

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Guest godthedog

when a guy busts out a signature move, the fans react more strongly to it. when you only have 5 offensive moves, they all become more or less "signature moves." good example: kurt angle. he's known for the belly-to-belly suplexes & the german suplexes (in addition to his finishers), so i guess vince somehow thinks that's ALL he should do. however, the markout effect is somewhat diminished when that's ALL he does between the punches & kicks.


i think the ideal for this style is the rock/austin match at wm17. there were maybe 12 actual wrestling moves used in the whole match, but every move popped the crowd and they all seemed to mean something, either to get a near-fall or for storyline purposes.


i honestly don't know what the hell is going on with everybody using spinebusters. i guess cause it's easy to do & looks painful (especially when farooq does it).

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Guest Brian

I still believe that Eddie and Benoit are the only guys really do anything different, but mainly their TV matches are working that to suit the wrestlers.


Tajiri and RVD have unfortunately fallen into that. RVD is using a lot more strikes which is part of the problem.

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Guest RickyChosyu
I would blame this one on Vince.


Not just because he doesn't want to pay injured people but because he doesn't think other styles get over.


The only two people who use a drastically different style are Tajiri and RVD...because they both got over before Vince could tell them it wouldn't work.


Even then...RVD at least has been slowly falling into the WWE style.


Tajiri doesn't get long enough matches for me to know what hes doing anymore.

Eddy too. Of course, it seems he's been tuned down, too.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The reason I used RVD and Tajiri instead of including Eddie and Benoit is because although The radicals do work differently...they aren't way out there using something that looks like it came from another planet...you know what I mean?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd also like to say that the WWE style and the fact that other wrestlers are too pussy to have someone work stiff on them is the reason I think Regal blows now.

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Guest Brian

Yeah, just un-retire Fit Finlay and have Regal and him go out every night.

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Guest EricMM
looks like it came from another planet...

Or possibly... another culture ;)?


Actually would you call what RVD does influence by Japanese stuff?


I have no clue. He certainly doesn't remind me of a Dungeon Grad, which is what I consider to be great North American wrestling.


But I have NOOO experiance with Japanese/Mexican stuff.

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Guest Brian

He's got the flavor of that stuff and it definately looks like he has the influence. Problem is, he takes but doesn't dish that well.

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Guest EricMM

Yeah but who in the WWE does anymore. Oh certainly some selling is done sometimes, but not when you make your COMEBACK~!


Seriously, rock would kip up after 5 germans and 20 minutes in Figure 4......


But that gets such killer pops...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think he takes peices of everything he's been exposed too.


Right now he is an amalgam of japanese, hardcore, spot wrestling that is being watered down into a WWE style.


He bumps like a mother though.


Just has to learn how to strike.


I have been impressed with him more and more lately though.


I really feel he is learning how to use his spots (as moves) to put a match together.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Actually would you call what RVD does influence by Japanese stuff?


I have no clue. He certainly doesn't remind me of a Dungeon Grad, which is what I consider to be great North American wrestling.


But I have NOOO experiance with Japanese/Mexican stuff.

Rob has a little influence from them, but his biggest influence is obviously Sabu, which is pretty obvious from watching his ECW stuff. He simply toned it down so that the spotty stuff he did actually made sense and could keep a crowd interested (as opposed to giving the ECW mutants another spot to pop for). He resembles tons of flashy guys on the Indy circuit right now, which explains why none of them get hired; the WWE hates stiffness and over-the-top flash in their matches, which is also why RVD has been forced to tune it down so much. However, in Rob's case, I think it's only benfafitted him, which is a rarity, since most guys get worse when forced to work a new style.


And there are other places for Great North American wrestling. The Flair's, Steamboats, Windhaims, and Austin's of the world never trained in the dungeon. I mean, Shamrock trained in the dungeon, and he was never great.

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Guest EricMM

WWE execs hate it but WWE fans love it.


Christ, Imagine if Rock did anything over the top, the announcers would be all "the arena is stinking because thousands of fans just shit themselves!"


Why can't they have an over ME high flyer? JUST ONE? PLEASE!!!!

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Major differences between the "WWE style" of wrestling and the indies and Japan:


1. Pacing. The WWE style is more methodical. It forces the wrestlers to slow it down and tell a story. It's the opposite of the lucha libre style, with one high spot every 30 seconds for 10-15 minutes. This is one aspect of the WWE style that I actually like.


2. Safety. You're not gonna see many moves in the WWE in which somebody gets dumped on their head or neck. That's why Chris Benoit only busts out his tiger and dragon suplexes about once a year, and it's also why Tazz couldn't get over...after they took away his dangerous suplexes, all he had was a clothesline.


3. Realism. Another aspect of the WWE style that I like. Like I said above, you're rarely gonna see a match in which it's 10-15 straight minutes of high spots strung together. The WWE style is more realistic and believable.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

More realistic?


Hmm, Armbars mean dick while stunners are instant death...


Er, yeah...


The Wwf style is lowest common denominator. It is Pop-Wrestling, it is watered down to please the masses and in doing that it loses what makes wrestling great.

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Guest The Tino Standard

Irony I see with "the WWE style":


1. WWE prides itself on producing a variety-type show, with all its different characters and stories, yet the company still wants them to all wrestle the exact same way.


2. This style supposedly cuts down on injuries, yet it seems like in the last year or two, there have been a boatload of big names to be put out with injuries.



Two final points...

I certainly applaud the effort to try to "tell a story" within a match, but when you have very little psychology/selling, "telling a story" seems a little bit difficult. Also, I really don't like the methodical pace of matches on WWE TV that has developed over the last year. If you watch matches from a little over a year ago compared to now, it's like night and day. It's pretty easy to rationalize the fact that they are slowing things down because they are relying on a lot of 'elderly talents' in the main event scene, but with the infusion of young talent, I hope the slow-mo show goes away.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

WWE injuries are not really related to their wrestling style, and have more to do with 1. working a full schedule and 2. steroid/enhancer use making wrestlers more injury prone. You don't see that many injuries in the indies because they work the weekends and maybe a few minor shows in between. In Japan, there have been plenty of bad injuries recently (Kawada, Kobashi, Marifuji, etc.), I would say on average there are less than in WWE though because there is less steroid use.

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Guest NoCalMike

I think the WWE is the lowest on the scale of realism. Ever since they decided that submissions aren't a good way to end a match. Also the fact that in order to be a main eventer, you must abandon any type of wrestling skills you learned elsewhere and bust out a bunch of punches, kicks, and rest holds.

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Guest dreamer420
Yeah, just un-retire Fit Finlay and have Regal and him go out every night.

lol. have you seen "fit" recently. his name doesn't exactly describe him anymore.

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Guest BionicRedneck

"Major differences between the "WWE style" of wrestling and the indies and Japan:


1. Pacing. The WWE style is more methodical. It forces the wrestlers to slow it down and tell a story. It's the opposite of the lucha libre style, with one high spot every 30 seconds for 10-15 minutes. This is one aspect of the WWE style that I actually like."


The thing is that in WWE the pacing often sucks. They'll just punch,kick,punch,kick or in someone like Billy Gunn's case they'll run around for the first 2 minutes and be blown-up for the rest of the night, and just do rest holds.


"3. Realism. Another aspect of the WWE style that I like. Like I said above, you're rarely gonna see a match in which it's 10-15 straight minutes of high spots strung together. The WWE style is more realistic and believable."


Yeah, you might be right when you say WWE style is more realistic than Lucha but, WWE is more realistic than Puroresu???Are you fucking nuts?a 50 year old Hollywood Hogan pins people with a fucking legdrop for christs sake-whats believeable about that?Theres a lot more psychology in Japan with gives the match a more realistic feel.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

Let's not forget to blame the WWE style for the future death of any interest in the Cruiserweight divison by the casual fan. I mean, did you guys see that match between Hurricane and Knoble? What the hell was that travesty all about?

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Guest gangsteruwa

Could someone tell me what buisness the OWNERS have in telling the WRESTLERS how to WRESTLE? I mean Vince wrestles in like 5 matches and says, "You guys can't do this, this and this." Its fucking rediculous. It should be up to the people in the match to determine what moves should be done and what shouldn't. All moves should be allowed, but if someone is uncomfortable with doing that move (whether that is taking or doing it), then they should inform the person they are wrestling.


If the punching and kicking had meaning then I really wouldn't mind it. 1 Misawa rolling elbow is better than 1,000,000,000 Austin punches. 1 Low Ki kick is worth 1,000,000,000 "Big Boots."


The WWe's biggest excuse, for having the WWe Style, is probably safety. Well, then why are there so many fucking injuries? They are boring the audience to tears with their monotony. I have to try to stay awake to watch the WWe these days.


Why can't the WWe have a variety of styles. Its pretty sad when your Cruiserweight champion wrestles like a Heavyweight. I think the title of this thread says it all. You just have to add the patented running shoulder to the corner post.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Why can't the WWe have a variety of styles. Its pretty sad when your Cruiserweight champion wrestles like a Heavyweight. I think the title of this thread says it all. You just have to add the patented running shoulder to the corner post.

I've always hated the WWE style of wrestling. It seems as if Vince doesn't get it through his head that Cruiserweights are HIGH-FLYERS, hence the name "cruiser" as in cruising through the air, not brawlers, otherwise we're watching the same, boring style every match, like we do now on WWE. So much punching and kicking and restholds is NOT wrestling. Vince should think about also letting the technical wrestlers and female wrestlers wrestle in their own styles to provide some variety for the matches, fuck the "upstaging the main-eventers" comment, if they'd get some new and established main-eventers that can WRESTLE and wrestle their style without cutting out their movelist, this wouldn't be so much of a problem.

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Guest Brian

"1. Pacing. The WWE style is more methodical. It forces the wrestlers to slow it down and tell a story. It's the opposite of the lucha libre style, with one high spot every 30 seconds for 10-15 minutes. This is one aspect of the WWE style that I actually like."


I shouldn't really get started on this, but unless you've watched a good amount of lucha and understand the nuances of the culture embedded in the style, you're out of you're league. Lucha may be faster paced, but it also has the best male mat wrestling you'll see on the planet that actually leads places. Best submissions in the biz. There are some outright technical matches going on with guys like Shocker which will blow your socks off.


"2. Safety. You're not gonna see many moves in the WWE in which somebody gets dumped on their head or neck. That's why Chris Benoit only busts out his tiger and dragon suplexes about once a year, and it's also why Tazz couldn't get over...after they took away his dangerous suplexes, all he had was a clothesline."


WWE produces a lot of injuries. A lot in comparison.


"3. Realism. Another aspect of the WWE style that I like. Like I said above, you're rarely gonna see a match in which it's 10-15 straight minutes of high spots strung together. The WWE style is more realistic and believable."


There's nothing real or believable about it. Well, there are parts of it but in comparison, there's not a whole lot of psychology based on realism. Whereas in lucha little guys have to outperform the bigger guys and out manuever them, in puroresu there's a build of pain and an audience taught to react that a match could end with any convincing strike, WWE offers two guys slugging it out, whipping each other into the ropes and missin clotheslines to transition between moves.


"1. working a full schedule and 2. steroid/enhancer use making wrestlers more injury prone."


The WWE ring is designed for show rather than competition. Those ropes are there to give the illusion of people running into them harder but they cause alot of knee tears, ACL, ligament damage. The WWE's fetish with pushing big men doesn't help, especially if they come up green.

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Guest cabbageboy

The problem the cruisers have in WWE is that the ring is really big compared to WCW or most rings. It is harder to do ultra fast matches in a big WWE ring.


I don't necessarily agree that RVD has conformed totally to the WWE style. Admittedly his matches aren't as wild but he still wrestles totally different from the rest of the roster. Take a look at his matches vs. Eddie. There are a lot of subtle things in those matches that make them different from the rest of the roster.


RVD's style is a strange mix of Japanese stuff, hardcore, and at times regular American high flying/technical.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

RVD is different from the rest of the roster, but they only seem to be letting him do 4 or 5 moves a match.


Five Star, Rolling Thunder, Split-Legged Moonsault, Guillotine Legdrop on the outside, and the step over kick he does when he grabs him opponent's foot.


That's it.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I always thought it was just me..but..is it too far of a stretch to say the "WWE Style" was put into place because it's what Austin "the major star of the company" used?

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